Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 2 The property certificate?

Chapter 2 Ten real estate certificates?
At twelve noon the next day, Lin Feng woke up. Looking sideways, the three roommates in the dormitory were also gone. He probably went out to play games on the weekend.

Lin Feng's three roommates all had strange names, all of whom were surnamed Li.

Li Long, Li Hu, Li Wu, students who can go to such aristocratic schools are naturally rich second-generation families in society.

After getting up and washing his face, Lin Feng remembered the lottery system. He put down the towel, lay on the bed, and plunged into the virtual screen of the system.

Looking at the super big turntable in the middle, Lin Feng chose the button to start the lottery without hesitation.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting the real estate certificate of Hangzhou Sunshine Garden X10]

[The exchange of prizes requires 10 points of pride. 】

"I go to ten points of pride? Doesn't it cost 10 yuan?" Although Lin Feng is a rich second generation, how can he have so much money now?After one night of money jumping, the jumping money card only earns more than 2 yuan.

"I have an idea." Lin Feng smiled lightly, took out the phone and called his roommate Li Long, "Boss, transfer 8 yuan to me, do you have it? If you have it, quickly transfer it to me."

"No problem, but why are you in such a hurry? You can't borrow money to pick up girls, right? When did you have such a virtue? You are also a rich second generation after all. People like us need girls to come and chase us. "

When Li Long was speaking, the Demacia he was hiding in the grass was already being slashed by a sword master crazily.

"I'll fuck you, you old dog sword master, while I'm on the phone, let's see if I don't kill you."

Li Long said a silence and added E, and the big sword hung above the Juggernaut's head. The Juggernaut on the opposite side didn't even press W, and was directly KOed by Galen.

"I told you to sneak attack Laozi." Li Long picked up the phone again and continued, "Hang up first, and I will transfer it to you right away."

Not long after Lin Feng hung up the phone, his bank card received a transfer message of 8 yuan. His three roommates are the real rich second generation, and their pocket money is usually in units of hundreds of thousands. of.

Lin Feng turned on his laptop, logged in to QQ and directly recharged 10 QB, and each of the three roommates renewed their QQ yellow diamond, green diamond, red diamond, and membership for ten years.

After logging into the League of Legends, he waved his hand and gave them dozens of skins. Lin Feng didn't buy any of them anyway. He was born in 2020. The special effects of those skins in his previous life were simply amazing.

With these skins in 2015, Lin Feng might as well just use the original animation to look at Shu Tan.

Lin Feng immediately entered the system's virtual screen, looking at the Sunshine Garden real estate certificate X10 lying quietly in the prize backpack!

Without hesitation, I spent 10 points of pride to exchange it.

"How will these real estate certificates appear in front of me?"

【The host please wait patiently, someone will personally deliver it to you within a day】

"Well, okay, then I'll wait."

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Lin Feng didn't sleep because he was waiting for the daily lottery draw.

He directly entered the system and clicked the lottery button on the big turntable
Then the pointer spun rapidly in the center of the super big turntable, and around the round super big turntable were densely packed prizes. If you have a phobia of dense crowds, you will definitely be horrified.

"Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Sun Wukong, Guan Erge, Tang San, Xiao Yan, God, Hades, you must bless me to draw a good thing."

Da da da!
The pointer in the center of the big turntable finally stopped, and the pointer was about to stop on the [Junior Jumping Money Card ~ Weekly Card].

"It can't be so unlucky, right? It's a junior jumping money card again? I can get this thing with so many prizes? Is there something wrong with your lottery system?"

When Lin Feng complained, in fact, the pointer did not stop completely, but was still moving forward at a weak speed.
[Congratulations to the host for picking a premium mobile game "Legendary World"]

"Eh(⊙o⊙)..." Lin Feng's current mood can be described as a turnaround. He was almost desperate. He didn't expect that the pointer was so upbeat and landed on the high-quality mobile game. There is no doubt that it is like a stock suddenly plummeting. Then it soared again, as exciting as riding a roller coaster.

[The "Legendary World" mobile game comes from another world, and it is a very popular mobile game in another world. This system can guarantee that it can be said to be an existence that can stir up thousands of waves with a single stone on the earth]

"A mobile game from another world? Are the characters and costumes the same as those on Earth?"

[The mobile game "Legendary World" is in the process of translation conversion and will be completed in a week]

[The system will translate the Chinese version of "Legendary World" according to the native language, and the costumes and backgrounds in the game will also complement the Chinese version. 】

"You mean to say that the skeleton of the mobile game has not changed, but the text, background, clothing, etc. have been transformed?"

Lin Feng could hardly suppress the ecstasy in his heart, "It's about to take off now. The last time I got a real estate certificate, this time I got a ready-made mobile game?"

Lin Feng opened his prize backpack and found that this "Legendary World" mobile game requires 50 heroic points to redeem.

50 points of arrogance, that is, spending 50 soft sister coins, is a very simple matter.

The next day, at noon, Lin Feng was still lying quietly in the dormitory alone. Several roommates probably went to the Internet cafe to play games again, taking advantage of the weekend without classes.

But Lin Feng definitely won't go. He has to wait in the dormitory for his real estate certificate prize. The system said that someone will deliver it to the door within a day, and someone will definitely deliver it today.

Lin Feng kept trying to calm himself down.
But the excitement was not suppressed at all.
but rose a lot
That's 10 real estate certificates.
And there is also the prepared mobile game "Legendary World", which is something from another world. Anyway, the system said that it can blow up all mobile games on the earth.

At this moment, Lin Feng's phone rang suddenly.

"Hey, is this student Lin Feng? You have a courier at the security office, please come and get it."

The doorman is very polite...

But to put it bluntly, this is a noble high school in Hangzhou, and these guards are usually respectful to the students.

"I haven't bought anything recently? How come there will be a courier?" Lin Feng just finished speaking, and immediately remembered his prize ten real estate certificates.
This should be the system sending the real estate certificate to Lin Feng by express delivery.

"Well, thank you, I'll be right here." Lin Feng got up from the bed, left the dormitory, and hurried towards the school gatekeeper.

Lin Feng finished picking up the courier in a hurry. When he returned to the dormitory, he opened the package.
"Damn it. So many real estate certificates!"

Even though Lin Feng had predicted in advance that the courier might be a real estate certificate, he had to be amazed.

So many real estate certificates stacked together, red and thick, the impact is many times greater than the impact of millions of cash placed here.

Fortunately, there is no one in the dormitory now. If someone sees Lin Feng's so many real estate certificates, he will probably think he is some kind of criminal.

Lin Feng flipped through the 10 real estate certificates casually, then picked up his mobile phone and Baidu checked "Hangzhou Sunshine Garden"!
The search information pops up in no time.
Baidu information:

There is a key middle school next to Sunshine Garden, there is a subway within 400 meters, proper school district housing and convenient transportation.

From the specific analysis of the answers given on the Internet, the housing price of Sunshine Garden should not be less than 5 yuan per square meter (the housing price in Hangzhou is relatively moderate compared to Shanghai and Kyoto)
Lin Feng continued to look at the comments on Sunshine Garden from netizens on Baidu Post Bar.

First floor: "Sunshine Garden has an excellent location and has always been a popular and sought-after listing."

Second floor: "Ben Diaosi is just passing by, envious of the boss who has a house."

Third floor: "If I had a suite here, I would be a rich man with a huge sum of 500 million yuan."

Lin Feng: "Excuse me, I have 10 suites here!"

Because Lin Feng posted this comment, he was scolded miserably, but that was only a few days later.

(Floor 15: You pretend to be Nima, you have 10 suites, then I have a city)
(Floor 16: I was just joking, is it necessary to scold people?)
After Lin Feng posted this comment, he calculated silently. If his 10 houses were calculated at 5 square meters, they would be worth 5000 million yuan.

"Am I a multi-millionaire now?"

"No, half a billionaire!"

Lin Feng felt a little dizzy and blinked his eyes. It was amazing, like a dream.

"Gulu." His stomach growled.

Before getting the real estate certificate, Lin Feng didn't feel hungry at all, but now his stomach feels empty.

Looking back at the beds in the dormitory, the three roommates haven't come back yet, probably because they enjoyed playing games, but weekends are different, and they can play casually.

Since he went out to eat alone, Lin Feng didn't choose to go to any big restaurant, but came to the snack street of the campus at random, and entered an ancestral beef noodle restaurant.

In the memory of past and present lives, this beef noodle restaurant tastes very good, and Lin Feng often eats it. It is said that the owner has inherited the craftsmanship for decades.

"Boss, give me a big bowl." Lin Feng chose a seat at random and sat down. He could hear the indescribable happiness from his tone. After all, Lin Feng's assets are already 5000 million. Whoever it is, he will definitely feel happy. It's all good.

Just as Lin Feng was eating noodles, the phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Lin Feng frowned, but still answered the phone.

The person on the other side immediately said, "Hello, is this Mr. Lin Feng? I'm Zhang Xianfeng, the property manager of Sunshine Garden."

(End of this chapter)

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