I'm not a big star

Chapter 82 What?No. 1 on the monthly ticket list?

Chapter 82 What?Number one on the monthly ticket list?
PS: Thank you guys for your rewards and recommendation tickets. I really appreciate it. With your support, the results of this book are getting better and better. Thank you, thank you so much, I’m so moved... Sincerely, I love you all...

Chu Qing just glanced at her grades, then continued to turn off the computer and start typing.

In fact, he didn't really care about the ranking of monthly tickets. He felt that this thing was just an honor, and it was false. Whether it is useful to ask for a monthly ticket, whether it can win some ranking for herself, etc. are not within the scope of Chu Qing's consideration.

He didn't sell miserably like begging his grandfather to sue his grandmother like other authors.

The first place in the monthly ticket is an honor and a bonus of [-]. Of course, it would be good if it could be [-] more, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Of course, Chu Qing didn't know that her simple request for a monthly ticket this time immediately caused a series of chain reactions...

And this reaction is not small.

"Wu Break the Sphere", which ranked first in the monthly ticket list, was shocked by the words Chu Qing, or rather, by the chapter where Chu Qing asked for a monthly ticket.

"January is a very special day. It is so special that Eggplant always feels conscientious in updating. From January to the middle of the present, I have never slacked off even once. I update my [-]D every day. The purpose is very simple. I want to keep This hard-won ranking, I also want to keep this glory. The monthly ticket difference between me and the book below is not very big, and there is a danger of being raped by the book below at any time. We have already tasted humiliation once in the new book issue. This kind of humiliation aroused the fighting spirit of eggplant, so eggplant has been working hard!"

"Eggplant promises an update plan for the second half of the month, updating [-] words every day, please ask for a monthly pass, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you, thank you!"

"Eggplant needs to eat, and the bonus of the first monthly ticket is really important to Eggplant! After all, I have to feed the baby."

The author of the book "Wu Break the Sphere" wrote a single chapter with tears in his eyes, and there was a tendency to humiliate his face and gain sympathy. After publishing the single chapter, the book started to explode again, and directly exploded to another [-] words .

This kind of explosion made the readers of "Wu Break the Sphere" also ignite, and they subscribed other books fiercely, subscribed out monthly tickets, and then voted for "Wu Break the Sphere".

And the author of "Fairy Dust", Lao Xiao, has started to sell miserably, pitifully, and plead for sympathy, saying how important the first monthly ticket is to him, and he has an occupational disease again, which makes him feel very uncomfortable. Painful, saying that the number one monthly ticket has become his obsession, he must fight for it, no matter how bad he is, he can't become the third child, right?
Although Wannian's second child doesn't sound very good, it's better than staying at No.3 all the time, right?
The effect of such a series of single chapters is indeed obvious, at least the monthly tickets have also begun to increase crazily.

However, he didn't know that the increase in his monthly ticket was just the beginning of a nightmare, or in other words, it was just a flashback before returning to the light...

He is fierce, "Zhu Xian" is even more fierce...


"Gentlemen, are you willing to fight with me, looking at the mountains and overlooking the rivers and lakes of the world?" Around nine o'clock in the evening, such a passionate sentence appeared in almost all "Zhu Xian" groups, and the group administrator "Zhu Xian" Several major alliances cut a chapter of the latest chapter of "Zhu Xian" to ask for votes.

"We are disciples of Xianmen. This time, we want to be number one, and our goal is only number one!"

"From the new book list, to the hit list, recommended votes, and favorite list, we have always been number one, and we have always been far ahead. We have never lost to anyone, so we don't allow anyone to stand on top of us! "

"This is a kind of glory, the glory that belongs to every disciple of our immortal sect!"

"Did you see that? Qing Zida needs us very much, and needs us to maintain this honor. Immortal disciples, don't be bullied, don't be bullied!"

"Let's start a battle!"

"Fight, fight, fight!"

There are hundreds of large and small groups of "Zhu Xian", but this promotional screenshot immediately all the readers of the group know that "Zhu Xian" will reach the top this time, and this time it will aspire to the top of the monthly ticket list.

Especially that sentence, Qingzi needs us very much. This sentence is very thoughtful, which makes some readers who are wandering on the edge feel warm, feel that they are also a part of Xianmen, and feel that they also want to fight his mother...

Perhaps this is a sense of belonging. They like the novel "Zhu Xian" very much, and they like it from the bottom of their hearts.

So they resolutely subscribed Zhu Xian again, and then issued a monthly ticket to vote in.

And what about the big leagues?

They don't know what money is at all, they are not short of money, they are local tyrants, they simply open a trumpet account, and simply exchange monthly tickets with rewards.

Therefore, the competition for the monthly ticket has not yet officially started, and the book "Zhu Xian" is on the top reward list again, and the gap with the second is very large, even if the second pats on the horse, it may not be able to get it.

Overnight, Long Kong, Tieba, and forums were all noisy.

Chu Qing didn't know that his simple words in a chapter could cause such an uproar on the Tiandi Chinese website.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the gap between "Zhu Xian" and "Xian Dust" was only more than 300 votes.

At 3:[-] in the evening, "Zhu Xian" has completely surpassed "Xian Dust" and directly ranked "Xian Dust" at No.[-], and seeing the gap getting bigger and bigger, the author of "Xian Dust" Lao Xiao After seeing this scene, his original fighting spirit and blood turned cold...

Pull out cool pull out cool.

The promised update is powerful and the readers are also powerful?
At four o'clock in the morning, the gap between the number of monthly tickets for No.2 "Wu Break the Sphere" and "Zhu Xian" was more than 3000 votes, and this data is constantly being refreshed...

"Wu Break Sphere" is very difficult.

After opening a single chapter to ask for tickets, the monthly ticket has indeed increased a lot, and the grades have indeed improved, but how does it compare with a monster?
Moreover, history is always surprisingly similar...

The author of "Wu Break the Sphere" saw that "Fairy Dust" behind his butt had a tendency to exert strength, and immediately became more anxious.

Could it be that what happened in the new book period is going to happen again?

No, this is absolutely not possible, this time, history must not be allowed to repeat itself!

As a result, a very funny scene took place on the entire monthly ticket list...

"Zhu Xian" took the lead, and the number of votes with No.2 was getting bigger and bigger, and even reached a gap that no matter how hard you tried, it couldn't be bridged.

As for which book No.2 is?
This is not easy to say.

One will be "Fairy Dust" and the other will be "Wu Break the Sphere" and these two authors are all kinds of miserable, all kinds of uncomfortable. Ask for a ticket...

All grandparents, aunts and aunts have all moved out.


Two great god-level characters worked very hard to code words, fight for updates, and opened a single chapter to sell miserable tickets just to grab a No.2...


Don't you say it's not funny?

Where is the person involved, Chu Qing?

Sleeping beautifully in the rented room, after waking up, stretched and went out to buy a few buns to eat, because it started to snow outside and it was a bit cold, and it was the weekend, so Chu Qing hurried back to the house to continue Code Braille.

However, when I inadvertently read the next month's ticket list on Kaitiandi Chinese website...

"What...why is my monthly pass the first?"

He scratched his head...

He only wanted to compete for the second place in the monthly ticket list last night, and he really didn't have any ambitions for the first place...

However, it is inexplicably the first...

(End of this chapter)

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