Start with a star wife

Chapter 61 How about this reward?

Chapter 61 How about this reward?

"Honey, be more reserved! Don't you want to attend this New Year's Eve party?"

Yu Zhile watched in surprise as his wife took off her shirt at the speed of light...

Qin Haiyu said: "My husband, are you stupid! This is 1500 million yuan! You can earn so much money for milk powder by spending a few hours singing and singing, no fool would want to participate!"


Yu Zhile said unhappily: "Then I replied to them and said you agreed!"

"Quick! Reply quickly! Otherwise they will regret it if they are not sure!" Qin Haiyu urged while putting on his clothes.

Yu Zhile replied to Yang Bing by typing: "For the sake of so much money for milk powder, my wife agreed to participate!"

Yang Bing replied: "Okay, then I will find a way to explain it to the leader."

Yu Zhile replied: "It's hard for you to explain, 1500 million yuan is the bottom line, even if the leader can accept it, he will definitely feel that your ability to handle affairs is not good enough.

In this way, you said that the new song released by my wife on New Year's Day will be released at your New Year's Day party!
In addition to singing "Sweet and Sour is Me", my wife will also sing three songs: "Little Lucky", "Sakura" and "Later". There are five songs in total, with an average of 300 million yuan per song , so that they can grit their teeth and accept it, and they won't give you too many bad looks. "

"Okay, I will report like this!"

Yang Bing was moved again!

Brothers!Good classmate!

For the first time since graduation, he felt the care and worries other than his family!
He hurried to report to Director Zhang and said, "Director Zhang, I paid Qin Haiyu 1500 million yuan for his appearance."


Director Zhang was dumbfounded: "1500 million?"

Yang Bing said with a little nervousness: "Well, she rejected the offer of 1000 million and 1300 million, which means that she really doesn't plan to participate in the New Year's Day party. In the end, I offered 1500 million. I played the emotional card of my alma mater and alumni before I finally invited Here she is."

As expected, Director Zhang turned pale, with a particularly speechless look, and said, "It's fine if you're invited! Let's go out!"

Yang Bing added at this time: "Director Zhang, I have negotiated terms with her!"

Director Zhang asked angrily, "What conditions?"

Yang Bing replied: "It's the new song she will release on New Year's Day, and it will be sung for the first time at our New Year's Day party. In addition, in the conditions I put forward, in addition to the must-sing theme song of Mengniu Sour Milk, there is also a need for She sang the three songs "Little Lucky", "Sakura" and "Later".

Director Zhang's angry and gloomy face finally calmed down a bit, and he asked, "She agreed?"

Yang Bing nodded and said, "Agreed! Otherwise, I wouldn't have paid such an exaggerated appearance fee of 1500 million yuan. I'm also afraid that you will say that I am ineffective, and you will give the bottom line price."

Director Zhang nodded and said, "Well, that's not bad! If you give her 1500 million yuan, and in addition to the sponsor's theme song, she will only sing a song on stage, then it's not worth the money!"

Yang Bing breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Director Zhang, then I'll go out and report the news to Manager Chen of the Bull Group, and arrange for someone to hand over to Qin Haiyu and sign the contract?"

Director Zhang nodded, waved his hand and said, "Well, go get busy! The planning of the New Year's Eve party these days should be followed closely. Young people must be serious and work hard, so that they can have a bright future!"

"I will, then I'm going out to work, so I won't bother you!"

Yang Bing walked out, heaving a sigh of relief, and then took the time to send a message to Yu Zhile to say goodbye.


At home, Yu Zhile didn't take a nap anymore. He looked at Qin Haiyu who had already changed his clothes and was combing his hair, and said, "Honey, it's settled! This time I want you to sing five songs in total, one song on average. 300 million yuan!"

Qin Haiyu looked back and asked, "Then can I sing two more songs and earn a few more millions?"

Yu Zhile smiled and said, "Honey, it's fine that you look beautiful, you think beautiful too!"

Qin Haiyu stuck out her tongue mischievously. She sat at the dressing table and combed her hair, and said happily: "1500 million! My appearance fee is almost the same as those super first-line stars!"

Yu Zhile said: "If you refer to the popularity of the works, the few songs I prepared for you have already beaten the new songs of those top-tier singers! So Dragon TV is willing to pay 1500 million yuan, which shows that they are also aware of this point! "

Qin Haiyu suddenly asked softly: "Husband, do you mean that they gave the 1500 million yuan for the sake of the song?"

Yu Zhile came over, took the comb from her hand, helped comb her hair, and explained with a strong desire to survive: "Of course not! It's one thing to have a song popular, but the most important thing is that my wife is beautiful! Just For this beauty, I think 1500 million is less!"

Qin Haiyu was amused by her husband's improvised flattery. In the mirror, her smile was as sweet as if her little mouth had been smeared with honey.

With a smile on her face, she looked at herself and her husband playfully in the mirror, and said with a smile: "For the sake of telling the truth, I will spare you this time! Xiao Yuzi, hurry up and make up for me!" !"


Yu Zhile knelt down on one knee quite cooperatively, and then continued to comb his wife's messy long hair.

After a while, he squeezed his throat and asked, "I'm going to tell you, should I wear a single ponytail or a double ponytail?"


Qin Haiyu burst out laughing at the eunuch's tone of voice from her husband, then coughed, and continued to playfully said: "Just tie a ponytail for me!"


Yu Zhile continued to cooperate with this dramatist wife. He suddenly thought of a line of lyrics, and the familiar melody and singing voice couldn't help popping up in his mind.

I, who should be acting with you, turn a blind eye...


Forget about this song, if it is copied out, others will think that our relationship has broken down and we are about to divorce!
Yu Zhile quickly tied a ponytail for his wife, and asked, "Ma'am, is this ponytail okay?"

Qin Haiyu turned his face to the mirror, nodded and praised: "Not bad, there is progress!"

Yu Zhile touched the black and beautiful ponytail, and asked, "Should I reward the younger one?"

At this time, Xu Ling arrived, and the doorbell rang suddenly.

Qin Haiyu quickly stood up, stopped playing, stood on tiptoe excitedly, kissed Yu Zhile's face as a reward, and asked, "How about this reward?"

Yu Zhile shook his head and said, "Not at all!"

Qin Haiyu stood on tiptoe again, kissed her husband on the lips, then walked out of the room, looked back and blinked mischievously, and said quietly: "Husband, you can do whatever you want when I come back~~"

"That's what you said!"

Yu Zhile followed and walked out, Qin Haiyu was wearing shoes, he went to open the door for Xu Ling.

As soon as the door opened, Xu Ling immediately asked, "What's the matter? I just left, and I promised Dragon TV to attend the New Year's Eve party!"

Qin Haiyu said happily: "Lingling, guess how much they paid me for my appearance?"

Xu Ling guessed, "500 million?"

Qin Haiyu reminded: "Multiply by three!"

Xu Ling was dumbfounded: "500 million multiplied by three? Qin Haiyu, are you awake or am I awake?"

Yu Zhile said: "It is true that 1500 million appearance fees were given! The specific reason why it is so high, you will know when you sign the contract with her!"

Xu Ling was shocked and said, "Yu Zhile! What have you done? Dragon TV is willing to give 1500 million yuan as an appearance fee? Are they crazy?"

Yu Zhile spread his hands and said, "I didn't do anything!"

After putting on his shoes, Qin Haiyu took Xu Ling out with the bag, and said triumphantly, "What's so weird about this! The appearance fee is already worth it! Let's go! Hurry up, otherwise If they go back on their word after a while, the money for milk powder that is on our lips will fly away!"

Yu Zhile looked at his wife who hurriedly pulled Xu Ling out, and told her with a smile: "Read the contract carefully, and be careful on the road!"

Qin Haiyu turned back and blew a kiss, and replied, "Understood! Goodbye, husband!"

Yu Zhile watched his wife get into Xu Ling's car and leave, then closed the door, and said to himself: "Dragon Satellite TV is awesome this time! I thought that if Mengniu Group named it, they might be able to show 1000 million yuan." The appearance fee turned out to be 1500 million yuan! But this time Lao Yang deserved it! The promotion opportunities I created for him were not in vain!"


PS: Dear, let’s send out the recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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