Chapter 36 No Man's Dignity at All

At 11:45, the school bell rang.

When Yu Zhile hugged the baby and waved at his mother, the mother thought she had misjudged the person!

She walked over suspiciously and asked, "Why did you come here? You don't have to worry about catching cold when you're holding your baby outside in this cold weather!"

"It's okay, she's well dressed! The hat is off, and her hair is wet, look!"

Yu Zhile took off the knitted hat on the baby's head, and rubbed the baby's hair which was indeed a little wet.

Mama Yu patted his hand speechlessly, then put the hat on the baby, and said angrily, "Aren't you stupid! It's easy to catch a cold!"

Yu Zhile watched a group of primary school students trot towards the school gate after class, and asked curiously, "Mom, why are the primary school students finishing get out of class so late now! It's almost twelve o'clock!"

Mama Yu said, "Didn't you finish class at this time when you were in primary school?"

"Uh, forgot."

Yu Zhile gave the baby to her mother to hold, and then said: "By the way, Mom, your precious granddaughter is pooping, we have to go back and change her diapers."


Mama Yu said speechlessly, "Did you bring diapers?"

Yu Zhile replied: "Yes, at home."


Mama Yu asked, "You haven't said why you came here suddenly? Where's my daughter-in-law? Didn't she come with you?"

Yu Zhile said: "She's going to record a show today, so I'm going home when I'm bored."

Yu's mother asked: "So, you didn't find your father, so you entered the school and waited for me!"

Yu Zhile complained: "I called my dad when I came here, but he had an appointment to play chess, so he ignored me! Mom, I think you should discipline your husband! In his heart, he doesn't even have any sons and granddaughters." It's important to play chess that you say you are angry or not!"

"I'm too lazy to care about him!" Mama Yu said with great distaste: "He likes to play chess, so let him spend his life playing chess and go!"

The two left the school and met a female teacher wearing myopia glasses on the way. She stared at Yu Zhile and the three of them, came over curiously and asked, "Director Pan, who is this?"

Mama Yu introduced: "This is my son and my granddaughter."

"So cute!"

The female teacher touched the baby's face and asked, "How old is it?"

"Almost eight months."

Saying that, Mama Yu reminded: "By the way, Xiao Zhao, when you go back to the dormitory, please help me tell Mr. Huang that I will change the first class in the afternoon with him."

"Okay, I remember."

Teacher Zhao teased the baby, then said goodbye and left.

Yu Zhile followed his mother out of the school and asked, "Mom, are you really going to teach until you retire? We don't need money now, so why don't you just quit your job and just do something you like every day like Dad? .”

Mama Yu said: "I've been teaching for so many years, and it's almost the last two years. It's too bad to quit now. Anyway, two years will come soon. When I retire, I can help you take care of your children and teach She can read and write, so she won’t worry about sending her to kindergarten.”

Yu Zhile urged: "Mom, do you want to open a kindergarten? After being a director for so many years, you don't want to be a principal to have fun?"

Mama Yu said: "In fact, I really thought about opening a kindergarten after retirement! But think about it or forget it, it's too troublesome and the competition is too great.

Moreover, it is difficult to find patient and caring preschool teachers now. In addition, in recent years, preschool teachers have abused children everywhere, and news of unsanitary kindergarten cafeterias has appeared, which has led to many families not wanting to send their children to kindergarten. "

"This is really troublesome!"

Yu Zhile nodded. His mother is an elementary school Chinese teacher. After retirement, his mother will help take care of the baby, so there is no need for him to send the baby to kindergarten in the future.

However, going to kindergarten is also good for children. At least after a period of training in kindergarten, they will not miss home and parents when they go to elementary school, and then cry non-stop.

It's just that the current kindergarten problem will indeed worry many parents.

On the way home, when passing the chess and card room, my mother glanced at it, and then said: "Go up and call your dad home for dinner! Otherwise, this guy will be full playing chess, and it will be a day!"

"Well, then you go back first."

Yu Zhile went upstairs and saw that his father and that old Liu were still playing chess, and several old men and uncles were watching.

It may be because of good quality, or it may be that Dad and Lao Liu warned everyone to watch chess silently, so no one is pointing the country and disturbing their chess thinking.

Yu Zhile took a look at it. Based on his experience of being dragged by his father to play chess since he was a child, his father will probably lose this game, because he lacked a horse and a cannon from the opponent, and now he is defending Lao Liu's game. Violent attack, full of disadvantages.

He said, "Dad! You're doomed to lose this game. Mom asked me to come up and call you home for dinner! She said that if you don't go back quickly, I will make you kneel at chess tonight!"

Lao Yu's face darkened, what did this brat say!
What kneeling chess!

It's as if my wife is strict with me!
Old Yu snorted coldly: "Who says I'm doomed! Even if I can't win this game, it can still be a draw!"

Old Liu chuckled and said, "Stop bragging! You've lost one of my horses and one cannon. It's so difficult to defend now. Are you still thinking about making a comeback? Still thinking about a draw?"

"Forget it, forget it, I'll give you face, I'll admit defeat! But with three out of five games, I still beat you today! You'd better go home and study hard before playing chess with me!"

Lao Yu cleaned up the chessboard. This pair of white jade chess is his treasure, so he is reluctant to lend it to others when there are people around.

Old Liu refused to accept it: "There is a kind of continuing in the afternoon! I let you do it before, and I won't give you water in the afternoon!"

Old Yu said contemptuously: "Old Liu, you are not good at chess! If you still don't admit it when you lose, you are ashamed to say that it was for me, then I will also say that I lost to you earlier, it was all for you, it was all for you Water it!"

Old Liu said: "Heh, we will fight again at two o'clock in the afternoon, whoever loves will be the grandson!"

Lao Yu packed up the chess pieces and snorted coldly, "I'm afraid you won't succeed! Two o'clock is two o'clock!"

Yu Zhile reminded: "Dad, mom has changed classes in the afternoon, maybe you won't be able to leave until three o'clock!"


Lao Yu corrected himself and said, "I just want to take a nap, so make an appointment to fight again at three o'clock!"

Ha ha……

Old Liu couldn't help laughing, this old Yu is really a strict wife!

My wife doesn't dare to come over to play chess if she doesn't go to school. This is too useless!He is even afraid of his wife, is he still a man!

In the next second, a piercing yell sounded: "Liu Ming! Hurry up and go home! You only know how to play chess every day!"

"Oh, here we come!"

Lao Liu's waist trembled, Ma Liu got up, and hurried downstairs.

Old Yu chuckled: "This cowardly old Liu, who is afraid of his wife and afraid of becoming such a virtue, has no dignity of a man at all! My wife dare not be so cruel to me, this is how to teach a wife well!"

Yu Zhile couldn't help laughing, she wanted to complain about her father, but considering the crowds here, let her pretend to be aggressive and give him the last bit of dignity!
Walking out of the chess and card room, Lao Yu suddenly asked in a deep voice, "You didn't complain to your mother, did you?"

Yu Zhile said: "Dad, you are treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain! How could I do such a thing as cheating on my father!"

Old Yu chuckled: "Have you cheated me too much? If it weren't for you being the only seedling, and if it wasn't for your mother protecting you, I would definitely smoke you from childhood to adulthood!"


Yu Zhile suddenly remembered that she had done a lot of cheating things since she was a child, and her mother even told an interesting story, saying that when she was a child, she often peed on her father's face...

After returning home, my mother had already washed the baby's butt and changed the diapers.

After lunch, Dad couldn't find an excuse to sneak out to play chess, so he turned on the grandpa mode and teased his granddaughter endlessly.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon.

The recording of the second half of the finals of "I Am a Singer" finally started, and Qin Haiyu sent a message in aggrieved way, saying, "Husband, I am so unlucky, I got the first one to sing on stage again in the second half of the finals, woo woo~ ~"

(End of this chapter)

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