Start with a star wife

Chapter 63 Your Dad Is About to Show Off

Chapter 63 Your Dad Is About to Show Off


The next morning, Yu Zhile woke up feeling tired and tired. He reached out to touch it, and his wife really woke up earlier than him.

He walked out of the room, looked at Qin Haiyu who was breastfeeding the baby in the hall, and yawned, "I'm exhausted... Wife, I think we need to sign a one-week armistice agreement!"


Qin Haiyu smiled and said, "Is one week enough? Do you want to sign for an extra week?"

"One week is enough!"

Yu Zhile smiled and said, "I can warn you, don't seduce me again in the next week!"


Qin Haiyu couldn't help laughing again, and said, "Okay, okay, go brush your teeth and wash your face, and then have breakfast! I made chicken soup for you this morning, and it's still hot!"

"Honey, I love you to death!"

Yu Zhile frowned coquettishly, then walked to the bathroom.

Qin Haiyu was amused by her husband, and gently and charmingly lowered her head and stroked her precious daughter who was breastfeeding in her arms.

She has always been afraid that after getting married or having a child, her husband will gradually cool down, and their love will cool down.

But after getting married and having a daughter, she found that her husband was not indifferent to her, on the contrary, he was as affectionate as when he first fell in love.

Especially in the past few days, she found that her husband really doted on her more and more, which made her feel particularly at ease and satisfied.

She caressed the baby's little head, looking forward to the happy and fulfilling life now, until it turns white.


three days later.

The registration for the chess game sponsored by Mengniu Sour Milk in its hometown county has begun. Today, the organizer specially contracted an Internet cafe for a two-day offline registration.

Yu Zhile took his wife and daughter back to his hometown that day. Since his wife is a celebrity, she became even more famous after endorsing Yogurt, so it was inconvenient to go out after returning, so she could only stay at home.

In the afternoon, Lao Yu came back arrogantly and said loudly, "It's too simple! A three-year-old can successfully sign up for a chess competition of this level!"

Qin Haiyu looked at his father-in-law's proud look, and asked with a smile, "Dad, did you succeed in signing up?"

Lao Yu waved his hand and said: "It must be a success! The registration process is too simple! In the Internet cafe, if you win two out of three rounds, you can register! I thought the computer was powerful, but it turned out that the process was just like playing. Yes, I can win with my eyes closed!"

Yu Zhile complained: "Dad, you're such a braggart! You can't even see the screen with your eyes closed, how can you win?"

"Go, go! If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

Lao Yu gave his son a disgusted look, and then asked his daughter-in-law: "I heard that you are going to participate in the TV station's New Year's Eve party in two days?"

Qin Haiyu nodded and said: "Yes, Dragon TV will broadcast live at that time, and there are also live broadcasts on the Internet. Dad, will you and Mom spend New Year's Day in your hometown, or go up and celebrate the New Year with us?"

Lao Yu said: "Your mother means to go to New Year's Eve! But I have to participate in this chess game on the morning of New Year's Day!"

Yu Zhile said: "No problem! The competition starts at ten o'clock in the morning, so you just need to come back at eight o'clock. It's only about an hour's drive anyway."

Old Yu replied: "Okay, let's go to the New Year's Eve with your mother! By the way, can you get tickets for this New Year's Eve party? I'm already old, and I haven't seen such a large-scale party at the scene. What about the concert!"

Qin Haiyu smiled and said, "Dad, if you want to see it, I'll ask someone to leave you a VIP ticket with the best seat."

Yu Zhile rolled her eyes, and said to herself, my idea is that my parents will help take care of my granddaughter at home, and then I will sneak to the scene to watch my wife sing!

I didn't expect my dad to get there first!I'm actually interested in this kind of thing!

He said helplessly: "Dad, the sound at the party is very loud! I'm afraid your heart and ears can't bear it!"

Lao Yu asked: "How hot is it? It's not much worse than the sound of KTV, right?"

Qin Haiyu was surprised and said: "Dad, you also go to KTV to sing now?"

Lao Yu explained: "I usually don't go to this kind of place! It was your mother who insisted on dragging me to KTV to sing from time to time, so I was forced to follow! Let me tell you, this old woman sings KTV How shameless you were when you were young, and actually sang the love songs you young people sang!"


Qin Haiyu smiled and said, "I never thought Mom would have such a hobby!"

Lao Yu hurriedly warned: "You keep it a secret, don't let her know! Otherwise, she will be too embarrassed to go there in the future, and then I will be nagged by her again!"

Yu Zhile looked at the naive wife, and couldn't help laughing and said: "Honey, you believe half of what my father said! From what I know about him, it's clear that he likes to sing K, but he's too embarrassed to say it, so he took it." Mom came out to take the blame!"


Lao Yu glared again, this brat really deserves a beating, even if he sees through this kind of thing, he can't say it, okay?

After all, you and I also want to save face!
Yu Zhile smiled, he didn't continue to cheat his father, lest he would suffer in time.

After dinner, Yu Zhile and his wife took their daughter back. After all, New Year's Day is coming soon, and then Yu Zhile has to find time to help arrange the music, and Qin Haiyu also has to find time to practice the song.


In this way, two days passed.

December 12st is finally here!
This afternoon, my parents left their hometown and rushed over. Qin Haiyu was about to go to the cultural center to prepare for the rehearsal.

"Dad, here are two VIP tickets for the front row. In order to avoid traffic jams on the road, it's almost six o'clock after you eat." Qin Haiyu handed the two tickets brought by Xu Ling to his father-in-law.

"Two tickets!" After receiving the tickets, Lao Yu asked his wife, "Honey, do you want to go see together? Granddaughter just let this brat take it with her at home!"

The mother said speechlessly: "Father and son, go and see! I can't stand the loud speakers on these stages! It's shaking so much that everyone is flustered!"

Yu Zhile said: "It's okay, Mom, if you're interested, just go and see it with Dad."

My mother complained: "This is an occasion that young people like! It's your father who is shameless, and he wants to join in the fun!"

Lao Yu said dissatisfied: "Why am I saving face! Let me go to the scene to see what happened to the New Year's Eve party?"

Mom laughed and said, "Then don't post it on Moments, and don't show off to your cronies!"


Lao Yu said disdainfully, then looked at his son, and said, "Do you want to go to see it? If not, I will give the ticket to Lao Liu!"

Yu Zhile said: "Then you can give it to Lao Liu. If I want to see it, I can get a ticket to go in."

Mom suddenly sneered contemptuously, and said, "Look, your dad is going to show off soon!"


Lao Yu couldn't hold back his old face anymore, he opened the door and walked out while making a phone call, so as not to pretend to be aggressive and be complained by his wife.

Qin Haiyu couldn't help laughing, she squatted down and teased the baby her mother-in-law was looking after on the ground, and then said, "Mom, I'll go to the rehearsal first!"

Mom encouraged: "Well, don't be nervous, sing well!"

Qin Haiyu turned to say: "Husband, then I'm leaving!"

Yu Zhile nodded: "Go! Rehearse well and treat it as your concert!"

Qin Haiyu walked out with Xu Ling, and she found that her father-in-law had gone outside even after making a phone call, and she shouted, "Dad, I'm leaving!"

Lao Yu waved his hand to show that he understood, and then said to the mobile phone: "Hey, how much is this ticket worth! You just say whether you want to see it! If you want to, I will drive back to pick you up tonight, and I will drive again tomorrow morning Just go back to the competition with you! If you are afraid of your wife, I will drive you home to the head office after the party!

Well, then it's settled!Don't tell Lao Li about this, after all, I only have two tickets on hand, and my wife is not interested in watching it, so it's cheaper for you!Well, that's it, I'm done! "


five o'clock at night.

Just after eating, Lao Yu immediately said, "Son, I'll borrow your car, and I'll go back and pick up Lao Liu!"

The mother laughed and said: "Look, I don't want to drive my own car, but I want to drive my son's luxury car. Isn't this intentional to show off?"

Yu Zhile was also convinced. He took out his car keys and said, "Dad, why don't I buy you a luxury car so that you can show off every day?"

"Vulgar, no need!" Lao Yu took the car keys and went out.

after an hour.

Yu Zhile checked the time and said, "Mom, then I'm going out too! I'll be back when your daughter-in-law finishes singing!"

The mother was teasing her granddaughter and said without looking back: "Go, go, so as not to be an eyesore at home!"

Yu Zhile didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he sent a message to Yang Bing after he went out, asking him to come out and lead him in, then he glanced at his father's broken car, and finally drove his wife's car to the cultural center!

 Thanks to [Be a Quiet Reader] for the 100 tip, [Zhenma Sipu Lao] for the 100 tip, and [Xiaoyao Junyou] for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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