Start with a star wife

Chapter 25 Your suggestion is perfect!

Chapter 25 Your suggestion is perfect!

After showing a wave of affection, Yu Zhile began to listen to Yang Bing one by one.

"Combining your complaints and suggestions, I plan to modify the voting session in this way.

First of all, the vote of the judges was directly removed, because I found that there were bullet screens and comments on the Internet that scolded the judges for voting blindly, saying that the votes of the judges were the shady scenes of the program group.

The second modification is the audience voting link.

As you said, the audience voting part is really not very good!After each singer has finished singing, the number of votes will be announced directly. For the audience, the sense of anticipation of whether their favorite singer will be promoted is gone.

And if the singers in the front have a high number of votes, then the singers who will appear later will inevitably feel pressured, and this will affect their mentality and performance to some extent.

If the number of votes is kept secret until the end and then released together, the sense of anticipation and suspense can be put directly at the end, allowing the audience to look forward to the show from the broadcast to the end of the show.

Finally, there is the resurrection link. Now someone in the program team suggested to adopt the form of Weibo voting, but I think Weibo voting is too fake, and you can get a lot of votes by just looking for a trooper.

So my idea is to use mobile phone SMS voting in the resurrection link, so that a large number of fake votes can be avoided. "

After Yang Bing finished speaking in detail, he began to ask for opinions: "Do you think there are any problems in the few places I mentioned that need to be corrected?"

Yu Zhile nodded and said: "Your thoughts are very good, but you have overlooked one thing."

Yang Bing asked curiously, "Which point?"

Yu Zhile took a sip of millet tea and said, "That's the real number of votes you're after, not just what the program team and the director want to pursue! You're also a behind-the-scenes worker in the station now, and you should know more about the program team than I do. Is there any shady scene in the voting session?"

Yang Bing was taken aback, and said: "There should be no shady votes, right? The jury's vote may be called shady, because many of them voted based on the singers, not the singer's singing level at the time." .

As for the live audience, I don't know about other programs, but the live audience of "I Am a Singer" are really real audiences. "

Yu Zhile chuckled lightly and said, "Old Yang, you're being a little naive! The jury's voting is done in the form of lights, so it's clear who voted and who didn't!
But what about the live audience?

They voted with voting machines, and it was impossible to know who voted and who did not!So even if the audience is real, the number of votes does not necessarily mean authenticity!
The backstage program group can give as many votes as they want, and it has nothing to do with whether the audience is real or not! "


Yang Bingning raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what do you think should be done here?"

Yu Zhile said: "True and false, false and true! This situation is the most difficult to deal with. We can only see if the director and the program team are willing to disclose the real votes, but there is another point, that is, the so-called real votes are not It doesn’t have to be true! So no matter how you change it, the number of votes is actually not satisfactory!”

Yang Bingdu was in a mess: "My brain is going to short-circuit what you said! What does it mean that the real number of votes is not necessarily true?"

Yu Zhile said: "As you said before, if the audience is all real, if most of the audience are fans of a certain singer, they will only vote for their own idol singer and not for other singers. Come on, this number of votes is naturally untrue!"

Yang Bing seemed to understand what Yu Zhile meant, and he said, "You mean that only the audience votes need to be announced at the end, and other places are the same?"


Yu Zhile took another sip of millet tea when the waiter came in to serve the food.

After the other party turned around and left, Yu Zhile continued: "It is impossible for the vast majority of variety shows to have a real voting session. Who is the champion and who is No.1? Most of the program groups refer to the other party's popularity, or are cooperative interests.

So in the voting process, you only need to revise until the final number of votes is released, and you don’t need to emphasize the authenticity, which will make the leaders dissatisfied with your naive thoughts. "

Yang Bing suddenly realized!

He suddenly wanted to offer Yu Zhile a glass of wine to show his gratitude, but thinking that they don't drink, he could only nod and agree, "You're right, I was a little naive! Fortunately, I asked you out today, otherwise I would If this set of plans is handed in, it is impossible to say that the chance of promotion and salary increase that I finally won will be screwed up by myself like this!"

Yu Zhile said: "Your idea is actually very good, but you are not a director or a leader, so the gains outweigh the losses.

In the future, when you become the general planner of the program, the leader or the director, you can make your own decisions. "

"That's right!" Yang Bing took a sip of millet tea bitterly: "After all, my position is too low and I don't have enough power!"

Yu Zhile encouraged: "It's only been two years since you graduated from university, and you have just turned into a trainee planner. It's already very good to win this opportunity to stand out in one fell swoop. If you can satisfy the director this time, then you will be able to get rid of the trainee soon. Two words, and then become a program planner who is valued by the leaders."

Yang Bing nodded, and then asked: "Now there is another problem. If the jury doesn't vote, then wouldn't their existence be meaningless?"

Yu Zhile suggested: "The jury is still meaningful, many of them are relatively professional, so you can try to modify it like this.

For example, the judges voted for the singer by lighting up the lights, and changed the judges to give the singers lights up and likes!The judges who turned on the lights would naturally say that the singer's singing moved him!And the judges who don’t turn on the lights will pick faults and say that the singer’s singing is not good. This is also an important part of the show. Otherwise, the whole show will keep singing and voting, and the audience will be boring after watching it for a long time. "

Yang Bing's eyes lit up, and he said in admiration, "Your suggestion is perfect! Why didn't I think of this! When the time comes, make a thumbs-up gesture at the light of the judges' bench, and the effect will be immediate!"

Yu Zhile then suggested: "As for the resurrection of voting, I support the text message voting you mentioned. This can indeed limit the occurrence of malicious swiping of votes, and text message voting is also a source of income for the program group. Discuss the cooperation in this area, if you explain it this way, the program team will probably consider it."

Yang Bing firmly remembered what Yu Zhile said, then picked up his chopsticks, and said gratefully: "Stop talking, come, let's eat first! This roast goose is very delicious, try it!"

Yu Zhile said with a smile: "Old Yang, you seem to be enlightened now! Are there any other problems now?"

Yang Bing smiled awkwardly: "These big problems have been solved by you, and I won't bother you with other small problems!
By the way, you are very suitable to be a program planner!Sure enough, excellent people are equally excellent no matter what field they are engaged in!Don't come envious, don't come envious!Let me turn grief and anger into appetite! "

"Haha, it's a prize!"

Yu Zhile smiled perfunctorily, but sighed inwardly.

Because only he knows...

I am such a good hammer!
This is all the experience accumulated over the years of watching variety shows!

 Thank you [Feng Bingchen] for the 2000 tip, thank you [Ruoshuizhimo] for the 1000 tip, thank you [Ming Ge 187] for the 1000 tip, thank you [Xiaocheng 12138] for the 400 tip, and thank you [Flying Little Demon Tiger] ] for the 300 tip, and thanks for the 100 tip from [Fish Shrimp Shrimp].It’s a new day, continue to ask for recommendation tickets, thank you mua~

(End of this chapter)

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