Chapter 39
The 30 seconds passed quickly, and the audience voting was over. The judges, the audience, and even the singers didn't know how many audience votes Qin Haiyu could get this time?
And in the background, the staff in charge of counting the votes were stunned!
Director Zhang Qian was dumbfounded!

500 votes?
The 500 audience members actually voted for Qin Haiyu! ?
This is the first time that the program group has sold out tickets since it aired!
At this moment, Yang Bing, who participated in the recording of the program, was shocked when he saw Qin Haiyu's votes!

In the first half, although Qin Haiyu only ranked No.3 in the number of votes, compared with No.1 Ye Fei, the number of votes in the first half was only 25 votes behind.

In other words, if Ye Fei's votes are lower than 475 votes, then Qin Haiyu will basically win the championship, and there is no need to refer to the votes of the other two singers in the second half!

He took the time to leave, and sent a message to Yu Zhile to announce the good news: "Old Yu, your wife should win the championship! The second half of the competition is full of tickets!"

After receiving the news from Yang Bing, Yu Zhile immediately felt relieved. It seems that his wife still managed the pressure and sang the song "Later" perfectly!
He knew that the song "Sakura Grass" was not suitable for the competition, but the song was very nice, so it would probably be no problem to sing this song in the first half to enter the semi-finals.

Then in the second half of singing "Later", as long as my wife does not have any accidents, as long as she can sing as well as she did when rehearsing at home, then it will definitely impress the audience and get a lot of votes!

But he didn't expect that all the audience would vote for his wife!
He typed: "Old Yang, you won't end up with a shady scene with your votes, right?"

Yang Bing replied: "It's hard to say, but the votes of the four top eight singers who were eliminated in the first half are all real! I don't think there is anything shady about the audience votes program group, but most of the previous jury votes were shady. "

Yu Zhile typed and replied: "It's a pity that I don't have time to go to the scene today, so I can only watch the show after it airs."

Yang Bing said in admiration: "Old Yu, you are awesome this time! I really didn't expect that the two songs your wife sang today are actually your original songs!

This time the finals are broadcast, I feel like you are going to be popular!When the time comes, you will probably have to be like your wife when you go out, and you may be recognized by others at any time. "

Yu Zhile replied: "Paper can't hold fire, it's a matter of time, let it be!"

"That's right, I'm busy first."

Yang Bing put his phone away and went back. Now that Qin Haiyu had finished singing, the scenes on the stage needed to be rearranged, and then began to record the next singer's competition.

Taking advantage of this time, Qin Haiyu returned to the backstage, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to her husband: "Husband, I finished singing, and all the judges gave me praise again! And this time, many people cried because of me singing." It's over!"

Yu Zhile saw that the message sent by his wife was a text message, and then typed back: "What about you? Did you cry?"

Qin Haiyu didn't answer, and suddenly asked: "Honey, does mom have class this afternoon? Are you at home now? Or are you with your parents?"

Yu Zhile typed and replied: "Mom just went to class, the baby just fell asleep, I was watching at home, our dad is unreliable, and asked someone to play chess again!"

At this time, after Qin Haiyu made sure that her father-in-law and mother-in-law were not by her husband's side, she began to type and act coquettishly: "Oh, my husband, let me tell you, I also cried when I sang this song! It's all your fault, I wrote it When such a sad song came out, I not only made others cry, but also made myself cry! I don’t care, please coax me!”


Yu Zhile was also defeated by his wife, she only started acting like a baby after she made sure that her parents were not by my side!
They are all mothers, and they are even more difficult to take care of than babies!
He suddenly thought of a cold joke, and then typed back: "Honey, let me tell you a joke related to the song "Later"!"

Later, he edited the text and sent it: "One day, the little ant got lost and couldn't find the ant nest. Just when it was in a hurry, it happened to see its companion ant carrying food back, so it rushed over and asked: buddy Son, you... how do you go back to the ant nest?

The ant was taken aback for a moment, and said: With... with a smile or very silent? "

After the message was sent out, Qin Haiyu didn't react at first when he saw the cold joke sent by her husband, but finally did, and immediately couldn't hold back the laughter!

Record the scene of the singer in the background, and completely record the scene of her laughing.

Teacher Wu and Ye Fei, who hadn't had their turn to compete on stage, both looked at Qin Haiyu who suddenly burst out laughing suspiciously. Seeing that Qin Haiyu was embarrassed, he had no choice but to explain, and then read the joke according to the cold joke sent by her husband. I read it to them again, but unfortunately they didn't hear any jokes, they just gave a perfunctory awkward smile.

After all, they are not very familiar with the song "Later", they just listened to it once.

Qin Haiyu replied to her husband's hahaha emoji, and then typed: "Husband, I'm going to record a show, so I won't chat with you for now."


Yu Zhile put down the phone, looked at the baby sleeping soundly on the bed, and then lay down to take a nap.

At 04:30.

Dad came back from shopping for vegetables after playing chess. Under normal circumstances, it was my mother who came back from shopping for vegetables after class, and then went to the chess and card room to call him home.

Today my son and granddaughter came over, so my mother issued a military order, and my father had to buy food before my mother came home from get out of class, so today my father was more active.

Yu Zhile suddenly suggested: "Dad, you like playing chess so much, why don't I show you the whole chess game? It's exciting and exciting, and it can spread the chess culture, how great!"

Old Yu was quite looking forward to it, but then he refused: "It's unnecessary, usually playing chess is just to pass the time and cultivate sentiment! The whole game is a waste of money, and not many people participate."

Yu Zhile said: "If you want to participate in the competition and have fun with the masters, I can find an advertiser to sponsor a competition, and it won't be a waste of money!"

"Is this possible?"

Dad was deeply skeptical: "It's not a large-scale competition, how could there be advertisers willing to sponsor it."

Yu Zhile said: "Dad, have you forgotten that your daughter-in-law is a star? Just wait, if you want to find your daughter-in-law in an advertisement next time, I will help you make preparations. When the time comes, the whole National Chess Tournament will come out for you." Go and show off your chess skills, if you can win the championship, your mother will not say you when you go to the chess and card room in the future!"

Lao Yu immediately looked forward to it: "If you don't spend money, you can do it! Anyway, this old street in the county town, I have never met an opponent!"

Yu Zhile smiled and said: "Yes, I will remember this for you, just don't slap yourself in the face when the time comes!"

Old Yu whispered: "Just kidding! I think you and I also participated in the national chess competition back then!"

Yu Zhile asked: "Then what place did you take?"

Lao Yu replied: "Almost won the championship!"

Yu Zhile chuckled: "How close is it?"

Old Yu snorted coldly: "You don't care how bad I am! Anyway, I almost won the championship! Those who can stand out and participate in this competition have almost the same chess skills!"

Yu Zhile pierced his heart and said, "Come on, you can't even beat that old Liu! How dare you brag?"

Lao Yu said disdainfully: "Who says you can't beat Lao Liu! I beat him every day, and when he wins, he is more afraid of seeing me than seeing his wife! And he was a chess player in the provincial team when he was young! This shows that What happened? Explain your old man's level of chess, which is at the level of the national team!"

"Yes, yes, dad, you are awesome!"

Yu Zhile smiled helplessly, but Dad and Lao Liu should have a [-]-[-] level of chess, which shows that Dad may really have the level of an ordinary professional player, so if this national chess competition is won, he can still pass Addicted.

Soon, my mother came home from get out of class to cook.

Yu Zhile sent a message to his wife. At this time, Ye Fei, who was on stage at the end of the finals, had already finished singing.

The number of votes for the top four contestants will be announced soon!

Who will win the championship will soon be decided!
 Thanks to [Shangyue Lone Star] for the 100 rewards, and thank you [Daily meeting is not happy] for the 100 rewards, a new day, recommendation votes are up!

(End of this chapter)

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