Start with a star wife

Chapter 114 King of Singers!

Chapter 114 King of Singers!

On stage, Yu Zhile gave people the feeling of a wandering poet.

He just sat on a high stool and played the guitar calmly. Since he was wearing a full set of puppet costumes from head to toe, no one knew what kind of expression he was singing now, just People can't even see his singing mouth.

If it weren't for the sound of the guitar, some people might wonder if he was lip-syncing?

Of course, none of this matters anymore!
The important thing is that now there is another nice folk song!


"If spring, there is no you in the dream
If I can't meet you on the street corner in summer

Even the autumn wind can't take you back here
My heart is like the cold winter..."

Hearing this, Teacher Wu suddenly nodded and praised: "You in spring, summer, autumn and winter? The lyrics are well written, and the title of the song is also good!"

He took off his presbyopic glasses, closed his seemingly cloudy eyes, leaned back in his chair quietly, and listened to this soothing ballad love song.

Yu Zhile played the guitar leisurely and sang this song he especially liked.

On this stage today, the accompaniment instruments are the least used, and the simplest is his song.

In fact, even if there is no other instrumental accompaniment for this song, just playing the guitar by himself is enough.

Because folk songs often only need a guitar to express the artistic conception of the song, and this simple and simple accompaniment melody is often more touching.

The audience in the audience was listening to the music quietly, and Yu Zhile enjoyed the satisfaction brought by the stage and the music.

He sang softly:

"Watching the geese return to the distance together

I think of the girl who is with me
watching the leaves fall
The hesitation of returning home

Keeping the habitual imagination..."

In the last verse, Yu Zhile changed a word.

The lyrics of the original song are "I think of the girl who will accompany you in my heart", and he changed it to "my girl".

Because when he sang this song, he was thinking about the girl he would call "wife" every day.

Sing a song!
Yu Zhile put down the guitar and put on the puppet gloves.

The lights on the stage began to light up after the music ended, and there was warm applause from the audience.

No one cheered, which meant that the song didn't make people feel excited or enjoyable.

But this applause was the loudest one today!
Teacher Wu also clapped his hands a few times. He put on his reading glasses again, praised and said curiously: "This song is really well written! But I'm curious, why is your voice so different from the previous ones?" ? I wonder if the program team has changed people, deliberately tricking us so that we can never guess the identity of the singer!"

Yu Zhile coughed and said, "I understand your suspicions! How about this, in order not to be suspected by the audience of changing people, or lip-syncing on the spot, I will turn off the voice changer and sing a section for you with two different voices. Listen."


Teacher Wu began to look forward to it.

Yu Zhile turned off the voice changer, and then sang the chorus part of the song with the voice of the first round:

"Without you in spring, summer, autumn and winter, how can I live the four seasons of the year?"

At this point, Yu Zhile changed her voice from just now, and continued to sing: "Aimless nonsense, let me monologue whose memories..."

After singing, he pressed the microphone's voice-changing button, and said with a low voice: "Now, can you be sure that there is no replacement?"

Teacher Wu immediately gave a thumbs up, and the female judge next to her smiled bitterly, and said, "Seiyuu are all monsters! This is not false at all!"

"In fact, this is very common. Many people can imitate other people's voices. If you are willing to learn, you can also do the same as me! This is just a pronunciation skill, not a skill!"

What Yu Zhile said is true, even his wife Qin Haiyu has this skill, after all, nine out of ten students from the Broadcasting Department are seiyuu known as monsters.

Therefore, in addition to singing with the original voice, Qin Haiyu can also sing with other voices, but he is not used to it, but with more practice, he will get used to it. This is the basic operation.

At this time, the host Ni Qiqin who was standing beside her suddenly asked curiously: "So [Red Rose] teacher is also a voice actress? She sang in the first round and the second round, and I feel that her voice has changed significantly!"

Yu Zhile concealed it for his wife: "She should be singing the original voice in the front, and most of the singing in the back is with her voice suppressed, so the difference is obvious and normal!"

Others nodded their heads one after another, while Qin Haiyu in the background snickered in his heart, thinking that he hid it too well this time!

Some people would naively think that the first round of singing was their original voice!
When the show airs, if everyone guesses like this [Pai Daxing] teacher, then don't expect to be able to guess that [Red Rose] is her!


Qin Haiyu snickered in his heart!

But when the voting for [Pai Daxing] started, she quickly became nervous.

I don't know if I can get No.1 in the second round of singing, can I win the first song king award of "King of Masked Singer"?

At the beginning, she was quite confident, but she never expected that the second round of [Pai Daxing] singing was also a folk song!And it's an original folk song!

The worst part is that the song "You in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" sung by this guy is so beautiful!

It feels like No.1 is going to be cut off...

Qin Haiyu felt a little regretful and aggrieved, but even if she lost, she was convinced of the loss, and if she lost like this, she had a reason to have an excuse to chat with her husband, and then asked for comfort!

Thinking about it this way, she looked away!
Soon, the voting for 【Pai Daxing】is over!
Qin Haiyu and the singer named "Lone Wolf" re-entered the stage, because the three competitions in the second round have all ended, and the ranking of votes for the second round will be announced next!
Yu Zhile was not worried at all, because he knew in his heart that the singer of this episode was either himself or his wife!

First of all, it is the song that has the advantage.

As for his wife, the status of a female singer and her beautiful and eye-catching figure have the upper hand.

As for the male singer [Lone Wolf], although his singing performance in the second round was not bad, his song selection was a bit short of resonating with the audience.

Therefore, Yu Zhile is certain that the probability of [Lone Wolf] getting No.1 will be very low.

It didn't take long, after Ni Qiqin's slightly ink-stained hosting ended, the number of votes was finally made public!
When the ranking of votes was announced on the big screen on the stage, Yu Zhile was delighted!
Sure enough, haha!
No.1 is really me!
I'm sorry, my dear wife, but I'm embarrassed to accept the King of Songs trophy from your husband in the first episode of the show!

(End of this chapter)

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