Start with a star wife

Chapter 67 What do you think of me

Chapter 67 What do you think of me
After the opening theme song of the New Year's Eve party was sung perfectly, Qin Haiyu returned to the backstage, and his heart had already drifted to her husband.

She searched and looked, looked and looked, but she couldn't find her husband in the background, so she pouted a little unhappy.

At this time, Yu Zhile happened to walk over, seeing his wife's little disgusted and disappointed expression after looking around and not finding him, she really wanted to laugh.

If it weren't for the presence of many celebrities and staff members in the backstage, he would have thought of going to catch his wife, hug her and hold her high.

This disgusted and disappointed little expression is as cute as a baby!
At this time, that Ye Fei suddenly walked towards Qin Haiyu, and asked with great concern: "Sister Haiyu, what's wrong with you? It seems that your complexion is not very good."

Qin Haiyu sat down with a smile, and said vaguely: "It's okay, it's just that there was a place where I didn't sing very well just now."

Ye Fei also sat down, grabbed Qin Haiyu's hand and patted the back of his hand gently, comforting: "No! I think your singing is already very good! It's the first time in two years that tens of thousands of people have watched this kind of music. On the big stage, I would have been so nervous that I didn’t know how to sing.”

Qin Haiyu smiled again, but also didn't know how to communicate with Ye Fei.

At this time, Yu Zhile came over and said seriously: "Miss Qin, please come out."

"Ah... oh! OK!"

Qin Haiyu stood up in a little surprise, her husband came too timely!

Love you to death!

She cheered in her heart, otherwise she didn't know how to deal with this familiar Ye Fei, who troubled her very much.

Ye Fei was puzzled and said, "Why did you call Sister Haiyu out? She is about to prepare for the next concert!"

Yu Zhile stared at Ye Fei, with a serious and cold handsome face, and asked, "I called her out because I have something to deal with! Do I need to report this to you too?"

After finishing speaking, Yu Zhile walked out with a cold face.

Qin Haiyu hurriedly followed without saying a word, while Ye Fei's face was unhappy, and she cursed in a low voice: "Oh, a person working behind the scenes has such an arrogant attitude!"

Yu Zhile deliberately showed Ye Fei arrogantly. He took his wife to a corner where no one was around, and then recovered his face, and asked with a smile, "Why did the scheming bitch hook you up again?"

Qin Haiyu sighed and said, "Now that she catches me, she comes over to make friends with me, and I don't know how to get rid of her."

Yu Zhile suggested: "Why don't you be a villain and call her a scheming bitch so that she can stop pretending to be close?"

"This is not good!"

Qin Haiyu said: "It's not good to offend people!"

Yu Zhile raised his hand and pinched his wife's face, and said with a smile: "You are kind and bullied! You are so gentle and kind to people you dislike, and you will definitely suffer in the future! But also, it is really not good to offend such a scheming bitch , anyway, there won't be too many intersections in the future, just perfunctory, just be patient."

Qin Haiyu hurriedly said: "Don't pinch my face, it's wearing foundation!"

"Hey, it really has foundation!"

Yu Zhile looked at the thin layer of foundation on the thumb and forefinger, and said happily, "It's a good thing I didn't kiss, otherwise it would be a layer of foundation!"

Qin Haiyu looked around and asked with a bright smile: "Husband, why do I have the feeling that we are eloping and having an affair? Are you not afraid of being discovered by others?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Yu Zhile put her arm around Qin Haiyu's waist, let her hug her chest, bowed her head and said, "You are my wife, so what if you are discovered?"

Qin Haiyu raised his head slightly, and said with a smile, "But no one else knows that you are my husband!"

Yu Zhile looked at this haunted face, and slowly lowered his head. Just when he was thinking of kissing her mouth, Qin Haiyu quickly turned his head and stopped him, saying, "No kiss! You're wearing lipstick! After the opening ceremony is over, I'm about to go on stage, I don't have time to touch up my makeup!"

"Oh, what a pity!"

Yu Zhile let go of his arms around his wife's waist, and said with a regretful smile: "It's almost time to host, go back and get ready, sing well, my dad is watching from the audience! If you find that there is a fan of my dad in the front row When the support card is displayed, it will be our father!"


Qin Haiyu smiled and said: "Dad bought a support card? It's not like his style! He has such a serious and serious leader appearance, it feels too abrupt to hold this kind of star chasing support card!"

Yu Zhile said: "Before the opening, I deliberately laughed at him, but in the end he wanted to save face, saying that he didn't buy it, but someone else gave it to him when he came in."

Qin Haiyu lightly punched her husband's chest, and taught him a lesson: "You son actually laughed at your father! If you are not filial, please beat him!"

Yu Zhile grabbed his wife's little hand, kissed the back of it, and said with a smile, "Okay, go back and get ready, we'll come out to have an affair later!"

"Pfft, good!"

Qin Haiyu walked back happily, and Yu Zhile followed her. When his wife returned to the backstage, a girl who was looking for her was relieved, and quickly reminded: "Sister Qin, get ready. It's time to go on stage!"

"Well, I'm ready!"

Qin Haiyu answered seriously, she still did not forget to secretly wink at her husband who was not far away, and wink secretly.

On the stage, the four hosts delivered their opening speeches one after another, thanking the title sponsor for their sponsorship and the guests for their leadership.

Hong Liang presided over it in turn: "Time is ticking, and before you know it, it's the last night of 2025!"

"Fate brought us to meet here!"

"Fate brings us together!"

"Meeting you is the best thing in life!"

"Next, I invite singer Qin Haiyu to bring us a song that we are familiar with but never get tired of - "Little Lucky"!"

As the host left the stage, the dance team began to take the stage. Qin Haiyu nodded in the direction of her husband, and then walked onto the stage calmly.

Yu Zhile walked towards Yang Bing on the right side of the backstage, wondering if there was a problem with the live broadcast, and felt that Yang Bing had encountered some trouble.

"what happened?"

Yu Zhile walked over to Yang Bing's ear and asked.

Yang Bing put his arms around Yu Zhile's shoulders, walked aside and said: "There are two big guys who have to finish attending other TV stations' New Year's Day parties before they can come to our place. Now they are stuck in traffic on the way to the airport, and the flight is late. going to be absent."

Yu Zhile said: "This is normal! Could it be that you didn't even prepare for such emergencies in advance?"

Yang Bing sighed: "Preparation is prepared! But the most troublesome thing now is that Cai Lanlan can't keep up! For her performance, we finally rented such a luxurious and expensive piano, but now Cai Lanlan can't come, this piano The rent is for nothing, and I can only use other programs to replace her piano performance!"

Yu Zhile's heart was moved immediately, and she hurriedly asked, "Where is this piano? How luxurious and expensive is it? Can you take me there to open my eyes?"

Yang Bing said embarrassingly, "I can't see it now. The piano is placed in the elevator under the stage. It will go up to the stage at that time. But if Cai Lanlan can't come, the piano won't come in handy."


Yu Zhile asked: "Is there no one backstage who can replace her in this piano performance?"

Yang Bing shook his head and said, "This is Cai Lanlan! Even if other people have good piano skills, they dare not come on stage to perform this piano performance instead of her! Otherwise, this comparison will not be laughed at?"

Is Cai Lanlan so powerful?
Is he as powerful as the Lang Lang I know?

Yu Zhile was a little curious.

It's just a pity!

The extravagant and expensive piano that Lao Yang said could not open his eyes.

He looked at Yang Bing with some itchy hands and a little bit of heart, and asked: "Old Yang, what do you think of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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