Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 1 Lottery system?

Chapter 1 Lottery system?

"Am I dead?"

Lin Feng didn't dare to open his eyes, because he was just run over by a big truck last second.

"here is"

Lin Feng suddenly got up from the bed, he was sweating profusely, breathing fresh air heavily.

He subconsciously reached out to touch his trouser pocket, "Why is my mobile phone so small?"

Lin Feng took out his phone and saw that the vivox30 had changed into a vivox3, and the time on the phone showed May 2015, 5, which was his senior year in high school.

He glanced sideways at the other three roommates in the dormitory, sleeping like pigs.

"Is this a high school dormitory?"

Looking at the immature and handsome face in the reflection of the phone screen, he knew that this was winning an award rarer than the lottery, that is, being reborn for five years.

Lin Feng is from Hangzhou. He went to high school in Hangzhou. His father, Lin Gang, is the chairman of a listed company with an annual income of around 1000 million. His mother, Wang Min, owns a clothing store. She has a younger sister named Lin Yue who is a freshman in high school.

Such a family is logically not bad, and his parents love him very much. When he was an adult in his second year of high school, he bought a Lexus for Lin Feng as a means of transportation. In such an environment, Lin Feng can still be regarded as a small rich second generation.

However, Lin Feng, who has the memory of two generations, knows that in the second half of the year, there was an accident in his father's company, the company closed down, all the property in the family was mortgaged, and his mother's clothing store was closed. The humble wages of part-time jobs cost the whole family.

It is impossible for Lin Feng, who was reborn five years ago, to repeat the tragedy of his previous life.

【Ding!The Shenhao lottery system has been bound to host Lin Feng]

[Binding begins. Binding ends]

Mo Ming's eunuch's voice appeared in Lin Feng's mind without warning. Lin Feng opened his eyes and found that no one was talking beside him. The panic in his eyes was self-evident.

"Did I bind the system?"

"Are you in the system?"

Lin Feng tentatively communicated with the system.

[Hi host, this system is called Shenhao lottery draw system, next, please read the content of prizes by yourself]

As the eunuch's voice fell from the system, Lin Feng could only see a virtual interface appearing in front of his eyes, which was a super big lottery turntable.

There are many prizes above, as follows:


Primary jumping money card ~ weekly card: jumping money 0.1 yuan per second, 8640 yuan a day

Intermediate money jumping card~monthly card: 0.5 yuan per second, 43200 yuan a day

Advanced Jumping Money Card ~ Annual Card: Jumping 1.0 yuan per second, 86400 yuan a day


Lin Feng continued to look at the contents of the prizes on the turntable.

The more he looked down, the more surprised Lin Feng was.
The change of expression can be said to be a face every second...

*^O^*(Wow, yes)
⊙﹏⊙(This is too awesome)
⊙▽⊙(This...what can I say)
⊙⊙! (Um... speechless)
Car prizes:

Ferrari 488
Ferrari F8
Ferrari 812
Lamborghini Urus
Lamborghini Acentador
Rolls-Royce Phantom
Pagani Fengshen supercar.
Koenigsegg CCXR

Lin Feng looked at all this already indescribable, his heart beat faster, there are all kinds of cars in the world.

What made Lin Feng even more speechless was that there was actually a real estate certificate prize
Junior Suite:
The first, second and third rings of Yanjing.

The first, second and third rings in Shanghai.

The first, second and third rings of Hangzhou.


Top [-] luxury villas in the country:

Shanghai Ziyuan No. 1 Villa.

Yanjing Rose Garden Villa.

Hangzhou Jiuxi Rose Garden Villa.

Chengdu Thatched Cottage Spring Villa.


What's even more amazing is that private islands, resorts, ten thousand acres of farmland, private jets, etc. can all be drawn on this big carousel that can't be seen at a glance.

Lin Feng watched it directly for half an hour, and then he just watched it for a while. There are really too many, countless, and hundreds of millions of prizes.

"This lottery system, it can be said that everything in the world can be drawn!"

[The host please click the lottery button to draw a lottery]

"Okay, I'll click."

After Lin Feng pressed the [Start Lottery Draw] button, the big pointer started to rotate.

"God bless, come to a private island or something, I like it the most."

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a {intermediate money jumping card~monthly card}, which can jump money 5 cents per second]

[Whether to spend 2 points of pride to exchange for prizes! 】

"What does 2 points of pride mean?"

[All the prizes drawn need a heroic value to claim them]

[The host can get 1 point of pride when spending 1 yuan]

"That's all right, you wait." Lin Feng kind of understood the meaning of this heroic value, and without a word, he picked up his mobile phone and recharged 2 yuan.

Fortunately, Lin Feng is still a small rich second generation, and he still has tens of thousands of dollars.

[The host spends 2 yuan and gets 2 pride points]

"Then I want to exchange this jumping money card!"

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, the exchange is successful. From now on, the jumping money card will take effect immediately, please see your WeChat wallet for the host]

Hearing this, Lin Feng quickly picked up his phone and opened WeChat
The money in the WeChat wallet is really increasing at a rate of 0.5 yuan per second
Like a rising stock data, the beating rhythm is really flattering...


Lin Feng estimated that according to this speed, after 24 hours, more than 4 yuan can be jumped.

And this is a monthly card, you can jump money every minute and every second of a month.

[The host should not be surprised, this is just a low-level prize]

[There is a chance to draw a lottery every day, I hope the host will not miss it]

Then Lin Feng continued to watch the big turntable, this time he looked at it carefully again, and found that the more precious the prize, the higher the heroic value required to receive the prize.

For example, there are millions of Ferraris, and you need 99 points of pride to receive the prizes (the key is to be able to draw Ferrari prizes)
Something like a private island requires a higher level of arrogance, directly 10000 points!
I can't afford to provoke...

Now Lin Feng finally fully understood the rules of this lottery system, that is, the drawn prizes, each of which needs to be exchanged with heroic value.

To generate 1 point of pride, Lin Feng only needs to spend 1 yuan to the society, not to the system.

(There are also many ways to spend money. Eating, buying mobile phones, buying clothes, and giving away money to others can all generate heroism)
Then the next thing... is just one word

Flowers and flowers!
Flowers and flowers!
crazy flowers!Spend hard!
Anyway, you can draw prizes every day!How can you exchange for prizes without spending money!
ps: The author is really speechless, repeatedly mentioning the heroic value is not intentional, because some people can't understand the meaning of this heroic value!
Consuming 1 yuan can generate 1 point of pride, and the prizes drawn need to be collected with pride. Is this hard to understand⊙﹏⊙

(End of this chapter)

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