Start with a star wife

Chapter 38 Conquering the audience

Chapter 38 Conquering the audience

On the stage, under the illumination of colored lights, colorful smoke was lingering, like a fairyland.

Qin Haiyu lowered his head slightly, twirling the long blue pleated skirt with his left hand, and his sad singing, through the sound system, reverberated like water in every corner of the studio:
white petals

on my blue pleated skirt

love you
you whisper
I bow my head
Smell a burst of fragrance..."

Looking at the lyrics scrolling on the big screen on the stage and listening to Qin Haiyu's singing, the judges and audience at the scene discovered that the blue pleated skirt Qin Haiyu wore today was specially prepared for this song "Later" yes!
In the jury, a female judge suddenly took out a tissue and wiped her tears. Maybe the other party was really moved, but after the show was broadcast, the bullet screen would definitely say that the other party was a drama star.

One of the judges nodded, and whispered to the judges beside him: "This is another new song! It is probably composed by his husband again!"

"Well, I just searched the Internet, and there are several songs called "Later", but the lyrics don't match."


Qin Haiyu glanced at the teleprompter in the front row of the auditorium, and the lyrics she had memorized backwards were scrolling on it:
"The love at that time
why can it be that simple

and why

when people were young
Must hurt loved ones

in this similar night
are you the same

I am also quietly regretting and feeling sad..."

Singing here, many people are really regretting and sentimental!

Some people say that people who like sad love songs will be more emotional in their hearts and will be more easily moved.

In the auditorium, there are quite a few people like this.

At this moment, not only the female audience cried, but even several male audiences were moved to tears.

Some viewers are really showing their true feelings.

Some viewers may be out of professionalism.

Backstage, the remaining three top four singers are Mr. Wu Xiaoqian, Ye Fei and Chen Yuzhong.

Teacher Wu nodded and said, "The lyrics of this song paired with Qin Haiyu's emotional singing voice really touch people's hearts!"

Chen Yuzhong just nodded but did not respond, Ye Fei said: "Sister Haiyu's song is not composed by her husband again? Teacher Wu, have you heard this song?"

"This must be a new song!" Teacher Wu said, "Perhaps, it is really a new song created by her husband!"

Chen Yuzhong said at this time: "She retired when the entertainment industry was popular, and now she has come back and immediately released three such excellent songs. She is the real return of the king!"

Ye Fei watched Qin Haiyu's singing process transcribed on the screen enviously, and began to feel the pressure in her heart!
Originally, she was very confident of winning the championship, but Qin Haiyu broke out of the finals halfway, threatening her in an instant.

In terms of appearance, figure, and singing skills, although she was not convinced, she did lose to Qin Haiyu!
Not to mention that behind Qin Haiyu there is such a musically talented husband backing her up!
"How do you remember me
With a smile or a very silence
these years
Is there anyone who can make you not feel lonely..."

At this moment, many people's emotions were completely ignited by this song!

How do you remember me?
Many people think of the girl or boy they had a crush on at the beginning, and many people think of their first love or ex. At this moment, these memories deep in their hearts, along with Qin Haiyu's "Later", burst like crazy pour out!

They don't know whether the other party is smiling or silent when recalling them, but when they recall each other, there is only silence and sentimentality now.

Qin Haiyu's singing touched the softest and most sensual place in their hearts.


I finally learned how to love

It's a pity you're long gone

disappear into the crowd

finally understand in tears
Some people, once they miss it, don't..."

Qin Haiyu raised his head and sang the last line of lyrics with twinkling eyes:
"Never again, there was a boy who loved that girl..."

The microphone slowly moved away from her lips, Qin Haiyu looked at the auditorium, and she found that several girls in the front were crying profusely.

It doesn't seem like the quality of the professional audience is too good, but this song seems to have really moved them and reminded them of the past.

In their hearts, maybe there was such a boy, right?

The final accompaniment disappeared, and the stage returned to the calm before the concert. Ni Qiqin, who was wearing a white dress, walked onto the stage, and her expression was no longer always smiling as before.

Obviously this song also touched the softest part of her heart.

Her voice was even a little trembling, and she presided over with wet eyes: "Although the host can't canvass for singers because of personal emotions, this song is the first song on this stage that sang me crying. I want to take this opportunity to say something own feelings."

Qin Haiyu hugged Ni Qiqin, she didn't cry when she sang, but the people who listened to the song did.

This made her feel gratified, because it showed that her singing this time was impeccable, both in terms of emotional investment and singing skills.

Ni Qiqin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a small tissue, and said: "I believe that many people's experience is the same as this song. I actually want to say to those who care about me that I am living a good life now, really. Very good, although I didn't fall in love, but I lived a very fulfilling life.

Although I sometimes feel lonely at night, I am not alone.The only thing I regret and feel guilty about is my parents' urging and worrying about my marriage.Here, I hope that everyone can meet the right person, trust each other and rely on each other, and then be full of fantasies and expectations for life! "

It's good that Ni Qiqin didn't say these words, but when she said these words, some audience members who didn't cry at first, were stunned to cry when she said these words.

She laughed and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure. Do the teachers of the jury have any questions or comments?"

At this time, a middle-aged composer sitting in the front row pressed the like button and commented: "There are several songs on the Internet called "Later", but from today onwards, the only one people can remember is Qin Haiyu's "Later"!"

"Thank you." Qin Haiyu didn't expect the senior teacher's evaluation to be so high.

A judge then asked: "I want to know if this song "Later" is the same as "Primura Grass", is it a song composed by your husband?"

Qin Haiyu nodded and said, "Yes, this "Later" is a song written by my husband. This song is about the emotional experience of the hero and heroine in his novel "The Sea of ​​Love"."

The judge said in admiration: ""Little Lucky", "Sakura Grass", and "Later", your husband is really a talented musician! It is really a wise choice for him to give up writing novels and choose to create music, and it is also a manifestation of self-confidence! "

Qin Haiyu smiled authentically and said thank you. She originally wanted to say that this was not a wise choice, because her husband's performance in novels, especially in publishing, is amazing!

But if she talked too much, the program team might suspect that she was advertising her husband's novel, so she didn't continue talking.

The judges posted comments one after another. This time, all 30 judges gave Qin Haiyu a thumbs up.

Although Zhang Dahua, who was slapped in the face by Qin Haiyu in the first half, did not speak this time, he also pressed the like button in the end. Maybe he will remember the fact that he was slapped in the face by Qin Haiyu in the first half, but he can Hearing that the song "Later" will definitely be popular when the show is broadcast, so in order to avoid being sprayed out, he had to give Qin Haiyu a thumbs up.

Ni Qiqin's emotions were under control, and she returned to normal moderation: "Then open the audience voting channel now! If Qin Haiyu's "Later" moves you, then press the voting button, and the voting channel will open in 30 seconds. closure!"

On the stage, Qin Haiyu looked around, and all the audience she could see clearly were holding voting devices and pressing them frantically with their thumbs!

She felt that she really did what her husband said, she managed to make her debut and amazed and conquered the audience!

(End of this chapter)

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