Start with a star wife

Chapter 81 I Won't Tell People Everywhere!

Chapter 81 I Won't Tell People Everywhere!
"Honey, make a pot of tea."

Yu Zhile patted Qin Haiyu's thigh, then stretched out his hand to signal Lao Liu to sit down, and shouted: "Dad, Lao Liu is here to find you!"

My mother taught me a lesson: "It's Uncle Liu! It's not big or small!"

Old Liu sat down like a wooden chicken!
He stared at Qin Haiyu, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that this girl was exactly the same as the female star at the New Year's Eve party!

At this moment, he seemed to understand!
But he still couldn't believe it, and asked, "Mr. Pan, what's your son's name?"

Before his mother could speak, Yu Zhile said politely, "You can call me Xiaole Ale or Xiaoyu."


Old Liu secretly swallowed his throat!
So that guy named Yu Zhile isn't Lao Yu's fellow?But his son?
So that female star named Qin Haiyu is Lao Yu's daughter-in-law?

So Lao Yu didn't buy that support card in the first place to chase stars?

At this moment, Lao Liu's mood suddenly felt like a bolt from the blue!

Living in this community, he has known Lao Yu for five or six years. He thinks he already knows Lao Yu well enough!

In the end, he never expected this guy to be the ultimate old cunt!

He felt as if his heart had been hit by ten thousand points...

Luckily, I still think that Lao Yu wants to save face, so he won five boxes of milk in the chess game and gave them to others, and then he showed mercy and brought his granddaughter to give him a box of milk to quench his thirst, and show off that he is the champion by the way!

Thanks to Lao Tzu's victory in the competition, he won 5888 yuan in cash, and was thinking of stopping by to give Lao Yu two or three thousand to make up for the ticket money for watching the New Year's Eve party two days ago!
As a result, as soon as he came in, he was hit so hard!

All the truth suddenly surfaced...

It turned out that the 100 million plus luxury car driven by Lao Yu was not rented, but really his son's car!

It turns out that when Lao Yu said that his son and daughter-in-law can casually earn several million a month, he was not trying to compare and brag, but expounding a fact!
It turns out that the chess match that was suddenly held here was organized by Lao Yu, his daughter-in-law!Because the milk has pictures of his daughter-in-law printed on it!
Now that he thinks about it carefully, everything will be clear to him!

No wonder the host called Lao Yu home for dinner two days ago at the competition site!

He felt cheated...

Lao Yu not only lied to his feelings, but also invisibly hurt his self-esteem!
His chubby granddaughter suddenly pushed his leg and asked, "Grandpa, why are you so still?"

"Ah, I, I was thinking about something."

Lao Liu came back to his senses, stuffed his trembling hands into his trouser pockets and held the wad of cash, and decided not to give Lao Yu the money!

So annoying!

It's so shocking!
This old Yin is too insidious!
Thinking about how he often boasted in front of Lao Yu that his son was doing well in state-owned enterprises, now he feels ashamed and wants to find a way to get in!

Yu Zhile was scrubbing the teacups, his wife was making tea, and his mother was asking Old Liu's chubby granddaughter: "Liu Yingying, have you finished your homework? Class starts tomorrow!"

Liu Yingying said proudly: "It's done! I finished it on the first day of the holiday!"

Qin Haiyu asked curiously, "Mom, is she a student in your class?"

Mom said: "No, she is only in the second grade. I am now teaching the third and fourth grades, but I have made up a lot of lessons for her before."

When it comes to making up lessons, Lao Liu is tired again!

Thinking about how I was saving face at the time, saying that my friend’s wife should not be bullied, and patted my chest to my son so boldly that the one who helped my granddaughter with extra lessons was the wife of an old friend of his, so I couldn’t afford to pay less for extra extra lessons!
As a result, now that he realizes the gap between the rich and the poor, he almost shed tears!

For a moment, he didn't know how to face this reality, so he simply thought of running away, and said, "Then... well, I still have something to do, so... I won't bother you for now."

After Qin Haiyu poured the tea, Yu Zhile asked to stay: "Uncle Liu, this tea is already poured, sit down for a while, have a sip of tea before leaving!"

Liu Yingying added a knife: "Grandpa, didn't you tell grandma that you would take me to Mr. Pan's house as a guest, and then play chess with Grandpa Yu and go back later?"


Granddaughter like a pig!

Old Liu coughed and said, "Suddenly it occurred to me that I still have something to do, but I'm not in a hurry, so let's have a sip of tea before leaving."

At this time, Lao Yu finally came out of the toilet. When he saw his son and daughter-in-law sitting in the hall, he was also dumbfounded!
The daughter-in-law didn't evade, so didn't Lao Liu see it all?


No wonder Lao Liu showed a bitter face like his wife ran away with someone!
He coughed and said: "Old Liu, it seems that you probably guessed it! Well, I have a showdown. This is my son, named Yu Zhile. This is my daughter-in-law, named Qin Haiyu. You just need to know it yourself, don't worry about it." Tell other people, lest someone come to block my door from time to time."

At this time, Yu Zhile was dumbfounded and said: "Dad, didn't you have a showdown the day you watched the party together?"

Lao Yu explained: "I didn't say anything that day!"


Yu Zhile said awkwardly: "Well, I thought you had already shown off your cards, so I didn't let your daughter-in-law avoid it."

Lao Liu took a sip of hot tea from his teacup with trembling hands, and stared at Lao Yu with great distaste: "You are awesome! My son and daughter-in-law are so promising, yet they have kept it a secret for so long!"

Lao Yu spread his hands and said: "I didn't hide it! Didn't I always show off hints? It's just that you think I'm bragging, so no one takes it seriously!"


Lao Liu has nothing to say!
I thought everyone was bragging, but I didn't expect that the bragging of Lao Yu had become a reality!

The world is unfair!
The chubby girl Liu Yingying didn't understand. She only knew that the beautiful big sister in front of her was very similar to the big sister printed on the yogurt box, and she didn't think of any celebrity.

Yu's mother was also helpless, and said: "Old Liu, he didn't mean to hide it from you, but my son and daughter-in-law have special identities and occupations. The reason why I hide it from you is to avoid being disturbed by the outside world."

Old Liu said melancholy: "I understand, don't worry, I won't tell people everywhere!"

After sitting for a while, Lao Liu, who was thinking of playing a few games of chess with Lao Yu, took his granddaughter home.

He took out his mobile phone, thinking that Lao Yu's wife is a star singer, so the income must be very high!So could his son be a little boy who was raised by a female star?

Thinking of this, he felt a little more comfortable in his heart, not so uncomfortable.

But out of curiosity, he searched for the word "Yu Zhile" on his mobile phone. After all, people nowadays seem to be somewhat famous, and a lot of relevant information can be found on the Internet.

As a result, if you don't search, you don't know. After this search, Lao Liu became even more desperate!
(End of this chapter)

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