I'm not a big star

Chapter 81 Start a new round, crush?

Chapter 81 Start a new round, crushing?
PS: I always want to say something... Well, maybe it’s because I’m lonely, but I don’t know what to say, well, let’s just leave it at that.

Time is like running water, it keeps going forward without waiting for anyone, and it is mid-January in a blink of an eye.

As the weather got colder and colder, Chu Qing began to hate Nantong more and more.

In other words, Chu Qing hates winter, very much!

Others think that a snowy day is beautiful, but Chu Qing thinks that a snowy day is beautiful, but when the snow is over, there will be one tragedy after another. The melting of ice and snow will absorb heat, so the outdoor environment will be very cold and very cold. cold.

It was so cold that I couldn't stand it.

Chu Qing was confused.

Turning on the air conditioner makes my skin feel very uncomfortable and dry, but without the air conditioner, it is too cold to bear.

This is the way the world is, you get something and you sacrifice something.


Or maybe it's a kind of hypocrisy.

On January 15th, Chu Qing dragged her luggage and left the dormitory, and rented a room with one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom next to Nantah University for about [-] a month, and then bought a new laptop to put it on. on the computer desk.

He is very satisfied with this new residence, the sun shines on the bed every morning, and the heating is on, and he also bought a humidifier specially.

Well, I enjoyed it a lot.

His interest in the game League of Legends is still very high, but unfortunately his operation is really cheating, maybe this kind of cheating can't even stand the Q news system, the system simply seals him directly to 2200 Year.

Of course, the title has been banned for such a long time, and it is also due to reporting.

Chu Qing is so pitiful, which teammate doesn't report it?Even the enemy couldn't stand it and reported it one after another.

2200?When it was almost 200 years ago, what the hell am I still playing? Could it be that my descendants dug up the ancestral grave and pulled me out to play games?

This is a lot of fun.

The game was blocked, and it would take a long time to re-train an alliance account, and she didn't want to buy an account, so Chu Qing learned from the pain and simply quit the game and finished writing the novel "Zhu Xian". After a large sum of money, Chu Qing will consider playing games again...

After Chu Qing became popular again in the last live broadcast on the Internet, Chu Qing disappeared. Although various gossips that slandered Chu Qing's rumors were often heard, after the person involved, Chu Qing ignored them at all, and put these After treating the slander as a fart, those Internet trolls suddenly felt that they couldn't find their target, and felt like they were hitting cotton with their fists...

You spray again, you spray hard, you spray hard, people are too lazy to play with you, you talk to the wall by yourself.

It feels very bad to be directing and acting by yourself. After trolling Chu Qing for three or four days, the troll finally became discouraged, and even began to doubt whether his career as a troll was meaningful...

They couldn't hold on anymore.

As for those entertainment newspaper reporters who threatened to block Chu Qing, seeing this scene, they suddenly became extremely inflated, feeling that they were scribbling in the square-inch section with a pen, and finally drove off this scourge of Chu Qing Toutiao was kicked out of the entertainment industry, they felt that they were the biggest contributors, and they felt that they were omnipotent.

There are even some entertainment tabloids who present themselves as second-tier apparent saviors.

If I don't drive Chu Qing off the headlines, do you have a chance to show your face again?

Well, the reason is naturally very straightforward and confident, full of bossy style...

However, some netizens inexplicably remembered the sentence on Chu Qing's Weibo.

"Be patient with him, let him, avoid him, endure him, let him, respect him, and ignore him. In a few years, just watch him."

These words, coupled with Chu Qing's silence during this period, made them feel that Chu Qing is a very qualified person, and then contacted the previous nostalgia, a modern poem and red beans, exaggerated and waiting for a few songs, they were baffled I really feel that Chu Qing has a high level of culture and is very talented...

Therefore, even though Chu Qing's news never appeared in front of the public again during this period, the number of people in Chu Qing's post bar continued to increase, increase, and increase...

Maybe Chu Qing's silence this time will represent his next big explosion?
At least some people who think they are wise are always paying attention to Chu Qing, waiting for Chu Qing's next outburst.

Chu Qing didn't pay much attention to these things. Ever since she stopped playing League of Legends with her roommates, Chu Qing's life has been very monotonous. School, cafeteria, three points and one line are constantly circulating.Chu Qing originally thought that the limit of his serious typing in a day was [-] words, but when he really settled down and devoted himself to writing novels, he actually produced [-] to nearly [-] words in one day.

The later update of the novel "Zhu Xian" also began to speed up, basically updating [-] words every day, and [-] words were updated.Although this update speed is not fast on the Tiandi Chinese website, it is still a feast for the readers of "Zhu Xian".

During the new book period, Lao Xiao’s "Xian Dust" was blown up once by "Zhu Xian", and was pressed and rubbed on the ground by "Zhu Xian". Directly crushing "Fairy Dust", but whether the author of "Zhu Xian" has a cramp in his head or a lack of nerves, when the top ten authors of monthly tickets are updating thousands of words every day or even breaking out, he actually slowly writes five thousand words a day Turtle update.

Not to mention the slow update, and "Zhu Xian" has never opened any single chapter to ask for a monthly ticket, not even a recommendation ticket.

Although the collection and subscriptions of "Zhu Xian" are overwhelming, the author's inaction is so ineffective, which is why the book "Zhu Xian" has been ranked No. 3 on the monthly ticket list, neither rising nor falling.

Fans of "Zhu Xian" feel very aggrieved, especially the few big leagues.

Dear author, can you post a single chapter asking for a monthly ticket or something?In this way, we can justifiably work hard to fight!
Others say that our "Zhu Xian" is the third child of ten thousand years...

How can this be tolerated?
You never ask for a monthly ticket. Readers will think that you don’t need a monthly ticket at all, and your opponent desperately updates every day to ask for a monthly ticket. Readers’ favors are all kinds of cuteness, and even car accidents are used. Such a comparison, you are simply yes……

It's too weak!


However, this situation lasted until mid-January, and the updates suitable for "Zhu Xian" suddenly accelerated in mid-January.

Instead of [-] words a day, it has accelerated to [-] words a day!

Ten thousand words?

Could it be a sign that it will not work?

Seeing this, several great alliance leaders immediately felt a lot less aggrieved. Just in time, under the latest chapter, Chu Qing sent a message...

"Um, I don't think we're far behind the second place in the monthly pass. How about trying to see if there is a chance for us to be second in the monthly pass?"


It's a very simple sentence, it's simply not simple, and it sounds like a tentative tone, a little lack of confidence...

However, in the eyes of several major alliances and readers, this is simply a declaration of war!

How the hell did we crush you in the first issue of the new book, and now you dare to ride on our heads?
If the tiger doesn't show its power, do you really think I'm easy to bully?
The imagination of the readers is naturally very broad, and there is even a trace of grievances and hatreds with a martial arts plot...

"Silent, low-key, just to sharpen the sword, now, it's time to unsheath!"

"Invincible, we are absolutely invincible!"

"The number one throne, except for me, Zhu Xian, none of you can even try to sit on it. This is the case this time, and it will be the same in the future!"

At this moment, some readers who suffered from the second disease of secondary disease issued such a statement in the major reader groups, and then, the reader group of "Zhu Xian", the post bar began to explode...

"Fuck, readers, our "Xian Dust" has reached the most critical and life-or-death moment since the book was opened. A book, yes, is the "Zhu Xian" that has been haunting since the new book issue. Now, this book has already posed a serious threat to our chrysanthemums. I can't bear it, everyone. Lao Xiao is not going to die this time! Today, Lao Xiao exploded with 1 words, and you should vote monthly! Hold on, chrysanthemums! Don't be raped!" The author of "Fairy Dust" saw the precarious monthly ticket No. [-], and immediately became anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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