Start with a star wife

Chapter 78 Children's Literature?

Chapter 78 Children's Literature?

After waking up from a nap, Yu Zhile looked at the message from Yang Bing curiously, and asked, "Shouldn't this be about inviting my wife to the Spring Festival Gala?"

Yang Bing replied: "The stage also invited your wife, but your wife's assistant declined, saying that she didn't plan to attend the Spring Festival Gala.

This time Taili asked me to contact you and wanted to invite you to the Spring Festival Gala because you became popular last night, and your current topic is very hot.

In addition to being the husband of Qin Haiyu, you also have the status of an awesome writer like the godfather of pure love, so it is normal for Taili to invite you to the Spring Festival Gala.

In addition to us, other TV stations estimate that during this time, some people will want to invite you to their Spring Festival Gala or other programs. "

Yu Zhile rebuffed: "Forget it, if it's the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, I'm a little interested!"

Yang Bing said truthfully: "That's right! Dragon TV's Spring Festival Gala this time is not as grand as the New Year's Eve Gala. It's really not interesting."

Afterwards, he asked: "By the way, "I Am a Singer" has been confirmed to be changed to "I Am a Singer", and it has been scheduled to air in March. The station wants to invite your wife to be the first batch of resident singers. "

Yu Zhile replied to the message: "This is not a good idea! Although the show has been renamed, in the eyes of many viewers, it is still the show "I Am a Singer".

My wife won the championship last season. If I continue to participate in "I Am a Singer" this time, the program team and my wife will definitely be criticized by many viewers!
At that time, there will definitely be people who will complain about the shady scene in the program group, who will only praise my wife, whether the program group can't find a singer, etc. In short, it will be easy to be criticized by the audience. "

Yang Bing replied: "I also told the director that, but your wife's song popularity and popularity flow are considered to be the highest among female singers, so the program team intends to invite your wife, nothing more than to take advantage of this wave of popularity and gain a certain amount. flow guarantee and ratings guarantee.”

Yu Zhile said: "Enough is the kingly way! We can understand the pursuit of traffic and popularity, but the audience will not understand!

For the sake of the show's reputation, I don't recommend that you continue to invite my wife to participate in the show. Of course, my wife recently said that she doesn't want to accept any announcements.

Also, I heartily recommend you guys a little bit!
Don't ignore the quality of singers in pursuit of traffic!
The most important thing about the music program is the music first!

A popular singer with no singing skills can certainly bring a lot of traffic and popularity to the show, but at the same time, this kind of singer will drive away many viewers, and also lower the music level of the show by the way!

So I suggest that you invite those singers who have singing skills and strength!The best are those powerful singers who were once famous, but finally faded out of people's sight due to various reasons!

Inviting them is the most cost-effective, not only cheap but also powerful!The saved program funds can just be used to improve the stage, upgrade the audio equipment, and then create a music program full of visual and auditory feasts! "

"Hmm! I'll give the director a good suggestion!"

Yang Bing thinks what Yu Zhile said is very reasonable. If they succeed, then the program "I Am a Singer" will subvert those traditional music programs that mainly focus on traffic stars!


The wife and mother were busy in the kitchen, and Yu Zhile was sitting in the hall, watching TV and taking care of the baby.

Seeing the little guy pawing at her clothes in her arms, Yu Zhile was curious, so she simply lifted up her shirt to see what she was going to do.

In the end, what made him laugh was that the little guy suddenly stretched out his small hand to grab his chest, and then moved his small mouth to kiss him!

"Wife wife!"

Yu Zhile hurriedly shouted: "Come out and have a look!"

Qin Haiyu's voice came from the kitchen: "What's wrong?"

Yu Zhile urged: "Hurry up!"

Qin Haiyu hurried out to take a look, and saw that the baby was actually sucking on her husband's chest with her mouth open...

She quickly reached out and patted the back of her husband's head, and said angrily, "Aren't you stupid! Hurry up and make milk powder for the baby!"

"Hey, the baby has been tearing my clothes just now, I just lifted it up and tried it, but I didn't expect her to come for real!"

Yu Zhile smiled and stopped the baby's frenzied behavior, but after hugging her away, she let out a wow and burst into tears.

Qin Haiyu didn't see this funny husband anymore, so he hugged his daughter and sat down, shouting: "Mom, help me stir fry, and I'll coax the baby!"

Yu Zhile watched Qin Haiyu lift up his shirt to nurse the baby, and asked, "Honey, do I still need to make milk powder?"

Qin Haiyu gently patted the baby's back, stared and said: "Go and rush, I have to cook!"

Soon, Yu Zhile prepared the milk powder, and took over with his wife to breastfeed the baby.

Seeing the cute look of the little guy with wet eyelashes and sucking on the pacifier, he couldn't help but reach out and pinch this pink face again.

At this time, the mobile phone receives a new message.

Yu Zhile thought it was another message from Lao Yang, but unexpectedly it was a message from the editor of the publishing house, asking what he was doing recently.

"It can't be a reminder to persuade me to come out of the rivers and lakes again?"

Yu Zhile suspected in his heart that the novels published by the author's account of Zi Feiyu had such a good sales volume, and now that they stopped writing, these editors would naturally feel sorry.

Yu Zhile thought for a while, and replied: "Write and write songs, grandma and child!"

The editor named Zhang Xue asked: "Are you really not writing novels in the future?"

Yu Zhile nursed the child with his right hand, typed with his left hand and replied, "Maybe I'll pick it up in three or five years and continue writing, or maybe I won't write again in this life."

Zhang Xue replied: "This is really a pity, so are you interested in children's literature? Have you ever thought about writing nursery rhymes, fairy tales, or children's novels?"


Yu Zhile looked confused, why did this editor named Zhang Xue suddenly mention children's literature?

But when it comes to this, Yu Zhile really thinks of many related children's literature works!
He thought for a while and asked, "Why are you interested in children's literature?"

Zhang Xue answered truthfully: "Since you announced the suspension of writing, the publishing performance of our publishing house has started to decline.

Since you don't plan to continue writing youth romance novels, I thought maybe you could try children's literature, because I think you should have a lot of relevant inspiration when raising children, so I just asked by the way. "

After Yu Zhile consulted about the publication of children's literature, he replied: "Okay, if I have the inspiration to create a work with this theme, I will contact you when the time comes."

Children's literature?

Yu Zhile smiled knowingly and looked at the baby who kept sucking the bottle with his small mouth.

He was thinking in his heart, maybe it is not surprising that he will be hailed as the godfather of children in the future!


PS: In the new week, please ask for a recommendation ticket. If there is no accident, it should be on the shelves on New Year's Day.


(End of this chapter)

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