Start with a star wife

Chapter 35 This Is Too Funny

Chapter 35 This Is Too Funny
Qin Haiyu's explanation and rebuttal directly slapped Zhang Dahua in the face, so that Zhang Dahua didn't know what to say except for laughing.

The host, Ni Qiqin, acted accordingly and had no choice but to find a place for Zhang Dahua to step down, jokingly said: "That's why! In love, there is not only the sour smell of love, but also the copper smell of money.

Although it sounds a bit vulgar and rough to say, if we want to live a happy life, we must have a vision for the future and work hard to make money. "

After finishing speaking, Ni Qiqin turned around and said: "Then the audience vote is now open. If you like Qin Haiyu's singing this round, please vote for her!"

Among the judges' seats, all 30 judges gave their thumbs up one after another. This is the most obvious change after canceling the judges' voting session.

In the past, when the judges counted the votes, there was no situation where all 30 judges voted. Now after changing to the likes section, almost all members can like it in every issue, so there is no shady vote for the judges , many viewers would not believe it.

30 seconds later...

"The voting channel is closed!"

Ni Qiqin reminded Qin Haiyu to thank the audience, then turned and walked backstage.

Ni Qiqin then announced the appearance of the No.2 singer who competed on stage.


Backstage, Qin Haiyu was sitting on the sofa, and the female singer named Ye Fei immediately came over and said, "Sister Qin, your song is so beautiful! I want to fall in love after listening to it! I'm so envious of you love!"

Qin Haiyu smiled and said, "Then I bless you to meet that knight on a white horse who is willing to protect you all the time."

Ye Fei enthusiastically took Qin Haiyu's arm and sat down next to her, and said, "It would be great if there were boys who confessed their love to me like this when I was in college!"

Qin Haiyu smiled, and didn't know what to say. This Ye Fei was not so warm and friendly in the two episodes of the show that she came to play before. Now she is not used to it, and even a little repulsed.

Women's intuition towards women has always been accurate!

She felt that Ye Fei had come prepared!

Because "Little Lucky" became popular, and now the song "Primura Grass" is so good, Ye Fei started to please her.

Maybe it's because I want to build a good relationship so that I can ask for a song in the future, right?
After all, in terms of debut qualifications and musical achievements, Qin Haiyu is much better than Ye Fei, who has only become popular in the past two years.

If Ye Fei hadn't been so warm and friendly, Qin Haiyu still had a good impression of her. Now, she felt that Ye Fei was acting too hypocritical and anxious.

Except for the second singer who competed on stage, the other five singers sitting together were also praising Qin Haiyu, but they were not as enthusiastic as Ye Fei showed.

Qin Haiyu sat for a while, then took the time to leave the backstage and go to the bathroom.

Today's recording time is still very long, and there will be very few clips of the backstage singers, so they don't need to sit obediently all the time in the backstage, and occasionally male singers go to the toilet to smoke.

As a girlfriend assistant, Xu Ling stared at Qin Haiyu all the time except in front of the camera, so when she saw Qin Haiyu going to the toilet, she immediately followed her, then checked the toilet, and put Qin Haiyu's Take out the milker.

She joked: "Do you want me to bring you milk and come back home?"

Qin Haiyu rolled his eyes in disgust, and said, "Forget it! My husband has brought the baby back to his hometown, and he won't be back until tonight."

Xu Ling's fleshy face was full of sympathy and said: "The baby has no breast milk today! Poor~"

After a while, Qin Haiyu walked out of the toilet, took out his mobile phone and sent a voice message to her husband: "Husband, my first performance is over! All 30 judges gave me thumbs up!"

Xu Ling shook her fat face, and said, "I'm getting goosebumps!"

Qin Haiyu raised his eyebrows, and sent another voice message, saying delicately: "Husband, I only now know that the flower language of cherry blossoms means that there is no one else to love except you! I am so touched, I love you, love you." You, mua~"

Xu Ling gagged: "Qin Haiyu, enough is enough! You have the guts to say something like that to the camera!"

Qin Haiyu smiled triumphantly: "Hee hee, I'm going to disgust you! Why did you always tease me as a cow, and you often tease me!"

Xu Ling rolled her eyes, she also had nothing to do with Qin Haiyu, luckily single dogs have already gotten used to the sour smell of dog food, otherwise she would really vomit!
the other end.

Yu Zhile has already sneaked into the elementary school, sitting under the old banyan tree, waiting for his mother to finish class.

The baby sat on his lap and moved restlessly. Yu Zhile listened to the two voices from his wife, and then suddenly said: "Besides you, there is no other love? Primrose actually has such a romantic flower language? "

He coughed, cleared his voice, replied to his wife's voice, and said in an unhappy tone: "I have taught you this song for so many days, and you only know the flower language of cherry blossoms now!
I thought you already knew about it, and I thought it was a very romantic thing!The result... Hey, it's so sad! "

After the voice was spoken, Yu Zhile put his forehead on the baby's forehead, kissed her, and said with a smile, "Baby, do you think mother is a showman or father is a showman?"


The baby waved his little hand and spoke inarticulately, Yu Zhile became excited instantly!
Is this calling daddy?
Although the pronunciation is not allowed!

But it should be called Dad!

He happily voiced to Qin Haiyu: "Honey! The baby just called Dad!"

Qin Haiyu was a little ashamed when she heard the previous voice, but she didn't expect her husband to send a voice saying that the baby was called Dad, and she immediately became happy!
She quickly replied: "You record it for me!"

So, Yu Zhile recorded it several times after that, he was the one who called Dad, and the baby stopped calling after the first sentence...

"Smelly baby, you lost the chain at a critical moment! Why do you think you are so unreliable!"

Yu Zhile put his head against the baby's forehead in distaste, and finally said helplessly: "Honey, you can record the show at ease, this stinky baby won't bark once, it made me so excited!"

Qin Haiyu suddenly thought of something, and said, "Honey, do you see if the baby is pooping? Maybe she's not calling daddy, but poop?"


Wife, you are going too far!

Yu Zhile put the phone away, then took off the baby's pants and diapers to look at it, and immediately started rolling his eyes!

He recorded a video and said tiredly, "Honey, you hit the spot!"


When Qin Haiyu watched the video sent by her husband, she couldn't hold back and spit out laughing.

Xu Ling was also watching the video with her, and couldn't help laughing: "Haha, this is too funny!"

Qin Haiyu replied to the voice with a smile: "Haha, husband, go wash the baby's ass and change the diaper, I have to go back to record the show, so I won't laugh at you for now."


Yu Zhile looked at her baby drooling and staring at her baby as if nothing had happened, then helplessly put her pants back on, planning to wash her ass after her mother finished class, and then go back to change her diapers.

 In the new week, ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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