Start with a star wife

Chapter 68 "Piano Music of the Night" in five parts

Chapter 68 "Piano Music of the Night" Five Parts
Looking at Yu Zhile's piercing eyes, Yang Bing was a little nervous.

"Do you want to hear me tell the truth?" he asked.

Yu Zhile replied: "Say!"

Yang Bing took half a step back, a bit serious, and said embarrassingly: "Although you are tall, rich and handsome now, and although you have treated me very well these days, I really only regard you as a brother!"


Yu Zhile was stunned!

I didn't ask you this question!
I mean, do you think it’s alright for me to perform the piano performance instead of Cai Lanlan?

In the end, what are you thinking about in your mind!

Acting like I'm gay!
Even if I'm gay, it's impossible for me to fall in love with you, okay!

Yu Zhile said speechlessly: "I'm male, but I like women! Don't think about it! I mean to ask you, if I replace that Cai Lanlan, what do you think?"

"You? Instead of Cai Lanlan?"

Yang Bing was even more dumbfounded!
This was even more shocking than Yu Zhile's falling in love with him!
Yu Zhile spread his hands and said, "What? Do you look down on me? After all, I also graduated from the Music Department! Although the piano skills are indeed not very good, I can still show it to others, okay?"

Yang Bing smiled wryly and said: "Brother! Don't mess with me! Cai Lanlan is already a world-renowned piano queen! If you replace her, the gap will be obvious at a glance! Besides, if you take the stage to replace her, Then your identity will be exposed?"

Yu Zhile said: "It's okay, I can wear the animal headgear of the dance troupe, so that no one will know who I am!"

"No!" Yang Bing said, "I'm just saying that! It's too dangerous for you to be on stage! If anything goes wrong, I'll take the blame. If you are exposed, then you will be in trouble!"

Yu Zhile regretted: "Uh, okay! Forget it, it's just a pity that you said such a luxurious and expensive piano, it makes my hands itchy!"


Yang Bing struggled and said, "Why don't I find a way to arrange it for you? But are you sure it's okay? This is a stage where 8000 people are watching! I'm afraid you don't have this kind of stage experience. It doesn't play well."

Yu Zhile said sincerely: "Don't worry, if something goes wrong, I can bear all the losses!"

Yang Binghuo went out and asked: "Then which piano piece do you want to play? I will find a way to arrange it then."

Yu Zhile asked: "Does the boss ask for it?"

Yang Bing replied: "Chua Lanlan intends to play her famous trilogy, about 10 minutes, you can play for a few more minutes or less."

Yu Zhile said: "Then I'll do a five-part piece, just in the early 10 minutes, and the name of the program is "Piano Music of the Night" five-part piece!"

Yang Bing asked curiously: "Ye's piano piece? We didn't seem to learn this piece when we were in school, did we?"

No, we all learned it!
But not us of this world!

In this world, there is no "Piano Music of the Night" anymore!

Yu Zhile said: "Old Yang, believe me! This song will definitely be better than Cai Lanlan's famous trilogy! Let's take a gamble, if we fail, I will take the blame for it, if we succeed, you are the hero of the stage!"

Yang Bing smiled wryly and said, "You don't see me as a human being! Come on, since your hands are itchy and you want to play such a good piano, then I'll go all out and arrange it for you! The worst thing is to lose your job and bet on me. Already!"

Yu Zhile patted him on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Don't worry, this job won't be thrown away! You can get me the biggest panda suit when the time comes, and don't reveal my name when the program is reported, report to Mr. Panda Just do it."

"it is good!"

Yang Bing really went all out, thinking in his heart, Yu Zhile treats me like a brother, let me be promoted to my current position so quickly, and have been favored and valued by the leaders and directors, so what is it to take a risk for him at this time?
Not to mention Yu Zhile, even he wants to play such a good piano on stage!

It's just that he has such impulses and thoughts, but he doesn't have the courage of Yu Zhile, who dares to go on such a big stage and play in front of so many people!

It is also because of this that he graduated from the music department and eventually became a behind-the-scenes worker. Although his work is still related to music, he no longer has the drive and passion that he wanted to be famous on stage when he was young.

It can be regarded as seeing reality clearly!

"wait for me!"

He patted Yu Zhile's shoulder, turned around resolutely and walked back.

Yu Zhile clenched his fists, and when he heard Yang Bing say that they managed to rent such a luxurious and expensive piano, his hands were really itchy!
Perhaps this is the reason why everyone likes music in their bones?

When you hear a good song, you will loop the single!

When you see a good instrument, you want to keep it for yourself!

Hearing such a luxurious and rare piano, I can't help but want to witness it and play it...

Therefore, when he could not go through the back door to witness the performance, he suddenly made a decision to go on stage to replace Cai Lanlan for the piano performance that had been planned.

Soon, the "Little Lucky" sung by my wife on the stage ended, and then the host came on stage to announce the next show.

Backstage, Yu Zhile found time to have an affair with his wife in an unnoticed corner, saying: "Honey, we're cheating too often behind here, and it will definitely arouse suspicion by others, so next I think We have to restrain ourselves a little bit!"

Qin Haiyu shook his finger and said, "Aren't you afraid? Why are you worried now?"

Yu Zhile patted the back of his wife's hand and said, "Of course I'm not afraid! We are a legal couple! So what if we are discovered? It's just that I don't want to show my face and expose my identity as your husband, otherwise I will have to take my baby to get vaccinations in the future." Wear a mask and sunglasses and go out!"

"Hee hee, okay! I'm fine in the background, you don't have to watch over me all the time, go to the party! I'll send you a message when I finish singing!"

Saying that, Qin Haiyu stood on tiptoe, kissed her husband gently on the cheek, and said mischievously: "I'm going backstage! Husband, you have to wipe off the lipstick on your face, otherwise it will be bad for others to see it! "

"Wow you! Go back tonight and see if I don't teach you a lesson!"

Yu Zhile shook his head and chuckled, and quickly wiped the red lip marks left by his wife on his face with his hands, so as not to be affected by other people later.

After all, with his current status, in the eyes of others, he is the behind-the-scenes staff of the stage.

After half an hour.

Yang Bing finally convinced Director Zhang, found Yu Zhile and reminded him: "It's arranged! Your piano performance will be arranged before your wife's last concert!"


PS: I have created a novel playlist on Netease Cloud and QQ Music. As the novel is updated, the songs in the novel will be synchronized into it. If you are interested, you can find the playlist by searching the user "starting point slashing fish". Pay attention , "starting point" must be added in front of it, because the author's name has already been registered by others.

QQ Music can't find users, you can enter the title of the book to search for the song list, the cover of the song list is the same as the novel.

(End of this chapter)

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