Start with a star wife

Chapter 91 Brother is awesome!

Chapter 91 Brother is awesome!

"I Am a Singer" aired for more than ten minutes, and it is still in the process of finding each singer in the program group, and then picking up each singer to the recording site.

When seeing this, many viewers across the country who were looking forward to the premiere of the show began to wonder.

Are you sure this is a singing show?
How do you feel that this is an outdoor reality show?
However, although the opening chapter was lengthy and the singing competition hadn't started for so long, the audience didn't find it boring, and even watched it with great interest!
Some singers turned out to be so humorous that they could come up with a few funny jokes at every turn, which made the program manager who greeted him laugh all the way.

Some singers used to be very beautiful, but now they tell what they have done in the past few years after they quit the music scene, the desolate and helpless mood made countless audiences sigh.

Every video that welcomes the singers to the recording site, in addition to allowing the audience to re-acquaint these singers who are no longer popular, also introduces the new settings and rules of the program through this link.

at home.

Yu Zhile suddenly had the same feeling as when he was watching "I Am a Singer" for the first time. He didn't expect that he just suggested a few places casually. As a result, Lao Yang planned this "I Am a Singer" with almost the same rules and settings by coincidence. It's a singer!"
In this program, he emphasized that the most recommended place is that the stage and music equipment must be good, and the singer must have strength. Don't invite traffic singers who rely on appearance to attract fans and have no strength!
The second is the suggestion of the setting of the program agent.

So in this show, the host does not exist, and the singer will temporarily serve as the host at that time, which increases the fun of the variety show.

Therefore, every singer will have a standard program agent in the station.These brokers are all hosts in the station.

For each episode of the program recording, the program manager will go all over the world to pick up and drop off the singers. The interactive process along the way is also a highlight of the program.

So the foreplay goes on for almost half an hour before the show races!

Qin Haiyu watched the lottery process of the singers in "Singer's House", and said, "Why do I feel that this is more like a reality show?"

Yu Zhile nodded: "To put it bluntly, this is a reality show that incorporates a music competition! How is it? Compared with the "I'm a Singer" you participated in, is this "I'm a Singer" interesting?"

Qin Haiyu hugged the baby who was dishonestly pulling clothes in his arms, and said honestly: "This is a very good change! It's not like before, just take a photo and enter the arena, and then it's a lottery competition. There's nothing but listening to songs It’s interesting, and now that there are more reality shows, it’s very fresh and interesting!”

Yu Zhile agreed: "Nowadays, many music programs only have a simple singing competition, so there is nothing interesting other than listening to the songs. It is made into a reality show style, which enriches the interactive links of the singers, so that it does not seem boring and monotonous. Already!"

Qin Haiyu said: "Although these singers don't have much popularity, I feel that the ratings of this show should surpass last year's "I'm a Singer"!"

Yu Zhile nodded slightly...

Finally, the first singer is about to take the stage!
Since there is no host, the first singer to appear on stage has to act as the host temporarily.

After the male singer named Zhou Jian appeared on the stage, he stared at the host card and thanked the advertiser for his sponsorship word by word. Finally, after reading word for word, he raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted his tense tone, and introduced himself: "Hi everyone, I'm the host, Zhou Jian!"

When he said this, he himself laughed in disbelief!
After all, the hosting skills are too bad!

Qin Haiyu laughed: "This competition system and rules are so interesting! It's already stressful enough to be the first on the stage, and it's embarrassing enough to be the host temporarily in the end!"

At this time, Zhou Jianxiang introduced shamelessly: "I will announce the first singer on stage! He is a talented and handsome male singer!
Ten years ago, he dominated the music scene, and several of his masterpieces won awards for Chinese classic songs!

It's a pity that his songs have been popular for so many years, but he is like a flash in the pan, passing away in a few years!It is said that the reason for being angry is that he is too handsome, and he cannot be allowed to continue to develop, otherwise, with him around, other male singers will feel ashamed!

Now, because he is too handsome, he is forced to be behind the scenes, and he who specializes in arranging and writing lyrics for people, finally summoned up the courage to step on the stage after repeated invitations from the program team!
Because the director said that this is a show that doesn't care about face or fame, it's purely a show that competes in singing skills and strength, so he came!

Now, let's invite this talented and handsome singer to the stage with the warmest applause! "

On stage, the lights went out!

It was dark for about five seconds, then the lights started to come on, and there was still only one person on the stage, that was Zhou Jian, who had boasted about himself when he was hosting, talented but not handsome.

Seeing this, the audience who used to like his songs began to feel distressed.

Although Zhou Jian was smug in front of him, in fact, this is not a verbal vent!

It turns out that the reason why he is not popular is not because he has no strength, but because his own appearance is not very good, so in this era of face-seeking, it is difficult for him to obtain good resources, and he has even been criticized by many people Ridiculous, so he became behind the scenes, silently insisting on the music career he loves.

However, life is always like this.

When he treats your appearance badly, he will make up for your superior talent.

Zhou Jian is such an example!
So he persevered firmly and optimistically until now, the long-lost stage, the long-lost audience, and the long-lost lights all gathered on him!

He had mixed feelings, and the audience applauded enthusiastically!
Seeing this moment, Qin Haiyu was moved, and said sympathetically, "Mr. Zhou Jian is too difficult. He was obviously wronged and dissatisfied in his heart, but in the end he smiled and opened his scar."

Yu Zhile admired this kind of person sincerely, and said with emotion: "Any grievance or dissatisfaction will become a compromise after a long time. Instead of being unhappy all day long, it is better to keep smiling and face life. This is his way of life, so there is a saying that That’s right, a person who is so humorous on the surface is actually so sad behind the scenes.”

Soon, Zhou Jian's competition began!

This is a classic song in this world that Yu Zhile looks familiar to but has never heard, "Someone Like Me".

When Zhou Jian's faintly smoky voice, which seemed to be telling a story, sounded, Yu Zhile was about to get goosebumps!

This old man is awesome!

The program team has found a treasure this time!

(End of this chapter)

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