I'm not a big star

Chapter 636 Headlines of the Demons' Flurry of Dance!

Chapter 636 Headlines of the Demons' Flurry of Dance!
Chu Qing had a fulfilling time during this time.

It was so fulfilling that Chu Qing herself wondered if she had changed.

He seems to be back to last year when he was filming "Jian Xin", as diligent as a cow.

He gets up on time at 06:30 every day...

Get up from 06:30 to [-]:[-] to exercise for half an hour. After exercising, eat a nutritious breakfast, and then nest in the training room in the morning to rehearse and dance with other people.In the afternoon, I practice my voice, piano, guitar and some professional knowledge training for concerts.

After several years of pondering Chu Qing's guitar skills, Chu Qing has barely reached a professional level, but her piano skills are unbearable. Although it is said that Chu Qing may not be required to play the piano by herself in the concert, it is necessary to deal with some emergencies. is also necessary.

and so……

These things cannot be delayed.

You can't let people see Chu Qing's jokes, right?

After finishing her work in the afternoon, she had some dinner, and then went for a two-hour walk, Chu Qing continued to stay in front of the computer and type...

Although "The King of Kings" has been released, and the results are terrible, Chu Qing is not satisfied with it.

During the concert period, Chu Qing probably didn't have any spare energy to update "The King of Kings", so Chu Qing had to save the manuscript to ensure that it would continue during this period.

Of course, although with Chu Qing's current status and level, this book can be ended for any reason, but Chu Qing will not do this...

After all, he is a person who has a beginning and an end. The novel can be temporarily, and you can ask for leave, but you can't finish the book unfinished.

This is irresponsible behavior.

This is a question of professionalism.

So for half a month, Chu Qing was busy.

Because Chu Qing was busy, and deliberately kept a low profile on all work and entertainment and kept away from contact with the outside world, there was no special news operation.

This is definitely a good thing for Tianyu, Yixing and other large and small Chinese entertainment companies!
Is there even a question?There is no news about Chu Qing, which means that the dark clouds in the entertainment industry have briefly dissipated, and the sun has shone on the earth!

Of course, this is a literary way of saying it. To put it in a vulgar way, it is "the artistes in my company finally have a chance to win the headlines in the entertainment industry, and they are proud of the entire entertainment industry. Finally, they can turn themselves into serfs and sing!"

To be honest, these fifteen days were very peaceful for Chu Qing, and there was no disturbance, but for the entire entertainment industry, it was very unsettled.

From the headlines to the last news, there are all kinds of scandals and all kinds of ghosts and ghosts!
Here a certain celebrity cheated and was secretly photographed and was stoned. Over there, a certain celebrity was drunk and beat someone. Here, a popular director and a popular star scolded each other. ...

Even the news about drug abuse and the arrest of the big health care was all out of the way.

When Chu Qing dominated the headlines, there was never such news, but when Chu Qing kept a low profile and had no news...

Well, countless entertainment companies have come to show their talents. In short, what kind of topic can make the headlines, what kind of topic is hot, even if they are asked to run naked throughout Yanjing City, they dare to be photographed!

In order to compete for headlines, fame and position, they are also fighting hard enough.

The people who eat melons can feast their eyes on these more than ten days.

In the past ten days, you can see all kinds of shocking news in the entertainment news, such as grievances, infidelity and divorce, drug dealing, dark unspoken rules, and money laundering. , It can also be said that there is a miasma, in short, this is the status quo of the entertainment industry in the past ten days.

However, it is worth noting that an artist named Liu Zhanchi from Yixing made headlines twice.

The first time was a big director, Li Minghua spent [-] million to make an epic blockbuster "The Return of the God of War", and Liu Zhanchi was chosen as the protagonist.

A movie with an investment of [-] million yuan!
You must know that Huaxia Films currently has the highest movie investment amount of 5000 million. This "God of War Return" directly topped the Huaxia Film Investment List, and it directly doubled...

That in itself is a huge publicity stunt!

If Chu Qing announces his participation in "Return of the God of War", there will be absolutely no doubts, and it will not cause any sensation. After all, Chu Qing is an Oscar winner and a peak figure in the film industry. He is fully qualified, but the key is that this person is Liu Spread your wings!

Who is Liu Zhanchi?
A little-known character who has never heard of before "Return of God of War", without any fame.

However, what the hell is it that such an unknown person can participate in a movie with an investment of [-] million yuan?

This huge contrast shocked everyone who followed the movie.

They all started to check this person's background information, but it was blank!
Because of this, the background behind Liu Zhanchi, a rookie star, became a topic of conversation in an instant, and rushed to the headlines of the entertainment industry in an instant. Among the countless topics, I don't know if it was intentional, but Liu Zhanchi was all there. name……

The second time he hit the headlines, Liu Zhanchi was releasing his first solo album and the lyrics and music in the song were all arranged by himself. A novel called "The Wound of Youth" will be published soon...

Movies, novel authors, singers, songwriters...

Are you in the rhythm of a grand slam?

In the short fifteen days, Liu Zhanchi was like a Tai Sui who was born out of nowhere. He directly made the headlines of the entertainment industry twice, and stepped into the trending searches on Weibo and Tieba...

Seeing this familiar operation and familiar smell, many netizens were stunned.

Is another Chu Qing about to appear?


"Brother Qing, what do you think about this?"

"What do you think?"

"I mean, what do you think of this Liu Zhanchi?"

"Who is Liu Zhanchi?"

"It's the celebrity who has been making a lot of noise these past ten days."

"Oh, he... I think it's pretty good." Chu Qing put his hands in his pockets, walking in Yinghui Media's newly built park as usual, feeling very comfortable and comfortable.

He felt that his days to come were very enjoyable.

Rich, with women, local tyrants...

Isn't that cool?

It's the pinnacle of life!
"Very good? Brother Qing, why did you reject "Return of the God of War"? Director Li Minghua has approached you several times, and he handed over the script with full sincerity. As long as you nod, other conditions are negotiable."

"Xiaoyu...I think..." When Chu Qing heard this, he turned around and stared at Jiang Xiaoyu very seriously, and his contented expression suddenly disappeared.

"What?" Jiang Xiaoyu was taken aback.

She was startled by Chu Qing's expression.

It was rare for her to see Chu Qing showing such a serious expression, and usually showing such an expression can only explain one thing!
That means Chu Qing is going to tell herself something very heavy.

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at Chu Qing.

Inexplicably panicked.

"I think that a person's life is too short... I think that life belongs to a person only once, and a person's life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret it because he wasted his years, You won't be ashamed of being mediocre, this is life, and as for other time-wasting things, you don't need to be too entangled..." Chu Qing plagiarized a famous saying shamelessly.

When he said this, he didn't have any other expressions at all.

Although I criticized myself again in my heart, but...

No one in this world knows, right?
I feel that plagiarism is also a little cool!
"Brother Qing, I... Brother Qing, I know you have lofty artistic ideals... I understand." Jiang Xiaoyu was infected by Chu Qing's words.

She had an indescribable emotion.

Could it be that Brother Qing has another purpose in not accepting "Return of the God of War"?Or does Brother Qing feel that "Return of the God of War" is completely meaningless?
She thinks she understands.

She looked at Chu Qing again.

Maybe in Brother Qing's eyes, maybe this Liu Zhanchi is just a clown no matter how much he jumps around.

What's the point of being a clown?
The sun was setting, and the sunset glow in half the sky was extremely red.

Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes were a little confused. She only felt that Chu Qing under the sunset had an unusual charm, which made people want to follow her for a lifetime!

"Well, it's good to understand, so after the concert, I will travel around the world, and I will play movies and so on, um..."


Jiang Xiaoyu shuddered all over.

After she saw Chu Qing's laziness and lack of motivation, the obsession in her heart suddenly collapsed.

She took a deep breath.

To be honest, if possible, Jiang Xiaoyu would like to give Chu Qing a good meal.

Having said so much and made it so deep, do you dare to make excuses for traveling well?

Your excuse is really too tempting, right?

What are you wasting your time, wasting time?


I wasted your face!

"Yes! Yes, Zhan Wing, you must not let down our Yixing's hopes now, our Yixing has put all its resources on you alone, you must know that the role of "Return of the God of War" is not like this It's easy to get, we Yixing directly invested [-] million as the biggest investment talent to let you play the leading role!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou! I won't let you down, I promise, within a week, news about me will be on the headlines in the entertainment industry!"

"Well, you have worked hard during this time! But there is nothing you can do. After all, you are too far away from Chu Qing now. If you want to chase Chu Qing, at least you have to go a long way! So, you can't let go. Take every chance!"

"Don't worry, Chu Qinghuo does have a little bit of evil and talent, but I don't necessarily lose to him in talent. If he can sing, so can I. If he can write songs, so can I. Even if I can't, I Isn't there Yixing behind it?" Liu Zhanchi laughed, very confident.

No matter how powerful Chu Qing is, no matter how talented she is, she is only one person.

He didn't believe that Chu Qing wouldn't be exhausted!

As for myself, I have the resources of the entire company to cooperate with me!
"Well, as long as you know, as long as there is even the slightest chance of making headlines, you can't miss it?"

"Yes, I know!"

"Tomorrow's headline plan has been prepared for you, as long as you follow this, and then I will spend money to hire some navy reporters, then your headline will definitely be fine."

"Well, I know! Huh? To hype up the scandal between Tianyu's popular actress Liu Panpan and me?"

"Well, tomorrow is Liu Panpan's birthday. I will arrange for the helicopter to land directly in Liu Panpan's villa. At that time, a group of reporters will rush into Liu Panpan's birthday party. Well, take this opportunity to hype up your confession..."

"Well, okay, but, how will this make Liu Panpan think of me? And Tianyu behind him doesn't seem to be easy to mess with, right?"

"Not to be messed with? Hehe, you have to remember the words "unscrupulous", do you know that you have to use any means to get involved in the circle? Tianyu? Haha, we Yixing has already started a full-scale war with Tianyu, so you don't have to be afraid at all...Remember Wait, the entertainment industry is a dark place, you have to step on others to get the job, let me ask you, don't you want to become a big star like Chu Qing?"

"I...I want to!" Liu Zhanchi's whole body trembled after Zhou Xu said this!
Then she nodded, with a flash of ambition in her eyes!
"That's good! Go get busy!"


It's a pity that no matter how well-planned Liu Zhanchi and Zhou Xu's plan is, no matter how sensational they are, no matter how much they talk about, they can only declare bankruptcy after the banquet.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality...

But it hit.

Overtaking on a curve is undoubtedly the most coquettish.

The headlines in Huaxia's entertainment circle were not about Liu Zhanchi and Liu Panpan, nor about Yixing.

Not even one.

Oh, there is only one reason.

That is, all the headlines were dominated by Chu Qing going to New York to hold her own global concert...

(End of this chapter)

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