I'm not a big star

Chapter 79 I really don't want to make headlines

Chapter 79 I really don't want to make headlines

PS: The update is late, so this chapter is a [-]-word chapter, which is enough. However, big guys, don’t say that I am updating slowly, I am not slow to update, two chapters a day, it’s OK, and it hasn’t stopped yet Even better!
Zhang Tieqiao and others felt that Chu Qing was indeed a ghost.

We have been together for three full years, if you ask who is the most tempered person in the whole dormitory, Zhang Tieqiao and the three of them will probably answer Chu Qing in unison.

Chu Qing has a really good temper. During the past three years, Chu Qing has been cheerful and honest every day. He has never seen him being impatient with anyone, and he gets along well with everyone in the class without putting on airs. He won't get angry when he's joking, and his voice is very gentle. Even Liu Jiang and others think that Chu Qing should lack the emotion called anger like joy.

However, the overwhelming accusations and curses on the Internet made the three of them have to look at Chu Qing with admiration again.

This is Chu Qing?

Is this Nima really Chu Qing?
Or someone pretending to be Chu Qing?
Chu Qing got angry, not only angry, but also beat the reporter and smashed the reporter's things.

To make an honest man angry and hit a reporter, what a great hatred!
Therefore, when Chu Qing came back, the three people in the dormitory were very concerned about Chu Qing, kept comforting Chu Qing, and even worried that Chu Qing would not be able to survive in the future and struggle in the entertainment industry.In their eyes, Chu Qing was destined to follow the route of the entertainment industry, destined to become an incomparably glamorous star...

Chu Qing just smiled for comfort, and had no other meaning.

There is a bit of excitement on the Internet.

For a week in a row!
Yes, the accusations and curses against Chu Qing on the Internet continued for a week, no matter what kind of dirty water was poured on Chu Qing's face, and it was justified and rumored as if it really existed, and they threatened to Block Chu Qing.

In short, this week, let alone the headlines of other stars in the entertainment circle, don't even think about the second, third, and fourth...

On the Internet, as long as anyone who pays attention to the entertainment circle, it is impossible not to know Chu Qing.

For example, Chu Qing was taken care of, there is a hype team behind Chu Qing, Chu Qing's quality is very low, Chu Qing is suspected of plagiarism, destroying public property, she is simply a scum in the celebrity circle, and it is a waste of air to live in this world. He seemed to curse at Chu Qing.


Yes, almost all the entertainment newspapers threatened to block Chu Qing, saying that Chu Qing would not be able to get along in this business.

Chu Qing is finished.

Everyone, including the senior executives of Tianyu Entertainment, felt that Chu Qing was finished this time, and that he was doomed.

They originally planned to send a few people to contact Chu Qing and sign Chu Qing with generous terms.


An artist who has been involved in so many messy scandals, even one of them will be miserable, and it will be even more difficult to clean up.

So, they hesitated, they felt that Chu Qing was useless after this storm, and even ordered Zhao Yinger not to have any contact with Chu Qing.

Of course, Zhao Yinger did not obey the orders of Tianyu Company, and occasionally called Chu Qing. Of course, Chu Qing's phone voice would often hear "top order", "jungle", "I Cao, why do I want to be super god?" "It was such an inexplicable voice.

Well, Zhao Yinger doesn't play games, so she doesn't quite understand what Chu Qing is doing, she only knows that Chu Qing is very busy, and her voice is a little irritable when answering the phone.

Zhao Yinger felt that this period of time should be Chu Qing's low ebb, she even thought that when she was done with the work at hand, she would fly over to comfort Chu Qing, telling Chu Qing not to take these things to heart...

Of course, no one would have guessed that Chu Qing, who was in the center of the storm, was still living his own life, and he didn't take this matter to heart at all.If he wants to fight back, he opened a Weibo and wrote a sentence on Weibo: "In the past, Hanshan Wenshide said: There are people in the world who slander me, humiliate me, despise me, laugh at me, bully me, and despise me. How should we deal with it? Shi De replied: You bear with him, let him, avoid him, endure him, let him, respect him, and ignore him. In a few years, you will see him."

After posting this sentence, he posted on Weibo.

This sentence was very famous in the world before rebirth, but there is no such sentence in this world.

Chu Qing really doesn't care much about the scolding on the Internet. Anyway, he doesn't mix in this circle. If you block it again, what's the point of blocking it even harder?I still make a lot of money in silence, the manuscript fee and copyright fee of "Zhu Xian" can be used for him for a long time, even if "Zhu Xian" is finished, Chu Qing has a lot of online novels in his mind, and he is confident that he can still make a lot of money.

Moreover, he found that there seems to be no Alibaba in this world. Taobao's successful online platform in this way is undoubtedly a huge business opportunity. As long as it manages well, it should not be a problem to become the second boss.

Of course, there are many money-making projects in Chu Qing's mind, which can make him rich in silence.

Writing songs, writing novels, or plagiarizing some similar masterpieces, which one is better than being a star?
Therefore, Chu Qing was very calm.

In other words, talented people can be so calm.

Well, the talent of plagiarism is also talent...

Therefore, even if all the classmates in Nantah University pointed at Chu Qing or looked at Chu Qing with strange eyes, he didn't care at all. He ate and drank well every day, and asked his buddies in the dormitory to play League of Legends together. Chic.

It's very comfortable.

Of course, the only regret is that the more Chu Qing loves the game League of Legends, the worse his skills become. Sometimes he feels that he can't bear it anymore.

However, he discovered an even more strange thing, he cheated Liu Jiang himself, and Liu Jiang was very cheerful as if he had found a treasure.

Chu Qing didn't pay attention to what Liu Jiang was doing, so naturally he didn't know that Liu Jiang's live broadcast room was already very popular.

A week later, Chu Qing received another call from Wang Ying. When Chu Qing received Wang Ying's call, she actually had some expectations in her heart.

He felt that since his reputation on the Internet was so bad, Wang Ying probably wouldn't think about being the leading actor of Naihe Mountain, and would probably break the contract. After all, no one would find someone with such a bad reputation to make a movie, right?Doesn't this indirectly ruin the movie?

It's more comfortable if you break the contract.

Wang Ying has to pay liquidated damages for breaking the contract. It is clearly stated in the contract that the liquidated damages are half of the remuneration, and it is stamped with the seal engraved by Wang Ying's company. , isn't that uncomfortable?

It's so cool, it's so cool to fly.

Chu Qing felt that the best thing she had done in her life was to roll up her sleeves and hit the reporter, and she faintly thought that if the reporter slandered her too much next time, she would beat them again without saying a word.

Call the police?

I beat him right at the gate of the police station. At most, it could only be regarded as a civil dispute, and he didn't beat people to death. At most, he paid a fine.

It is estimated that the reporter also knew that there was no point in calling the police, so he sold miserably on the Internet and slandered Chu Qing in various ways.

Chu Qing completely ignored this, and was very happy.

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? =

"Hey, you've made a lot of noise on the Internet recently, when can you calm down..."

Sure enough, the first thing Wang Ying said to Chu Qing was to ask this question.

"Hehe, I don't pay much attention to the Internet now, and I don't surf the Internet too much." Chu Qing felt that Wang Ying might be breaking the contract, so she was in a good mood.

"You are a public figure now, and the popularity is very high. Can you do something good, or can you do something reliable?" Wang Ying's voice on the phone revealed a deep sense of helplessness. She felt right Chu Qing was completely convinced.

A few months ago, she had never imagined that Chu Qing, who seemed simple and honest, and seemed easy to bully, would be so popular.

Being in the headlines twice in three days, isn't it considered popular?

Even in her dreams, she never thought that Chu Qing would hit the reporter. Is this something an honest person should do?Doesn't he know that he is self-destructing his future?

"Ahem, you understand some things. I don't really like people pointing at me with microphones and asking random questions. I can't help it..."

"If you can't help it, you have to bear it too. Hey, really, now you may not be able to wash white if you want to."

"White, I think it's good now, why do you want to wash?"


"Is there any reason for you to beat the reporter? Tell me, and I will help you find a way."

"There's no real reason, but I just felt that his face looked a bit unbearable, so I couldn't hold back..."

"..." On the other end of the phone, Wang Ying didn't know how to answer Chu Qing at this moment.

Can we have a good chat?

She felt that Chu Qing had changed a little.

Since the incident with her in the playground, Chu Qing seems to have really changed, and she no longer has the cautious and timid feeling when doing things, and she feels that Chu Qing has been changing.

Every time she talks to Chu Qing, every time she meets Chu Qing, she feels that Chu Qing is growing.

However, she didn't know what this growth was.

"You didn't call just to ask me these things, did you?" Chu Qing felt that Wang Ying couldn't find a topic after wandering around for so long, so she lost her patience.

Can this eighth woman get straight to the point earlier?
The two of us don't talk about feelings, just talk about transactions, isn't it good?

1 minute of delay, my alliance will cheat people for another 1 minute!
"I'll come to Qianyang after the Chinese New Year, everything is ready for the crew."

"Oh, that's it. As for the liquidated damages, I...what? What did you say?" Chu Qing was just about to continue what Wang Ying said, but there seemed to be something wrong with Wang Ying's words.

"Liquidated damages? What a mess, Chu Qing, did you sign another contract behind my back? Let me tell you, you signed my contract, but you are responsible for me. It is stated in the contract You can't take other dramas for a while without any other reason...you can't do this!" Wang Ying on the other end of the phone was anxious.

"Uh? Aren't you going to break the contract with me?"

"Break the contract? Qingzi, what's going on in your mind? I finally got you to sign the contract. How could I break the contract with you? Do I look like someone with a brain problem? Am I so stupid?" Wang Ying on the other end of the phone was speechless.

"..." Chu Qing was also speechless and a little disappointed.

"Okay, now you stay at NTU with peace of mind. I beg you during this period of time. Be quiet and stop making headlines... I really don't want to open the entertainment section every day and see your messy scandals... ...Can you get some positive news even if you make the headlines?"

"I can't help it..."

"Forget it, think about it carefully, sincerely, keep a low profile...can you also give other stars a little life?" When Wang Ying said this, besides the deep sense of helplessness, there was also a hint of dumbfounding.

It is so difficult for others to make headlines.

This stuff...

If you go up, you won't be able to come down.


I'm low key enough, okay?
I really don't want to rely on this kind of messy news to make headlines.

Chu Qing felt wronged.

This group of reporters who are full and have nothing to do!
(End of this chapter)

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