Chapter 92
It is very stressful for every singer to be the first to appear on the stage and temporarily serve as the host!
However, under such pressure, Zhou Jian's performance is still so extraordinary!It means that this is the real king!

A song "A Person Like Me" sang Zhou Jian's unwillingness, and sang Zhou Jian's dissatisfaction with today's face-seeking society!

But he didn't give up, so he also sang about his love for music and gratitude for life.

Got mad?
Song celebrities are not popular?
Are you going to be scolded for being ugly and famous?

His high-pitched smoky voice seemed to tear apart the space, as if he was responding with singing: "I don't care what you say!"

This song "Someone Like Me" adapted and sung by him instantly exploded in the audience!
Yu Zhile couldn't help shaking his legs when he heard it. Although Zhou Jian wasn't handsome, his singing voice was simply enviable!

After he finished singing, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and then humorously started hosting again, saying that since the program group dared to let him serve as the temporary host, then he dared to use the power of temporary host to canvass votes for himself!
This scene made the audience happy.

Your sister just said there was no shady scene, but it turned out to be the biggest shady scene!

But this scene is too funny!

After watching so many music shows, this is the first time for the audience to see a singer acting as a temporary host, and shamelessly canvassing for votes for themselves!
At this moment, many viewers are beginning to like this show!Looking forward to the appearance of the next singer!

After Zhou Jian finished drawing tickets for himself, he began to look at the card in his hand, and followed the words on it, announcing word by word that the next singer would be on stage.

After the announcement, accompanied by Ni Qiqin and applauded, he happily returned to the rest hall of the "Singer's House" backstage.

Next, the burden of temporary hosting will be passed on to the next singer on stage by analogy.

Qin Haiyu praised again: "The rules and settings of this show are really interesting! No wonder Ni Qiqin became the manager of Mr. Zhou Jian's show, so this show doesn't even need a host!"

She was a little envious of watching such an interesting program. If "I Am a Singer" that she participated in last year was also so interesting, then she would definitely participate willingly instead of being sold to the program by her husband behind her back!
Yu Zhile nodded and praised: "The novel and interesting interactive links, the nostalgic feelings of classic singers, and the entertainment reality of newcomers replacing old ones! I believe it will not take two episodes to prove that the popularity and traffic of the programs they rely on their strength circles are no better than those traffic Poor singer!"

Qin Haiyu thought so too!
Because this is the first time she has seen a music show with such a beautiful stage and such a good sound quality!

Immediately afterwards, the second singer came on stage.

This is also a male singer, the most tingling thing is that the other party's bass is too strong!

Some people say that if the soprano is the lark at the top of the pyramid, then the bass is the foundation that consolidates all foundations!
A capable singer, Zhou Jian, was enough to surprise Yu Zhile. I didn't expect the program team to find such a big treasure!

As a result, the second male singer on stage opened his voice, and his unique and charismatic bass instantly amazed everyone!

When Zhou Jian sang the first line earlier, Yu Zhile almost got goose bumps, but now when the bass came out, he really got goose bumps!
And there is a tingling feeling in the scalp!

He admired: "The program team is amazing! Who found this master? It started with two king bombs, this is the real music program! This level, this singing voice, this sound quality, it is enjoyable to listen to !"

Qin Haiyu was envious again: "This year's program group is really rich! Let alone the luxurious band lineup, even the stage and music equipment are so much better than last year's "I Am a Singer"! Last year's live speakers did not have such a good sound quality , now this sounds too comfortable!"

Yu Zhile said: "This is definitely incomparable! Last year, the program group invited popular singers whose appearance fees were extremely expensive, so other places can only make do with it.

This year's program rectification invites talented singers with such a low appearance fee, so they can save a lot of money to upgrade the stage and music equipment. "

Qin Haiyu said with emotion: "That's right. According to last year's lineup, the appearance fee alone is more than 1 million yuan! This year, the appearance fee of these seven singers is estimated to be no more than 5000 million yuan."

Soon, after the two concerts, Yu Zhile felt stable. With this quality and level of music, he didn't have to worry about ratings at all!
The ratings may not be very good on the first day, but then he believes that with word of mouth spreading, this show will soon become popular!
And this program will also make the performing arts careers of those talented singers who have been silent for a long time start to rejuvenate, and then reshuffle the music world!
This will be an opportunity for powerful singers to prove themselves with hard power, and then hit those traffic singers who have no strength!
They will prove it, and want to prove it!
What the music world needs is not traffic singers!

But a powerful singer!

The reason why classic songs can become classics is not due to fan traffic, but the songs themselves!

Good songs, even after so many years, can still be popular.

Unpleasant songs, even if the fan traffic is overwhelming, they will never be reduced to classics, and they will never be recognized by the world!
And this is the reason why individual singers agreed to participate in this program!

Before I knew it, the seven powerful singers had finished singing!

This is the music show with the highest level of music and the strongest lineup of singers that Yu Zhile has ever seen!

He was curious, who excavated these great gods?
After a while, the singer who won the No. 1 vote in the first episode of "I Am a Singer" was finally announced after the director spent half a day in ink.

It was Zhou Jian who was the first to sing so beautifully on stage!
After watching the show, Qin Haiyu went to take a bath full of enthusiasm, Yu Zhile took care of the baby, checked Weibo with his mobile phone, and unexpectedly found that there were no hot search words about the premiere of "I Am a Singer" on the hot search list!
"Brilliant Singer", a follow-up to last year's "I Am a Singer", aired its second episode today, and the first-round elimination of a certain star was on the top of the list!

And "I Am a Singer" is full of high-energy music, but there is no hot search?
At this time, Yang Bing just sent a message: "The premiere of "I Am a Singer" is over, have you watched the show at home?"

Yu Zhile replied: "Look, the quality of this show is invincible! Except for the lack of popularity of the singer lineup, everything else has beaten the same type of music show! If this is not popular, then it is really intolerable!"

Yang Bing said: "With your words, I feel relieved!"

Yu Zhile asked curiously: "These seven singers are too strong! Who chose them? They are so discerning, you can tell they are people who know what they are doing!"

Yang Bing replied embarrassingly: "The person you mentioned is me..."

 Thank you for the 100 tip of [Wan K], thank you for the 100 tip of [The Mask of Sadness], thank you for the 100 tip of [Who am I by your name], and thank you [. ] 100 tips.

(End of this chapter)

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