Start with a star wife

Chapter 62 I suspect that your essence is a book

Chapter 62 I suspect that your essence is a book
Two hours later, Qin Haiyu came back after signing the contract. Xu Ling parked the car and followed her in. There was still a shocked and puzzled expression on Fatty's face.

She looked at the baby who was just waking up with a feeding bottle on the sofa in the lobby, and couldn't help but ask, "Yu Zhile, what did you do? Dragon TV actually gave 1500 million yuan as an appearance fee!"

Yu Zhile said: "I really didn't do anything! Maybe this appearance fee is the price increase after Mengniu Sour Milk named it? Maybe this money is a disguised way for them to make up for the advertising plan I gave them?"

When he explained this, Xu Ling suddenly felt that it made sense. Otherwise, unless Dragon TV had too much money to spend, how could it be possible to foolishly spend 1500 million yuan to invite Qin Haiyu!
After signing the contract and returning home, Qin Haiyu was so happy that she put on her slippers happily, walked over and touched the baby's little head, and said, "Drink hard! Drink big mouthfuls! Don't save mommy milk powder money!"

Yu Zhile smiled and said: "You are not afraid that our daughter will be fatter than Xu Ling by then!"


Don't take you to hit people like this!
Xu Ling said with disgust: "Wait until my gym is ready! Let me show you if I'm not skinny!"

Qin Haiyu joked: "If you can do what you say once, you won't become fat like you are now."

Xu Ling said helplessly: "I don't want to either! My physique can make me fat even after drinking plain water! What do you think I can do? I'm also very desperate!"

Yu Zhile said: "I think it's good for you to do this! There's no need to care about other people's eyes to lose weight, as long as you like it, just be yourself."

Xu Ling agreed: "I think so too! So let's have hot pot tonight to celebrate! I'll go to the store to get the ingredients later!"

"Okay! I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time!"

Yu Zhile turned to ask: "By the way, wife, where will Dragon TV's New Year's Eve party be held?"

Qin Haiyu said: "Maybe the funds are abundant this year, so I chose to hold it in the cultural center. If the 18000 tickets can be sold by then, Dragon TV will be able to make sure that it won't lose money. Half of them can’t be sold, after all, the competition for the New Year’s Day Gala of these TV channels is too great.”

Yu Zhile nodded and said, "The New Year's Eve Gala is indeed very competitive. How is Dragon TV's star lineup this year?"

Qin Haiyu shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Xu Ling said: "The star lineup is okay, neither strong nor weak. The known first-line stars include Peng Yan and Wu Xiaoqian, and there are several other traffic stars, such as Chen Yuzhong and Ye Fei who participated in "I Am a Singer" earlier. .

In addition, there are some boy and girl groups whose appearance fees are relatively cheap, but the popularity is not bad, and they are quite exciting. Therefore, as long as the 18000 tickets are not ridiculously expensive, most of them can still be sold out. "

Yu Zhile asked: "When will the party start and end? Will it be recorded or broadcast live?"

Xu Ling replied: "This time it's a live broadcast! From [-] o'clock in the evening, live broadcast to the early morning New Year's Eve!"

Qin Haiyu interjected at this time: "I told the stage, let them arrange for me to sing in front, so that I can go home for the New Year's Eve!"

Yu Zhile said: "For a live broadcast, the sound must be good enough, otherwise the live singing will have obvious flaws.

The most important thing is that without fake singing, this kind of live broadcast can easily reflect the real level of the other party. "

Qin Haiyu suddenly said with anticipation: "Anyway, I can sing my own well, and this time I will sing five songs! It feels like I am having a concert!"

Yu Zhile watched the baby suck up all the milk in the bottle, then changed the pacifier for the baby to suck on, and said, "Honey, if you want to hold a concert, then I'll help you prepare it!"

Qin Haiyu hurriedly said: "No, I'm just talking casually, there's no time for a concert now!"

Xu Ling was so abused that she couldn't bear it any longer. She teased the baby and bid farewell to the two of them. She went to her hot pot restaurant to prepare ingredients, and then came back tonight to have hot pot together.

After Xu Ling left, Yu Zhile asked, "Honey, do you still remember what you said when you went out to sign the contract?"

"What?" Qin Haiyu asked.

Yu Zhile reminded: "You said that when you come back, I can do whatever I want!"

Qin Haiyu pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "Ah? Is there? Why don't I remember!"

Yu Zhile patted his wife's thigh lightly, and said with a hum: "Is it true that I don't remember, or is it false that I don't remember?"

Qin Haiyu suppressed a smile and said, "I really don't remember!"

Yu Zhile grabbed the baby's small hand and patted his wife's leg lightly, and said, "Baby, look at your mother, she is so old and still keeps her word, don't learn from her in the future, you know!"

Qin Haiyu was amused by her husband's serious teaching of her daughter not to imitate herself. She hugged the baby and said mischievously, "Husband, have you thought about how I will reward you?"

Yu Zhile said: "Honey, come here with your ears!"

Qin Haiyu listened to him, also curious about what her husband wanted for her, but after listening to it, she exclaimed, "Here you come again!?"

Yu Zhile coughed and said, "Don't you like it? How about another one?"

Seeing her husband's embarrassed look, Qin Haiyu laughed and said, "You don't need to change it, as long as you like it, I'll listen to you!"

"Hey, my wife is so nice!"

Yu Zhile kissed the baby hard, and then kissed the baby's face again, so as not to make the little guy feel jealous.


In the evening, Xu Ling brought a lot of ingredients from her shop to make hot pot.

After she came in, she said to Qin Haiyu: "Even Mango TV contacted me just now, and I wanted to invite you to the New Year's Day party! It seems that you are really popular after your comeback!"

Qin Haiyu asked curiously, "Then how much will they pay to invite me?"

Xu Ling spread her hands and said, "You ask me, who do I ask? You said that you don't accept all announcements from other places, so I refused all invitations from other TV stations except Dragon TV. I don't know how much the other party is willing to pay for their appearance! "

"All right……"

Qin Haiyu said: "Anyway, it's impossible to be as high as Dragon TV! Other TV stations invite me to pay three or four million appearance fees at most."

Xu Ling said: "Three to four million is already very high! I have rejected several offers of hundreds of thousands a while ago!"

Qin Haiyu nodded and said: "Well, it's fine to refuse everything! Now I'm going as usual, and I won't accept commercial performances and endorsements for the time being!"


Xu Ling was also happy to be free. Anyway, she was an assistant manager who worked part-time. She and Qin Haiyu didn't rely on these for a living, so they didn't take it too seriously.

After eating the hot pot, Xu Ling took a short break and went back.

In the middle of the night, after finally coaxing the baby to sleep again, Yu Zhile jumped onto the bed, stared at Qin Haiyu affectionately, and said, "Honey, I suspect that your essence is a book!"

Qin Haiyu asked curiously, "A book? Why?"

Yu Zhile blew hot air in her ear, and said, "Because the more I look at it, the more I fall asleep!"

Qin Haiyu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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