Start with a star wife

Chapter 6 Disclosing Identity【Please recommend for collection】

Chapter 6 Disclosing Identity【Please recommend for collection】


what the hell!

I still want to carry on the family line!

It's impossible to have a ligation in this life, okay?

He corrected: "It's not a ligation, it's a novel eunuch."

Qin Haiyu was shocked and said: "Novel eunuch? You don't write novels anymore?"

She suddenly pulled her face down, and said with a distressed face on her tender face: "I'm sorry husband, it's all my fault for participating in the show, which caused you to take care of the baby and have no energy to write novels. If you are too tired, please take another day off. I'll take the baby, you can just write with peace of mind."


It's not your fault!
It's just that I don't know how to continue writing, so I just find a reason to close the pen to save trouble!

Yu Zhile didn't expect Qin Haiyu to take the responsibility directly on herself, but through this detail, he found that Qin Haiyu was really a very gentle and considerate wife.

This made him feel a little more at ease, and at the same time he was more able to accept the fact of time travel now.

On the contrary, if Qin Haiyu is a heinous shrew, then even if he accepts the fact of time travel, he will still divorce her at that time.

But now, he doesn't think about divorce, and he has no reason for divorce now.

Unless he doesn't like the current Qin Haiyu, unless they really can't get along.

So the result of this time travel is not too bad for him now, but it lacks some expectations and process that he longs for.

But these expectations and the process, there is still a chance to make up for it in the future!

Yu Zhile solemnly said: "I've made up my mind, so let's do it! To stop writing at the most glorious time is also a respect for myself and this work. As for the ending, let the readers let their imaginations fly and make up their minds!"

Qin Haiyu didn't expect that her husband, who has been writing continuously for more than five years and hasn't stopped writing, is about to close his pen at this time!
At this time, the precious girl in Qin Haiyu's arms stopped crying after feeding, but now Qin Haiyu was about to cry.

She suddenly said guiltily: "Husband, why don't you send the baby back and let your parents-in-law take care of you for a while, so that you can have enough time and thought to create."

"It's not about the baby."

Yu Zhile explained: "It's because I don't know what to write, and at the same time I'm a little tired, and I plan to return to my job!"

"Back to the line?"

Qin Haiyu was surprised and said, "Honey, do you want to start music again?"


Yu Zhile nodded, finally calmed down, and said nonsense: "Maybe it's because you are coming back to participate in "I Am a Singer". Recently, all my creative inspirations are music, so there is no way to write novels."

Qin Haiyu said pitifully: "Then what about the readers? They have supported you for so many years and brought you so many honors. Now that the eunuch has sealed the pen, it will hurt their hearts so much!"

Yu Zhile didn't expect Qin Haiyu to be thinking of the readers at this time!It can be seen how kind and considerate her heart is!


He sighed: "Instead of writing some tattered plots to deal with readers, it is better to close the pen and leave readers with a hope that one day it will be restored and updated. Maybe this will become a swan song in my creative career. deeply rooted in people's hearts."

Seeing that her husband had made up his mind, Qin Haiyu stopped trying to persuade her, but reminded: "Husband, then you have to explain the situation to the readers, I believe they will understand you."

Known as the "Godfather of Pure Love", Yu Zhile's readers and fans are basically women. Although there are also male readers, there are still relatively few male readers who like pure love novels.

He nodded and said, "So, I plan to reveal my identity."

Qin Haiyu was dumbfounded for a moment: "Why do you suddenly want to reveal your identity?"

Yu Zhile didn't know what he was thinking before the time travel. He had such a good achievement in novels, and had such a beautiful and gentle celebrity wife, but he chose to grow up in secret!
If it were anyone, they would probably show off the dog food to the outside world, okay?

He said: "Since the pen is sealed, there is no need to keep it a mystery. Just take it as a surprise for the readers! Don't they really want to know what kind of writer 'Zi Feiyu' is? Don't they want to Do you know if 'The Godfather of Pure Love' is as handsome as the main character in the novel?"


Qin Haiyu wanted to complain a little bit, why does the last sentence sound a bit stinky?

But when she looked at Yu Zhile's side face staring at the computer screen, she immediately didn't think it was smug.

Because in her heart, a word popped up suddenly in a nympho: Husband looks so handsome when he is serious!

She hugged the precious girl who was breastfeeding in her arms, and suddenly leaned over, kissed Yu Zhile on the cheek with a squeak, and expressed her position: "Husband, no matter what you choose, I will support you anyway! Just like you Supported me for years to do what I love!"

Yu Zhile who was sitting in front of the computer suddenly blushed nervously, this was Qin Haiyu's first kiss for him!

The face is crispy and numb!

I thought that when I grow up, the little deer in my heart will grow up, and I won't bump into it randomly, but I didn't expect that after the little deer grows up, this f*cking bump will be more exciting!

calm down!

Now this identity is an old couple!It's not a young couple who just fell in love, I can't be too nervous and shy, and show my feet!

Qin Haiyu didn't notice anything unusual about her husband. After kissing her husband's cheek like a dragonfly, she walked out of the study with the baby girl in her arms, encouraging: "Husband, come on! I'm going out with the baby." ,Do not bother you."


Yu Zhile responded, only feeling that he had failed too much in life?Just one kiss made me so nervous and excited!

Wouldn't it be more nervous and exciting to sleep together next time?When the time comes for the first time to be so intimate with Qin Haiyu, won't it be exposed every minute?

calm down……

I'm an old driver now!

That kind of thing must not be overturned!

After Yu Zhile calmed down, he patiently looked at the author's background.

The serialized and updated novel is called "Little Lucky", which reminded him of a song with the same name!

The melody of this song can't help but ring in my mind.

"It turns out that you are the luck I want to keep the most. It turns out that we were so close to love..."

Got it!

Yu Zhile has thought about the eunuch's testimonials for this novel and the closing pen testimonials in his novel writing career.

He tapped on the keyboard, and first typed out the lyrics of the song "Little Lucky" that echoed in his mind.

In the end, he continued to tap on the keyboard, released a speech announcing the closure of the pen, and at the same time disclosed his identity...

(End of this chapter)

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