Start with a star wife

Chapter 82 Someone's Son!

Chapter 82 Someone's Son!

Now, if you search for the name "Yu Zhile", you can already find Yu Zhile's encyclopedia information on the webpage.

At this time, Lao Liu was looking at the information above and couldn't calm down for a long time!
Yu Zhile, pen name: Zifeiyu.

The best-selling fiction author published today?
The super popular writer known as the godfather of pure love?
After five years of writing, he was listed as No. 4 on the Rich List of Writers?

Already worth over [-] million?

Stop changing pens at the peak of your career?
Then start making music?
The new songs created one after another after stopping writing have achieved amazing results?
Continue to look down, Lao Liu's old heart can't bear it anymore!
He thought that Lao Yu's son was being taken care of by a female celebrity. After all, Lao Yu's son is so handsome, and he looks like the type that rich women like.

Turns out he was wrong again!

This old Yu's son is even better than his daughter-in-law!

How can you be worth over [-] million in five years of creation?What the hell is on the rich list!
He suddenly felt tired and no longer in love...

Why are Lao Yu's son and daughter-in-law so awesome, but his own son and daughter-in-law...

forget it. I'm done here!

If you say too much, it will be tears!

In the past, his son was someone else's son in the eyes of others. He worked in a state-owned enterprise with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands. He was so envious!
Now compared with Lao Yu's son, he wants to hang up his son and beat him up to relieve his anger!

The same son, why is there such a big gap?

The same is the daughter-in-law, why is there such a big gap?

At this moment, Lao Liu was extremely depressed.


The next morning, Yu Zhile and his wife took their daughter and drove back.

Taking advantage of having nothing to do other than accompany his wife and nurse the children, Yu Zhile took the time to write down some fables that he remembered deeply when he was a child.

There are also some nursery rhymes and children's poems, which are also written out by the way. When the time comes, a volume of books will be collected for publication. Let's see how the publishing results of children's literature are.

A week later.

Yu Zhile contributed to the editor Zhang Xue, and sent all the children's literature works he had prepared.

When Zhang Xue saw that Yu Zhile had contributed so many works, she wondered if she had misjudged her?

In a week, Zi Feiyu actually created so many children's literature works?
Nursery rhymes, poems, fables...

Adding up the works submitted at the beginning, there are exactly 15 works!
In other words, two works were created in one day?
Although it is a children's literature work, it is not something that can be created casually!
Sure enough, Zi Feiyu is a creative genius!

Whether it's novels, music, or children's literature, as long as Zi Feiyu likes it, he can become a blockbuster!
Zhang Xue began to look forward to it. Although nearly half of these 15 works seemed ordinary to her, there were a few works that she was extremely optimistic about!
For example, "Little Rabbit, Be Good", "Wolf is Coming" and "Little Pony Crossing the River", these three works are very educational!

She even felt that these three works might be published in textbooks for kindergarten and lower grades!
"Great, you have submitted a lot of works, and the book publishing and animation production will take a month or two to complete at the fastest!"

Seeing the message from Zhang Xue, Yu Zhile replied: "Quality comes first! There is no rush on time! In terms of animation design, please show me when you design the character image. If the design is too poor to satisfy me, then I must It needs to be redesigned!"

"Okay, don't worry about this! Then I will sort out the contract first, and I will contact you later!"

Zhang Xue hastened to get busy. It is basically impossible for Yu Zhile to write novels now, but creating children's literature is also something worth looking forward to for the publishing house.

After all, the market for children's literature is not in a slump, especially the animations and course videos derived from children's literature, which are currently relatively profitable areas for children's literature.

Now their publishing houses are not only focusing on offline publishing, otherwise, if they only rely on offline publishing to make a living, most of the publishing houses will go bankrupt.

An hour later, Zhang Xue sorted out the contract documents and sent them over. After Yu Zhile confirmed that they were correct, he printed them out and signed them, then made an appointment for delivery, and mailed them directly after the courier came to pick up the package.

In the room, Qin Haiyu was sitting on the bed teaching the baby to walk. Yu Zhile patted the baby's butt after returning, and said, "Little idiot, it's been so many days since I learned to stand up, but I haven't learned how to walk yet!"

Qin Haiyu patted her husband's hand, and said in a childlike voice, "He's only nine and a half months old, so it's normal not to be able to walk! Baby go back and scold daddy for being stupid!"

The baby happily squatted up and down, pouting his mouth and learning to cry: "Baba, Baba~"

Qin Haiyu was pleasantly surprised and said: "Husband! The baby will call Dad!"


Yu Zhile sat down and hugged the little guy for a loving kiss. Qin Haiyu wiped the baby's saliva from her husband's kiss with a tissue, and said angrily, "Husband, calm down! The baby's saliva is all over the place." I was squeezed out by you!"

Yu Zhile stood holding the baby, expecting: "Go on, call Dad, Dad!"

"Papa, Papa~"

The baby's pronunciation was not quite standard. This time, she really started to recognize people and learn to call her mom and dad.

Qin Haiyu looked at her husband as happy as a baby, and asked, "Husband, when will these children's works you contributed be published?"

Yu Zhile said: "It will take a month at the earliest. The editor of the publishing house said that we should try our best to publish before the end of the winter vacation. By then, we will catch up with the start of the school season. Maybe the publication results will be much better."

Qin Haiyu teased the baby to come over with a rattle, and said, "There are still two months left! The baby will be almost one year old by then! Think about how fast the time flies! In the blink of an eye, the baby will be so fast!" It's one year old!"

Yu Zhile hugged the baby, the little guy hadn't learned how to move his legs yet, he only knew how to giggle and lean forward, trying to catch the dangling rattle in his mother's hand.

If Yu Zhile lets go, this little guy will fall to the ground immediately.

In the evening, Qin Haiyu was cooking in the kitchen, and Yu Zhile was taking the children in the hall.

His wife's phone rang twice, Yu Zhile walked over to take a look at the phone with the baby in his arms, and said, "Wife, Cai Lanlan is looking for you!"

"Why is she looking for me?" Qin Haiyu's doubtful voice came from the kitchen.

Yu Zhile said: "She said that she wanted to play "Piano of the Night" at her piano recital in two days, and she wanted to consult to see if I agreed."

Qin Haiyu asked: "Then do you agree?"

Yu Zhile said: "Everything is up to my wife! If my wife agrees, then I agree, if I don't agree, then I don't agree!"

Qin Haiyu smiled and said, "Okay, just agree to such a small matter!"


Yu Zhile replied to Cai Lanlan by typing, and then Cai Lanlan invited the couple to her piano recital.

Yu Zhile directly refused, saying that he was not free, so Cai Lanlan replied that he would have a meal together if he had time.

If you don't have anything to do, I'm afraid there will be a blade hidden in the meal!

After Yu Zhile casually replied with an emoji that was okay, Cai Lanlan didn't reply to any more messages.

three days later.

After Cai Lanlan's Century Piano Concert ended, Yu Zhile and "Piano of the Night" became popular again.

Perhaps because of Cai Lanlan, "The Piano Music of the Night" suddenly became a huge hit abroad!

(End of this chapter)

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