Start with a star wife

Chapter 7 The Hidden Boss【Please recommend for collection】

Chapter 7 The Hidden Boss【Please recommend for collection】

Following the eunuch... Uh, after the testimonials were published, Yu Zhile found that a bunch of comments that both loved and hated soon appeared in the book review area of ​​this novel!

"Please don't be eunuch woo woo woo!"

"Seeing that there is an update, I quickly clicked in to take a look. I didn't expect the author to ask the eunuch to seal the pen!"

"How can you seal your pen? Don't give up! If you don't have any inspiration, then ask for another day off, even if it's a weekly shift!"

"Damn! If you dare the eunuch to seal the pen, I will send you the blade! Asshole author! Do you dare to send me the address!"

"No! The focus of your attention is wrong! The point should be that the author has made his identity public! He is Qin Haiyu's husband!"


Yu Zhile found that nine out of ten of the readers who appeared now were paying attention to the eunuch's sealing of the pen, and only a very small number of readers accidentally discovered that he was actually Qin Haiyu's husband!

Just as he was thinking about how much shock this incident would cause in the novel world, Qin Haiyu, who was sitting in the hall and breastfeeding his daughter, was holding a mobile phone, using an unknown reader account to post comments, encouraging her husband.

"Hey, although the author is a little bit reluctant to close the pen, as a reader, you should understand the hardships you have to face. If you are not forced to, you will not choose the eunuch to seal the pen, so don't blame the big one, he died by himself. My own work, I must be very sad in my heart, very reluctant."

"Come on! No matter what choice you make, we will support you! Just because your works have brought us so much happiness and emotion!"

"I didn't expect Da Da to be the husband of Goddess Qin Haiyu. I'm so envious of Goddess. She has such a talented and handsome husband!"

After posting this comment, Qin Haiyu suddenly realized that he was a bit lost when he talked too much?

It is true!
But if it's handsome, readers don't know it!

Although people can know that her husband's name is Yu Zhile in the encyclopedia information, but Yu Zhile's identity information and photos cannot be found on the Internet.

So Yu Zhile was just a passer-by when he walked outside. No one thought that he was a great writer and the husband of star Qin Haiyu.

But even if this comment is seen by my husband, he probably won't guess that this is me, right?


Qin Haiyu continued to support "the author is great" with comments. Looking at the comments she posted, others would definitely think that this is a fan girl, but they would not think that this is the author's wife!


in the study.

Yu Zhile looked at the computer. After 10 minutes, the book review area had completely fallen. Every time the page was refreshed, many new comments would pop up in an instant. This shows how popular this novel is, and the author "Zi Feiyu" How many fans does the account have!
Someone scolded him, saying that Bai subscribed to his book, and Bai supported him for so many years.

Someone persuaded him to adjust his mentality and update slowly, but don't let the eunuch seal the pen.

Some people said that after becoming a father, I really don't have so much energy to write good novels. Although it's regrettable that I don't want to give up, I can understand it.

Some people support it, just like what Yu Zhile said in his testimonials, instead of writing the plot in a perfunctory way to deal with readers, it is better to close the pen and leave the readers with a thought, let the readers fantasize about the men and women they want to see in their hearts The ending of the protagonist.

Fortunately, Yu Zhile found that neither WeChat nor QQ had any readership on his mobile phone, otherwise the readership would really blow up now.

"So be it!"

Yu Zhile found that not all readers scolded him and blamed him. On the contrary, there were still many readers who could understand him and support his choice, so he didn't have any psychological burden.

he was thinking.

Will I be on the trending search next?
The godfather of pure love, with such a high popularity and outstanding achievements, has been in the top ten of the rich list of writers in five years of creation, and he is No. 4. At this time, he announces the closure of his pen, which will inevitably attract a lot of attention.

What's more, he disclosed his identity in this testimonial!He also told everyone that he is Qin Haiyu's husband!

Just this topic is enough to arouse a lot of heat and attention.


at the same time.

In the company of the novel website, an editor suddenly shouted in shock: "Zi Feiyu asked the eunuch to seal the pen!"

One after another, the major editors were dumbfounded!

"What's the situation? Why did the eunuch seal the pen when it was so good?"

"I'll go! Don't scare me! If the eunuch in "Little Lucky" gets lost, I will really send him the blade!"

"Really! He's published his testimonials! The most shocking thing is that he also disclosed his identity, saying that he is Qin Haiyu's husband!"

"Qin Haiyu? Why is this name so familiar? Oh, I remembered! This is the overall champion of "The Voice of China" two years ago!"

"Fuck! The latest chapter really announced that the eunuch has closed the pen! No, I have to call him to persuade him! Even if he changes weekly or monthly in the future!"


The phone rang.

Going back to another place, Yu Zhile looked at the incoming call on the phone, the note showed a call from the editor boss!
He didn't have any memory about this editor in his mind, so he chose to refuse to answer the call, and replied to the text message: "I have made up my mind, I want to be alone now, sorry."


This really requires the eunuch to seal the pen!

The editors are desperate. After all these years, an author with such a high online subscription and such a best-selling offline publication has finally come out. When he can continue to create legends and create new records, he actually chooses the eunuch to seal his pen!
This is really unacceptable!

But the other party doesn't want to write anymore, can you force him to do it now?

Although there is a contract, the website can indeed force him to threaten him, but in the past five years, "Zi Feiyu" has brought too much honor to the website, too much profit and reader traffic, if the website forces him to sue him , so he must not be notorious in the industry?Can't it chill the hearts of so many authors?
Therefore, if "Zi Feiyu" decided to seal the eunuch's pen, if it is really impossible to persuade him to come back, then the website can only express his support and regret.

At this moment, Yu Zhile's mobile phone became lively one after another.

In the class, after some female students found out that "Zi Feiyu" was him, they started to growl now.

"@吴之乐, bastard! I didn't expect that the author I've liked for five years is actually a classmate!"

"@宇之乐, come on! I know you must have saved manuscripts! Hurry up and make up the saved manuscripts and the ending of "Little Lucky", or be careful next time at a party!"

Yu Zhile clicked into the university class group, and saw the names of familiar classmates popping up, and everyone was talking about him.

No one thought that Yu Zhile was actually a big boss hidden in the class!
Before they graduated, they already knew that Yu Zhile and Qin Haiyu were in a relationship. In the second year after graduating from university, many classmates even attended Yu Zhile's and Qin Haiyu's wedding.

At that time, many male students were envious of Yu Zhile, thinking that Yu Zhile was too happy to eat soft rice, and he was so lucky to marry Qin Haiyu, who was so famous back then, as his wife!

As a result, they now know that Yu Zhile is not eating Qin Haiyu's soft food at all!

This guy turned out to be such a low-key rich writer!

my day!

(End of this chapter)

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