Chapter 24

"Are you free tomorrow? I'll treat you to a meal!"

This is a message from Yang Bing.

Yu Zhile typed and replied: "What's the situation? Could it be that the promotion and salary increase started today?"

The top layer of the chat box shows that Yang Bing is typing, and then sends a message: "Not yet, but today I made some bad points and suggestions for revision to the director according to what you said, and the director suddenly said that he would give me some advice after listening to it." In my three days, let me plan a new program for him."

Yu Zhile typed and sent it: "Yes! It happens that the National Day is off tomorrow, and my mother will come to see my granddaughter at night. How about we make an appointment at seven o'clock in the evening?"

Yang Bing sent a restaurant address: "Okay, let's meet at this restaurant tomorrow night. I'll choose a bigger private room, and you can bring your family over for dinner!"

"You don't have to be so polite. It's more troublesome to be recognized as my wife. Besides, she and my mother have to take care of the children at home. I can go there by myself tomorrow."

"That's right, then it's settled, I won't bother you for now."



Yu Zhile put the phone away, Qin Haiyu was teasing the baby, and then asked: "Honey, who are you chatting with?"

"An old classmate in the class."

Yu Zhile said: "Honey, I have to go out for dinner tomorrow night to socialize."

Qin Haiyu immediately asked: "Male classmate or female classmate?"

Yu Zhile smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's a male classmate! Your husband, I have such a sexy, gentle, beautiful and charming wife like you, so I still have my mind on other women!"


Qin Haiyu was so praised that she laughed. She was very relieved of her husband. The reason why she asked whether she was a male classmate or a female classmate was because it was an instinctive question for normal women.

Yu Zhile reached out and pinched Qin Haiyu's chin, turned her face to her, and said, "Is it glib, you have to taste it to know!"

"Don't make trouble, the baby is watching!"

Qin Haiyu said angrily: "I'm an old couple, and I'm still so fake!"

"Who told my wife to be so good-looking! It's hard for me to be serious!"

Yu Zhile kissed Qin Haiyu's small mouth like a chicken pecking rice, then got up obediently, and said, "I'll go wash the baby's milk powder!"

"My husband has worked hard!"

Qin Haiyu teased the baby in his arms, like a little girl, and asked the baby softly, "Daddy is so kind, isn't it, stinky baby?"


The little guy stretched out his hands and grabbed his mother's face, giggling happily, and the two small front teeth that just came out looked very cute.


The next day, Qin Haiyu still got up early to take care of the baby, and didn't wake Yu Zhile up.

Because she kept her word, she gave her husband a mysterious reward last night, so tired that Yu Zhile was still sleeping like a dead pig.

Therefore, Yu Zhile didn't wake up until noon, and then he was able to let Qin Haiyu take a lunch break to supplement his sleep.

In the evening, Mother Yu rushed over.

She is a Chinese teacher in a primary school and is responsible for teaching lower grade students. She packed her luggage and came to take care of her granddaughter after the National Day holiday this afternoon.

When Yu Zhile saw his mother open the door and come in, he immediately asked, "Didn't Dad come?"

My mother said without temper: "He went to the capital to watch the flag raising with his group of cronies!"

"All right……"

This is still the familiar dad style!

Yu Zhile suddenly felt too kind!
This is the first time he felt such a strong sense of intimacy after time travelling!
Qin Haiyu came out with the baby in his arms, and said happily, "Look, baby, grandma is here!"

"Ouch, isn't this my precious granddaughter! Come, let grandma hug her!"

The mother ignored her son and ran straight to her granddaughter. Yu Zhile shook her head helplessly and said, "The status of the family is clear at a glance! Forget it, I'd better change clothes and go out to have dinner with my classmates now!"

The mother hugged her granddaughter and rubbed the little guy's face with the tip of her nose, then said sternly: "It's fine to go out and have dinner with your classmates! Don't drink and don't stay so late before coming back!"

"Got it, just have a meal and chat, I'll be back soon."

Yu Zhile went back to the room to change clothes, then took the car keys and walked over to tease the baby, saying: "Honey, I'm going out then!"

Qin Haiyu reminded: "Drive slowly, it's rush hour now!"

"Roger that!"

Because of the big light bulb of his mother, Yu Zhile didn't kiss his wife goodbye.

He went out to drive, considering that the road would be a bit congested during rush hour and it would take a little longer to travel, so after his mother came over, he simply went out an hour and a half earlier.

Yu Zhile is the kind of person who would rather arrive early than be late no matter what he does. When he arrived at the hotel reserved by Yang Bing along the rush hour traffic, he arrived 40 minutes earlier than the scheduled seven o'clock.

But this is also a good thing, he can take the time to go shopping and take a good look at how many changes have taken place in the streets of the capital in 2025 in this parallel world.

But in fact, I found that the changes on this street are not obvious. People still mainly pay by mobile phone for travel and consumption, which is not much different from the 2020 he lived in front of him.

Check in, and send a video report to his wife to report safety and location, Yu Zhile checked his phone, it was 18:45.

It was almost time to pass, and he walked towards the restaurant. Yang Bing came here directly after get off work at six o'clock. Unless something delayed him, Yang Bing must have arrived at the hotel by this time.

When he walked up to the small private room on the second floor of the hotel, he saw Yang Bing was smoking a cigarette and said with a smile, "It's so early!"

"Just sat down and had a cigarette."

Yang Bing smiled, and handed over the cigarette case, Yu Zhile said, "I don't smoke, so you're welcome."

Yang Bing took back the cigarette box, then extinguished the cigarette he had smoked less than half, and said: "I have a wife and children, so I really have to quit smoking! The roast goose here is very delicious, I have already ordered it, Take a look at what you want to eat and order whatever you want, don't be polite to me, or I won't be ashamed to ask you some questions later."

"Old classmate, I can't be polite to anyone, I can't be polite to you!"

Yu Zhile took over the restaurant's tablet menu, and now the restaurant's menus have all been turned into tablet computers, which seems much more convenient.

Every dish has a picture, and there is even a video to watch, Yu Zhile scrolled through the tablet menu, and for a while suffered from difficulty in choosing.

He ended up adding two more entrees to the best-seller list, asking, "Shouldn't you be drinking if you're driving?"

Yang Bing nodded and said, "Let's replace wine with tea. The millet tea here is very fragrant and delicious."

After Yu Zhile made his selection, he handed the tablet menu back to Yang Bing. Yang Bing saw that Yu Zhile only ordered two main dishes, and then added three more dishes of cold dishes. After finalizing the order, he scanned the QR code with his mobile phone to pay, and waited for the waiter to serve the dishes.

Looking at this operation, Yu Zhile felt that he still had a particularly obvious sign of being out of touch with the world, but it was not difficult to adapt. After all, the changes in life were not great, but many places have become technologically and networked.

After the order was placed, a waiter soon delivered two sets of utensils, three small dishes of cold dishes, and a pot of millet tea.

Yang Bing consciously washed the tableware, then poured tea for Yu Zhile, and said straight to the point: "By the way, your wife should tell you about the failure of kicking the restaurant when she goes back, right?"

Yu Zhile nodded and said: "Yes, she also said that Mr. Wu suggested that the program team create a voting resurrection link."

Yang Bing put the poured tea in front of Yu Zhile, and said: "Yes, it is also because of this that the director suddenly held a meeting after recording the show yesterday and asked if there should be a resurrection segment. I supported it, and then I made some suggestions along the voting question you told me, and finally the director asked me to plan a program and hand it over to him."

Yu Zhile tasted one with peanuts, and said, "This is a rare opportunity! You have to fight for it, and you will become the gold medal planner in Taiwan. If you have confidence in yourself, you can try it." I plan to direct a new program myself."

Yang Bing smiled bitterly and said: "It's too early to say these things now! I'd better keep my feet on the ground and take one step at a time! So I invite you out for dinner today to thank you for these suggestions, and secondly, I want to talk to you about some of my Thoughts, by the way, I will ask for your opinion to see if there is any problem."

"Come and listen."

After Yu Zhile finished speaking, he realized something, raised his hand and interrupted: "Wait a minute, I'll send a video to my wife and make a report first, so that she won't suspect that I'm dating a female classmate!"


Yang Bing laughed bitterer than bitter gourd, and complained, "I'm already full after eating dog food before this dish is served!"

 感谢【钻山豹】、【三千大道之命运】、【三千大道之命运】、【may58】、【水是一种态度】、【麦兜石头剪刀布】、【期望完全期望】、【坑货点娘】、【内敛的中年】、【chenyong0302】、【高逸文】、【绝恋の狂】、【道长有礼】、【书棋2】、【我是超级笨蛋】、【冷√橋╅簖╄】、【sada】、【柳庭书房】、【蜍叶】、【书友090408111713618】、【bmbt】、【13008846627】、【春无痕】、【kevin806】、【温柔的晘匪】、【书友20190103094953022】、【永远恋雪的风】、【love小雨点】、【♂笨笨龙】、【一点哀愁】、【图霸九州】、【小sun孙】的打赏。这是上半天的打赏,下半天的打赏Chapter 2更新再感谢,谢谢大家。

(End of this chapter)

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