I'm not a big star

Chapter 635 Hello, I'm Chu Qing

Chapter 635 Hello, I'm Chu Qing

It is impossible for Mr. Shen Chong to teach Chu Qing anymore, even if Jiang Xiaoyu tries hard to persuade him, Shen Chong's reply will always be only three words, that is, "I can't teach you!".

But when Jiang Xiaoyu asked Shen Chong why he couldn't teach, Shen Chong silently showed an unbelievable expression, and finally issued the order to evict without saying a word...

In short, get out early, don't let me see you again, and I don't want to hear anything about Chu Qing...

Well, it's just an attitude.

Chu Qing was a tragedy.

Ever since Shen Chong left, Chu Qing seemed a little lonely.

However, the only thing that comforted Chu Qing was that he practiced the breakdancing routine he learned from Michael Jackson a long time ago in his mind, but he didn’t expect that he could imitate breakdancing now without any burden, a set of movements Made it very smooth.

After learning a set, Chu Qing thought of the mechanical dance again...


Before being reborn, Chu Qing had only watched mechanical dance and break dance. As for other dances, Chu Qing didn't understand at all.

Now you can still use the three-axe, let's use the three-axe first, if the three-axe is used up...

Then let's talk about it when it runs out.

After trying to dance a mechanical dance, Chu Qing nodded in satisfaction.

He thinks these dances are nothing, but it’s okay to fool the audience during the concert, and the effect should be okay. At least, this world has never heard of mechanical dance and break dance, let alone Michael Jackson’s space walk. .

"Brother Qing...you..."

"Well, when did you come?" Chu Qing was startled when he heard Jiang Xiaoyu's voice, and then he looked up at Jiang Xiaoyu.

"Brother Qing, I've been here for a long time, and you've been watching you dance, Brother Qing, you made all this yourself?" Jiang Xiaoyu's face was full of shock and disbelief.

"Uh... yes, yes, I created it originally." Although plagiarizing Michael Jackson's stuff made Chu Qing feel like a thief, there is no such thing as Michael Jackson's dance songs in this world, so Chu Qing nodded .

Of course, in his heart, Chu Qing still criticized himself for his shamelessness.

After all, he still wants a face.

Typical deception.

"Brother Qing, you, you..." Jiang Xiaoyu took a deep breath, "Teacher Shen Chong is right, no, everyone is right, you are a monster, an unfathomable monster!"


Why does this sound like a curse?

In March of Yangchun, the sun is shining brightly.

The first "King of Internet Literature" finally came to an end.

Hundreds of well-known online writers participated in the awarding of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea and competed for the place of the king, but in the end all of them could only make way for Chu Qing.

On the Internet, Chu Qing's avatar is conspicuously placed at the top of all the authors of online articles, and the king of online articles is marked below.

Below the king of web writing, there are naturally twelve platinum gods...

The difference between No.1 Chu Qing and No.2 Lao Xiao is more than 20 votes.

More than 20 votes is a very different concept. You must know that Lao Xiao's total votes are only more than 30, which is almost half of the gap.

Lao Xiao is very desperate for this absolutely overwhelming number of votes.

No matter how hoarsely he shouted and shouted, or even opened various chapters to describe his various difficulties in these years, he could not get closer to Chu Qing, but became farther and farther away.

He could only watch Chu Qing's ass.

How the hell am I still playing around!
Not a rival at all!
Lao Xiao was about to cry.

He has scolded Chu Qing more than once for being paid a thousand dollars!
Chu Qing...

Son of a bitch!
You are so awesome in the entertainment circle, why did you come here to grab a meal with us Internet masters...

Moreover, your new book has such an ambitious title "King of Kings"...

Nima, do you mean that you are the king, and we are all your foils?

It's so ironic.

Lao Xiao was very depressed, but after seeing the other great gods who were sharpening their knives before seeing them all turned off, his mood suddenly improved...

Everyone is so sad, why am I sad?


Seeing that everyone was the same, Lao Xiao calmed down instead.

How can I compare with Chu Qing?
I am normal.

And Chu Qing...

What a monster!

The king of web writing has been making a fuss for nearly half a month, and half a month later, it will be the end of March in a blink of an eye.

March is definitely a crazy month for the web literature world. In addition to the conclusion of the selection of the king of web literature, there is another big event!
That is, Chu Qing's new book "The King of Kings" is about to hit the shelves.

When a platinum new book is put on the shelves, **Chinese.com is beating gongs and drums, but if a super-platinum like Chu Qing, the king of online literature, is on the shelves, the entire Internet literature circle will form a big earthquake!

Who is Chu Qing?

The king of web writing!

All readers are staring at the book The King of Kings.

It is absolute that "King of Kings" breaks the first order record in all online novels. After all, it is already a legend in the entire online literature world that more than 50 collections have been put on the shelves.

There's nothing curious about this.

The only thing that makes the authors and readers curious is how high this "King of Kings" can reach!
March 3 at 31:23, Sunday.

Sunday was originally a day off for editors, but Coke stayed in the office of **Chinese.com staring at the constantly floating data.

Not only Coke stayed in the office, but even other editors and staff stayed in the company, staring at a book nervously waiting for its update...

The title of the book is The King of Kings.

"Coke, have you already told Qingzi that it will be released today?"

"Well, I told Qingzi about it."

"Oh, that's good, by the way, what did Qingzi say?"

"Qingzi means he knows and will explode."

"Well, that's good, that's good."

The editor-in-chief, Hu Hua, kept pacing back and forth in the office. He always felt a little anticipation and nervous today.

He has been in this business for nearly ten years, and he has always maintained a very calm attitude, and he has never lost his composure like he is now.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the mood of nonsense became more tense as time passed!
"It's here!"

"Time is up!"


At this time, the bell rang in the early morning of April 4st, and the book "King of Kings" also opened a VIP chapter.

And Chu Qing didn't lose the chain at this time, and uploaded five chapters immediately after opening the VIP chapter!
Five chapters is nothing to other authors, but to Chu Qing now, it is completely explosive!

"Damn! So many rewards!" One of the editors was stunned when he saw all the red in the book review section!
"In 1 minute, there are more than 100 leaders, I will go!"

"This... this is the monster book..."

"Wait to see the subscription status first!"


"Day! In 10 minutes, the subscription has exceeded [-]!"

"Fuck, is there such an exaggeration?"

"Wait, this data is still increasing and has not stabilized..."

"It broke ten thousand, it broke ten thousand in nineteen minutes..."

"Depend on!"

There were bursts of exclamations from the editorial department, nonsense that some of the chubby faces instantly became flushed like an orgasm, a feeling of being overwhelmed with excitement but unable to express it!

There is no suspense for "The King of Kings" to break the record, now we will see how many records he can break!
"This... in one hour, the first order exceeded [-], this shit, it's crazy!"

The exclamation in the editorial department continued.

Everyone looked at the one-hour data, and suddenly gasped. This "King of Kings" Nima is a pervert.

All the Internet authors, Lao Xiao, Dreamcatcher, Huozhongwu, etc., were stunned when they saw this first-order data.

"Fuck Nima..."

Only this simple, easy-to-understand "polite language" can describe their mood at the moment...

The first order in one hour broke 24. In [-] hours, why don’t you go for [-]?
Platinum group.

"Fuck, [-] subscriptions in [-] hours, Nima, why hasn't Qingzi joined the group yet?"

"Could it be that Qingzi is in the super platinum group?"

"Fart, Qingzi is the only author who is truly super-platinum in the entire online literary world. Is Qingzi just playing around in his own group?"

"Just kidding!"

"Yeah, just kidding, but... this shit... this subscription data..."

"Wait a minute, I saw a hot topic in Search..."

"what is the problem?"


Subsequently, an author named "Dancing" sent a screenshot.

This screenshot is a newbie question...

"Hello, how can I introduce myself when submitting a manuscript to deepen the editor's impression of myself?"

There are a mess of ideas and replies below, but one of the comments has received countless 666...

"You just say to the editor: 'Hi, I'm Chu Qing, this is my manuscript, please take a look'" Question answerer, certified famous Internet writer, senior international superstar Chu Qing...

After seeing this screenshot, the entire Platinum group immediately set up 666.

"Fuck, if you really answer like this, the editor isn't crazy! It's really hard for me to imagine the editor's reaction after seeing this sentence. It's not a deep impression, it's like a thunderbolt from the blue sky!"

"Haha, yes yes yes!"

"Hi, I'm Qingzi, this is my manuscript, haha, amazing!"

"I thought Qingzi was funny, but I didn't expect Chu Qing to be so funny!"

"Hahaha, wait, isn't Chu Qing going to prepare for the concert?"

"By the way, Coke, why don't you invite Qingzi to join the group? Among all the platinum authors, Qingzi is the only one who didn't join the group."


When everyone @科乐after, Coke also expressed helplessness.

Qingzi doesn't use Q Dog very much now, even if he wants to pull it, he can't pull it...

He can only tell the platinum authors truthfully.

All platinum authors have expressed their regret.

To them, Qingzi is the same gap between an ordinary author and a master author.


Can't wait...


24 hours passed quickly and the bell rang in the early hours of April 4.

The first order is 12!
The book "King of Kings" broke all the records of online novels!

The first order of 12 far exceeded everyone's expectations!

"Congratulations to "The King of Kings" for breaking the 12 first order!"

Not only **Chinese.com pulled out banners, but even the major novel websites and Longkong Forum also pulled out such banners to catch a wave of hot spots.

The entire Internet literary world was shocked!

"The King of Kings" broke the record of all online novels...

First order first!

Both order the first!

Click first!

Number one in comments...

As long as there are records that can be broken, "King of Kings" has broken them all!
These are crazy times for the entire networking world!

Even many years later, when these young authors have entered middle age, these people still remember such a terrifying record, and they still have lingering fears, and even this record has not been broken many years later.

It's a legend!
When legends become legends, will everything be different?

Of course, everything is no different for Chu Qing...

When Cole excitedly called him, saying that his new book had broken so many records and was already the No. 1 in the online literature world, he was excited for a few minutes. After meeting the upcoming details and paying attention to the problem, Chu Qing's mood plummeted...

And so much more, work...

I am so...

Lack of fun.

Quite unhappy.


Just hold on!
The day is coming to an end!
Watching the concert approaching, Chu Qing comforted herself.

No matter how hard the global concert is, it will only be a month of hard work, after a few months...,


What a free air!
(End of this chapter)

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