I'm not a big star

Chapter 80 Chapter 2 Not to mention that I am also pitiful!

Chapter 80 Don't say anything, even you are cheating yourself!
PS: I suddenly want to say something, but I don’t know what to say. I update twice a day and occasionally have outbreaks. This is really not slow... If you don’t believe me, go to other authors to see, basically they update once a day Okay...I'm a sincere person, don't fool me!

Chu Qing's Weibo has never been followed by anyone, at least half a year ago.

Of course, no one will pay attention. Although Weibo is updated frequently, it is basically League of Legends videos, god-level operation videos, or some League of Legends activities. Without any highlights, who would pay attention?

Nothing new at all, okay?
However, since Chu Qing posted the two famous quotes picked up by Han Shan, Chu Qing, who had only a few hundred followers, suddenly became thousands of people, and then thousands of people turned into 1 people.

A week later, when Chu Qing and Zhang Tieqiao were surfing the Internet at an Internet cafe, they just saw the alliance's video activities, so Chu Qing wanted to post some alliance activity videos to Weibo. When he opened Weibo, he suddenly found that he had logged in Weibo is a little strange.

In just a few days, my Weibo has more than 3 fans?
If it wasn't for the familiarity of the five words "Chu Qing is not Qing" on Weibo, Chu Qing would have suspected that she had logged in to someone else's Weibo. Only a hundred people follow...

Could it be that someone swiped Weibo fans by mistake and swiped me?

It seems possible!

These concerns are probably zombie fans.

Of course Chu Qing thought about this. Chu Qing subconsciously commented, and then found that there were thousands of videos in the League of Legends video she posted earlier!

Huh?Not a zombie fan?
"Qingzi, please, please stop posting these messy god-level operation videos, I want to watch your cheating videos!"

"Crap, the agreed-upon operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the damage is 0.5 at first glance? Why are you pretending to be successful in all the Weibo videos?"

"Upstairs, hehe, Qingzi is posting the video of the great god, and he didn't play it himself. I have been watching the live broadcast for the past few days, and there has never been a game that was awesome, and every game has various Poor highlights..."

"Qingzi, don't post these videos anymore, if you post these videos again, it won't change your nature of cheating, the number one cancer in the alliance world!"

"Trash Chu Qing, hurry up and go to the live broadcast and post a video of your paralysis."


Chu Qing continuously pulled many comments, hundreds of them, but none of these hundreds of videos praised Chu Qing for being good. Go live.

live streaming?

The second monk Chu Qingzhang couldn't figure it out, and said whether these netizens were out of their heads or mentally disabled, he was just playing a game, and who the hell was in the way?I admit that I cheated a little bit, but I didn't eat your rice, and I didn't cheat you. Is it necessary to ridicule me so much?Is there any rule in League of Legends that cheaters can’t play games?
Chu Qing saw the back, the more angry he became, the more he looked more confused, so he simply turned off Weibo.

However, after turning off Weibo, after a long time of hard work and reflection, he finally realized that he had some pitfalls, so he turned on the man-machine and planned to practice his skills on the man-machine.

Of course he didn't expect Liu Jiang to keep staring at him with obscene eyes, and the smile he showed was simply unacceptable.

And in Liu Jiang's live broadcast room, it is extremely hot at the moment, and dozens of comments pop up almost every second from the water friends, and don't be too aggressive about rewarding the plane.

Liu Jiang roughly estimated that he might be able to earn tens of thousands of platform income next month...

Liu Jiang originally thought that Chu Qing's masturbation would be boring, so he planned to cut the scene to the other side, but as soon as the scene cut, he was scolded.

"Crap, the anchor cut the scene where you were paralyzed, put it back quickly."

"Haha, I'm so happy, Qingzi finally realized that he is too insane to deceive people with fancy tricks, so did he use the man-machine to find a sense of existence?"

"Haha, no, what the hell did I see? Qingzi was solo killed by man and machine when he was in line?"

"Fuck, is my mother blind? Just now, Qingzi saw the remaining blood of the bomber, so he sharpened his sword and rushed to the tower to kill people. However, he landed on the tower several times in a row and all his skills were brainlessly empty. Bomber twisted his ass and fought back?"

"It's really a bloody counter-kill."

"Fuck, Qingzi, you are no longer a trap, you have already broken the sky, ordinary man-machines are not suitable for you, you should play simple man-machines..."

"Or, you can simply start custom exercises..."

Of course, a man-machine is a man-machine after all, and a computer is a computer after all, no matter how tricked Chu Qing is, no matter how much he makes mistakes, he can't keep making mistakes, right?So Chu Qing continued to stand alone online, continued to shrink and develop, and finally equipped the crushing man-machine 10 minutes later, intending to abuse the online bomber back and experience the thrill of massacre.

As a matter of fact, Chu Qing did it, she really abused the bomber to the brim with her equipment, after Chu Qing calculated everything, she felt that no matter how she rushed to the tower, she could kill this damned butt-twisting bomber, and then she resolutely smiled He rushed over, picked up the knife, and killed the bomber to the brim...

It worked!
Yes, he is going to make it!

Just when Chu Qing was planning to torture the bomber to death until the last knife remained, Chu Qing's character suddenly stopped moving...

"My Cao, what's going on?" Chu Qing was taken aback, and tried to operate the mouse, but the screen indicated that he had won.

The enemy crystal explodes...

Chu Qing's eyes were dull, and his expression was like a sun-drenched dog.

Usually, it doesn't take 10 minutes to finish playing with the man-machine. Why did it end in more than [-] minutes this time?

He couldn't react for a long time, and was very frustrated...

"What the hell did I see? Haha, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore, Chu Qing, she was played by a human machine!"

"Did you notice his expression just now? He worked so hard to brush up a wave of equipment, trying to kill the bomber and pretend to be a force, but he was successfully brushed by his teammates..."

"Haha, does this count as teammate cheating Chu Qing?"

"No, it's not that the teammates are too strong, the human machine is too strong, but that Chu Qing is too cheating and too weak!"

"Haha, I can't stand it, I really can't stand it."

"Rewarding the anchor, interesting, really interesting."

"Chu Qing, your mother told you to go home for dinner. Stop looking for abuse in the man-machine. You should hurry up and play your card minesweeper or Xiaoxiaole. This game is not suitable for you."

"Ditching the platform, cheating teammates, and now even cheating myself."

"Qingzi, come here, my brother will take you to play a man-machine, and it's an ordinary man-machine."


The Dout live broadcast platform is crazy.

Liu Jiang also felt that he was crazy. If he continued to watch, he would have a heart attack because he was too excited, and he lay on the ground and convulsed.

What is this called?
Rewards and comments, the enthusiasm is flying all over the sky, and the rankings are rising and falling...

Pushed the live broadcast room to the home page again...

He seems to have seen the white RMB.

Then, he looked at Chu Qing with a more wretched smile.

"Brother Qing..."

"doing what!"

"Let's play with the man-machine together. This time, it's a simple man-machine. I promise you will pretend to fly until you fly..."

"Crap!" Chu Qing turned to stare at Liu Jiang, swears, slammed the keyboard, and immediately checked out and left.

After playing the game like this, he felt that he was no one else...

However, I feel bad today, so I will try again next time!

(End of this chapter)

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