Start with a star wife

Chapter 79 Becoming a Child Godfather

Chapter 79 Becoming a Child Godfather

Speaking of children's literature, Yu Zhile immediately thought of Grimm's fairy tales.

Among them, the most impressive ones are "Snow White" and "Cinderella".

In addition, he thinks that more children's literature is nursery rhymes.

After feeding the baby, Yu Zhile took the remote control and clicked on the main interface of the TV, found a category for children at the top and clicked in.

It is full of all kinds of children's literature, including nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales, and some related courses for children's education, such as learning pinyin, learning English words, and so on.

When at home, my wife likes to turn on the TV and play these nursery rhymes to the baby, or read these fairy tales with the baby.

Now that editor Zhang Xue mentioned this, Yu Zhile suddenly became interested in it.

He searched around, but he really couldn't find the children's literature that he learned when he was a child.

In the kitchen, my mother's voice came out: "Call and urge your dad to come back for dinner!"


Yu Zhile called, but Dad didn't answer, saying: "Mom, Dad won't answer my call!"

My mother was speechless: "Then don't worry about him! Anyway, he can play chess to his heart's content!"

Qin Haiyu suggested: "Honey, why don't you go over and shout!"

Mom stopped and said: "Don't spoil him! He'll know he's back when he's hungry!"

Yu Zhile thought of something, and said, "I'll contact the organizer and ask them to shout at the scene!"

He sent a message to Manager Chen, and then notified the person in charge of the chess game through Manager Chen, and asked the other party to help call for Dad to go home for dinner.

So, on the competition square.

The host suddenly took the microphone and shouted: "This is the end of today's game, everyone go back to eat! Especially the uncle named Yu Qing, your family can't contact you, if you are still at the scene, please return quickly Let's eat at home!"

At this moment, Lao Yu, who was still playing chess with Lao Liu after the game, suddenly froze for a moment.

Is this host talking about me?
Old Liu was also taken aback for a moment, and said, "Yu Qing? Old Yu, this should be about you, right?"

"Cough, no more, let's go home for dinner!"

Lao Yu took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Five minutes ago, his son did call, but the mobile phone was muted, so he didn't know it.

So now you can be sure that the Yu Qing the host is talking about is you!
Thinking about the chess game that his son found someone to fix, he didn't wonder why the host knew his name, and then called him home for dinner.

Old Liu saw that it was getting late, and if he didn't go back, maybe the tigress at home would go crazy, and then he ran away quickly, not wondering why the host urged Lao Yu to go home for dinner.



Qin Haiyu came out with the cooked dishes, looked at Yu Zhile who was watching TV with the baby in the hall, and asked curiously, "Honey, why do you still like fairy tales?"

Yu Zhile said: "Just now the editor of the publishing house approached me and said that if I have inspirations, I can consider creating these children's literature, so I took a look."

"Children's literature? It's good!" Qin Haiyu said, "It feels much easier than writing a novel with hundreds of thousands of words! And it can be used to teach babies in the future!"

Yu Zhile nodded and said, "These children's literature seems to be quite profitable now. There are so many paid nursery rhyme videos and fairy tales with more than a few million subscriptions!"

Qin Haiyu replied: "This is similar to subscribing to novels. Many parents with children will more or less subscribe to videos of nursery rhymes and fairy tales with good ratings for their children to watch. There are also teachers in kindergartens and elementary schools. The consumer subject of children's literature."

Therefore, children's literature can be mixed in today's world, mainly because membership is basically established in any Internet field, and people are gradually getting used to membership consumption and paid subscriptions.

It is precisely because of member consumption and paid subscriptions that the development of this industry can be promoted. Otherwise, without a stable income, no one will rack their brains to tighten their belts for creation.

Soon, Dad rushed back.

After the family had dinner on New Year's Day, they all sat in the lobby watching TV and chatting.

Yu Zhile took the laptop and uploaded the new song "Courage" which was sung at the New Year's Eve party last night.

Then, he tried to write the Grimm's fairy tales in his memory. As a result, although he knew the specific storyline in his mind, he didn't know how to write it out.

In the end, he stopped writing fairy tales and changed to silently writing nursery rhymes. After all, he immediately thought of two nursery rhymes that came as soon as he opened his mouth!

Yu Zhile was typing on the keyboard in the hall, and after silently writing two nursery rhymes related to "Tiger", he asked, "Mom, how do you look at these two nursery rhymes with the level of your professional Chinese teacher?"

Qin Haiyu leaned his head over to look at it, and read: "Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast. One has no ears, the other has no tail, how strange, how strange!"

"One, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain to fight the tiger. The tiger can't hit it, but I meet a little squirrel. Let me count how many squirrels there are. Count and count, one, two, three, four, five."

After the mother finished reading and her daughter-in-law finished reading, she complained, "What kind of stuff is this written! Especially, isn't this going up the mountain to fight tigers to teach the children bad?"

"Why did you teach the children badly?" Yu Zhile was also helpless.

My mother said rationally: "What do children know today? You can't instill in them the wrong idea that tigers are not terrible and children can beat them with the phrase 'go up the mountain to fight tigers'? When a child meets a tiger, he goes to fight the tiger and gets eaten, then you will have to bear the blame!"

"All right……"

After being told by his mother, Yu Zhile realized that it really made sense!

Then, my mother complained: "There is also this "Two Tigers"! Why is there no ears and no tail? I think you are just talking nonsense for rhyming!"

"I just don't know why there are no ears and tails, so I say it's weird!"

Yu Zhile explained tiredly: "And this nursery rhyme can be sung!"

After finishing speaking, he cleared his throat and began to sing this recited nursery rhyme.

After listening to it, Qin Haiyu immediately encouraged him: "Hey, this sounds pretty good! Besides, nursery rhymes must be easy to understand in order to become popular. Husband, your song "Two Tigers" seems to have the potential to become popular! "

Since the daughter-in-law praised her so much, the mother nodded reluctantly and said, "It's quite brainwashing and rhyming."

"I'll think of a few more songs!"

Yu Zhile tried hard to think back, he had a flash of inspiration, and immediately thought of "Little White Rabbit".

After writing silently, he handed the notebook to his mother and said, "What about this one?"

"The little white rabbit is white and white, with its ears pricked up, it loves to eat radishes and vegetables, it's so cute jumping around."

Mom nodded and said: "It's not bad, it's a good children's poem!"

Yu Zhile looked at the word "radish", and thought of "Pull the Carrot" again, but he could sing the first part, but he forgot the latter part, so he wrote and adapted it himself.

Then he thought of "Counting Ducks" and "Little Rabbit, Be Good", and felt like he was back to his childhood.

These children's songs and nursery rhymes, which were imprinted deep in my heart, popped up one after another.

Ten p.m.

Excluding "Going Up the Mountain to Fight Tigers" criticized by her mother, Yu Zhile sent Zhang Xue the submission of five completed nursery rhymes.

He sighed confidently.

Next is the moment to witness the incarnation of the godfather of pure love into the godfather of children!
(End of this chapter)

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