Start with a star wife

Chapter 37 Some people, once missed, never again

Chapter 37
"It's good to be the first one!"

Yu Zhile typed back a message to his wife: "If the first one can surprise the audience, then the singers who will appear later will feel the pressure, and then they will not be able to compare with you in terms of momentum and singing!"


Qin Haiyu replied: "Hehe, listening to my husband's words is better than studying for ten years! Husband, are you still in your hometown?"

"Well, it's still there. I'll go back after dinner, and I'll pack mom's special dishes for you then!"

"Okay, then you can say thank you to Mom for me, I love her, hee hee!"

"Mom saw it! She told you to sing well, don't be nervous!"

"Thank you mom, mom is so nice!"

Qin Haiyu replied: "Stop talking, I'm going to get ready to sing on stage, and wait for my good news when the time comes!"

Knowing that her mother-in-law was by her husband's side, Qin Haiyu was embarrassed to continue acting like a spoiled child, after all, she still wanted face...

Yu Zhile replied with an emoji of "Come on my wife", glanced at the father who was teasing the baby, and said coldly: "I heard that you paid your wife to participate in this kind of program, right?"

Yu Zhile recruited it truthfully: "That's right, it cost 100 million!"


Old Yu stared and said, "It's fine if you don't pay for this shit show, but you still have to give them 100 million to participate?"

Yu Zhile explained: "Dad, you don't understand now! For a show with a lot of popularity like this, apart from the big stars who are eligible to negotiate appearance fees, other small stars want to use the show to gain fame, let alone 100 million. Even if it is 1000 million, someone is willing to pay it!
Your daughter-in-law has retired for nearly two years after getting married, and her popularity and traffic have all plummeted. Spending 100 million yuan to buy a show is already pretty good! "

Mama Yu said distressedly: "This 100 million is too expensive! I have been teaching for more than [-] years, and I can't make so much money in total!"

Lao Yu shook his head speechlessly. If 100 million was not a small amount of money to his son, he would definitely call him a prodigal.

Yu Zhile said at this time: "But what's interesting is that when the program team invited to participate in the finals, they gave an appearance fee of 300 million yuan, so this time it's not a loss, and they earned 200 million yuan back!"

Lao Yu was satisfied with this, and said with some pride: "It's not bad! Earlier, Lao Liu pretended to be aggressive with me, saying that his son's annual salary as a director of a state-owned company was about to be one million, and I said that my son and his daughter-in-law are the same. Yue Sui casually made millions, but he thought I was bragging! Heh~~"

As he talked, Lao Yu uttered an idiom with disdain: "The frog at the bottom of the well!"

Yu Zhile asked curiously: "They don't even know that your son is a great writer and your daughter-in-law is a big star?"

Lao Yu casually said: "Not many relatives know about it, let alone them!"

Well, this secrecy work is amazing!
But this is also to keep their lives from being affected. Otherwise, if everyone knows that they have a son of a great writer and a daughter-in-law of a celebrity, they will not be able to live such an ordinary and comfortable life.

My mother asked at this time: "Son, you don't write novels anymore, what will you do to support your family in the future? You can't rely on your daughter-in-law to participate in the show to make money, can you?"

Yu Zhile said: "Don't worry, Mom! Although I don't write novels now, I can still receive a lot of manuscript fees every month in the future. Our current savings are enough for our family to enjoy comfortably for a lifetime."

Old Yu said earnestly: "As long as you don't get involved in drugs or gambling, you can talk about it! Once you get involved, no matter how much money you have, it will be lost!"

"You can rest assured about this, I don't even drink alcohol now, let alone get infected with this stuff!!"

Yu Zhile said, and then urged: "Come on, Dad, I'll play two games of chess with you, it's been a long time!"

Lao Yu just had an itchy hand, went to get out the chess, and warned: "Don't cheat with your mobile phone!"


Yu Zhile suddenly remembered that when he was just in junior high school, he used his mobile phone to cheat and beat his father in a game of chess. At that time, although his father lost, he was extremely excited, thinking that his son was a chess genius, but when he found out the truth, he was so angry Not lightly, if it wasn't for my mother's presence, maybe I would have been spanked so hard that time!

In the end, he angrily confiscated his son's cell phone, so that Yu Zhile had no cell phone for the whole junior high school.

The past is vivid in my mind!
Yu Zhile thought about it and suddenly realized that he really seemed to have cheated his parents since childhood!


at the same time.

The recording of the second half of the finals of "I Am a Singer" started.

In the first half, Qin Haiyu successfully entered the semi-finals.

This program completely followed Yang Bing's plan to change the rules of the voting session and the finals.

In the first half of the finals, eight singers drew lots and competed on stage in order. At the end of the performance, the host directly announced the votes and rankings of the singers who failed to advance to the top four after knowing the ranking of votes.

As for the singers who entered the semi-finals, the ranking of votes is still kept secret and has not been made public.

Because for the singers who have advanced to the semi-finals, the number of votes for the first half of the competition needs to be added to the number of votes for the second half of the competition. In the end, the one with the most votes will be the overall champion of this season of "I Am a Singer"!

With the passionate voice of the host Ni Qiqin and the enthusiastic applause and cheers of the audience, Qin Haiyu, who was still the first to compete on stage in the second half of the finals, walked out of the stage.

She didn't know if she was lucky or not.It's fine to get the first stage in the first half, but in the second half, the first stage is also drawn!
This is actually very unfavorable to her. According to the past experience of this show, the number of votes for the first person to sing on stage will not be the one with the highest number of votes.

The last one to sing on stage basically got a lot of votes, she didn't know why, anyway, it's not a good thing to be the first to sing on stage.

But she wasn't too nervous, her husband was right, it's actually a good thing to be the first on stage!As long as you amaze the audience and take the lead in conquering the audience, then the next singers on stage will feel the pressure and perform abnormally!
Thinking about it from another angle, the benefits of being the first to perform on stage come out!

At this time, on the background screen of the stage, the song that Qin Haiyu was going to sing this time began to appear.

The accompaniment band started playing after receiving Qin Haiyu's gesture.

Qin Haiyu was enjoying this beautiful stage, and thought of the maiden novel "The Sea of ​​Love" written by her husband, because she felt that most of the inspiration for her husband's creation of this song came from this novel.

At this time, the judges were stunned again. The title of the song didn't feel unfamiliar. There should be such a song, but when the accompaniment came out, it was too strange!
When the first lyrics were displayed on the big screen, they found it even more unfamiliar!

This seemed to be another song they hadn't heard before!
Could it be another new song composed by Qin Haiyu's husband?
If Qin Haiyu's singing hadn't already started, some of the judges would have wanted to ask first!

At this time, Qin Haiyu raised his head slightly, his eyes were sad, his voice was full of sadness, and he began to sing affectionately:


I finally learned

how to love
pity you

long gone
Disappeared in the sea of ​​people..."

If "Sakura Grass" sung by Qin Haiyu in the first half sounded like he was in love, then this song "Later", to the audience, it sounded like he had experienced a broken love!

Unforgettable lovelorn!

finally understand in tears
some people

Once you miss it, you won't..."

With an amazing opening voice, just a few lines of lyrics, along with the beautiful melody and sad singing voice, instantly sang into people's hearts!
Qin Haiyu singing a love song like "Sakura Grass" can make people sweet to death, but now singing this kind of sad song can make people cry to death!

This sentence "some people, once missed, never again", like an arrow, instantly pierced through the hearts of the audience that were still beating, but no longer as hot as before...

 Dear, did you vote for recommendation today?


(End of this chapter)

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