Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 3 I became a charterer?

Chapter 3 I became a charterer?

"Well, I'm Lin Feng." As Lin Feng said, he also began to wonder, isn't this Sunshine Community where his real estate is located?Why did the real estate agent call him?Didn't you pay the property fee?

"It's like this, Mr. Lin. Recently, many customers want to buy houses in Sunshine Garden, but there are basically none. However, our property management company learned that you have ten vacant houses in unit A. Do you want to sell them? Or rent it out."

Lin Feng didn't reply immediately, but thought about it silently. It's 2015 now, and the house price doesn't mean to drop in the days to come. At most, the plague in 2020 will make the house price lower, but it's still early .

Anyway, as for the house, it’s good to leave it alone, and it’s best not to sell it if you don’t need money urgently.

[Remind the host once, the real estate rewarded by the system cannot be sold, it can only be given away]

"I'll wipe it, do you want to do it like this?"

Zhang Xianfeng, who was on the other side of the phone, saw that Lin Feng had been silent for a long time, so he secretly said, "Does this Mr. Lin think that I am a fraudulent call?"

"Mr. Lin, please don't worry, we are a regular property company, and our company's strength is not bad. Our company is not only engaged in property management, but also in the real estate industry. If you are still worried, you can come to our head office in person ...the name is Materialization Group."

Zhang Xianfeng became puzzled while speaking. These ten houses were bought by a person named "System" many years ago, and this person's name is also strange.

After this person named "System" bought these ten houses, they have been in a state of idleness, neither renting out nor selling them. .
Just today, this person named "System" actually sold the house to this Lin Feng.

So Zhang Xianfeng, the property manager, wanted to call and ask Lin Feng, if he could sell or rent it out, he could earn some referral fees.

"It's fine to sell the house, but it's okay to rent it out. I also have this idea." Lin Feng finally spoke.
He had heard of this Materialization Group. It was a powerful group with some reputation in Hangzhou.

"Ah, really? Okay, okay." Zhang Xianfeng was also taken aback, he didn't expect that Lin Feng would agree
The two hit it off and decided to meet at five o'clock in the afternoon, and then talk in detail.

Lin Feng hung up the phone, he didn't want to eat the beef noodles in front of him, he got up, paid the money and rushed to Dahua Shopping Center, which is a relatively high-end shopping center in Hangzhou.

If you want to meet someone at the property center, naturally you can't go in a school uniform, and you still have to show a style when doing things.

Lin Feng walked around and selected several light luxury brand stores.

There is no bloody plot in the novel where the shopping guide looks down on the customer and then the protagonist slaps the face. The attitude of the waiters here is extremely polite and polite.

The price of the suit that Lin Feng chose was more than 1 yuan, which just happened to spend all the profits from the money card for a few hours.He still has 5 yuan in his current account.

However, after spending 1 yuan, his pride value increased by 1 point.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Feng appeared in the Sunshine Garden on time
The real estate office building of Sunshine Garden is not inside the community, but an independent building next to the original sales department of the community.

This is a small three-story building with the sign of Material Property Company hanging on the outside.

At this time, there was a man in his forties standing outside the property building. He was looking around. This man was undoubtedly Zhang Xianfeng, the property manager of Sunshine Garden.

Because the two talked on the phone just now, Zhang Xianfeng came here to pick up Lin Feng.

Suddenly, Zhang Xianfeng fixed his gaze, and he saw Lin Feng in designer clothes.

"This young man wearing brand-name clothes should be Mr. Lin Feng. When talking on the phone, he could be heard as a young man, but I didn't expect him to be so young. He looks like a high school student. On behalf of the son-in-law."

Although Zhang Xianfeng is not sure that this person is Lin Feng, but he has already taken small steps towards Lin Feng.

"Are you Mr. Lin Feng?" Zhang Xianfeng asked tentatively.

Lin Feng froze, "I'm Lin Feng, who are you?"

Seeing Lin Feng's puzzled eyes, Zhang Xianfeng quickly introduced himself: "Mr. Lin, I am the property manager of Sunshine Garden."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Lin Feng was really a little embarrassed, the other party recognized him, and he was still in a dazed state.

"It's okay." Zhang Xianfeng smiled politely, then pushed his glasses and said, "Mr. Lin, there are so many people outside, why don't we talk in the office?"


Led by Zhang Xianfeng, Lin Feng came to the manager's office on the second floor.

This is a separate office of about 30 square meters
Desks, computers, water dispensers, and documents piled up on the desks are not very luxurious offices.

Zhang Xianfeng first invited Lin Feng to sit down, then made a cup of tea and put it in front of Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, let's talk about the rental of the house." Zhang Xianfeng got straight to the point.

"En, yes." Lin Feng responded.

"Mr. Lin, when we are talking about leasing, I would like to give you an olive branch first." Zhang Xianfeng said with a smile and pushed his glasses, "If you give us all the ten houses in your hand to rent out, we will Can represent the company directly and waive one-third of your property fees in Sunshine Gardens.”

In order to get the ten houses in Lin Feng's hands, Zhang Xianfeng had to give Lin Feng an attractive condition first.

"One-third of the property fee?" Lin Feng was also speechless. He didn't expect Zhang Xianfeng to be able to exempt him from one-third of the property fee.

These are ten houses, not one.

Lin Feng also learned that the property fee for a house in Sunshine Community is at least 5000 a year.

This is the least!He doesn't know much!

Lin Feng has 10 suites in his hand, so if this is the case, more than 2 property fees will be exempted for Lin Feng a year.

Don't look at just over 2 a year, 10 years? 20 years?This is not the same.

"In just a few minutes of talking, I saw Manager Zhang's sincerity. I promised to hand over ten houses to you, but in terms of price." Although Lin Feng thought Zhang Xianfeng was good, he couldn't be careless if the rental fee was convenient. related to future interests.

"Very good, Mr. Lin." Zhang Xianfeng clapped his hands lightly, and then his expression turned serious, "Since our company waived one-third of the property fee for you, when the time comes, the rental between you and the tenant will The contract can specify that one-third of the property fee will be reduced or exempted, so the rental price will naturally be more expensive."

Lin Feng did not speak, but quietly listened to Zhang Xianfeng's narration.

"Besides, the location of Sunshine Garden is relatively good. The real estate in your hand is a new house, so the price is naturally higher for convenience. I will give you 5000 January rent for each house. Do you think it is okay?"

Zhang Xianfeng pushed his glasses. The price he gave is considered fair. After all, a person like Lin Feng who can own 10 properties is at least a billionaire or hundreds of millions of assets. He would not dare to beat Lin Feng. .

Lin Feng glanced at him and began to think.

In Hangzhou, Lin Feng is naturally a local, and he knows a little about the rent of houses in Hangzhou.

The urban public rental housing in Hangzhou has different rents according to the grade of the lot.

The standard rent for renting public rental housing at the first-level lot level is 36 yuan per square meter of construction area per month.

That is to say, for a house in a first-level lot, the rent per square meter is 36 yuan.

The second level is 32 yuan, the third level is 29 yuan, and the fourth level is 27 yuan.
Obviously, the Sunshine Garden house in Lin Feng's hands is a first-class house.

Moreover, these houses are all large suites of about 120 square meters, and they are new houses. With the reduction of property fees, 5000 a month is not bad at all.

After all, other property companies also have to earn some price difference and referral fees.

"Okay, 5000 a month is a good price, and I don't have to post the rental notice myself, so I'll leave it to you."

Lin Feng immediately agreed, these ten houses can create more than 60 rent for Lin Feng a year, plus the ten houses worth 5000 million.

Even if Lin Feng loses the system in the future, he can still live a chic life.

But to be honest, renting a house is really not cost-effective. If it can be sold, it is the kingly way. The rent for a house of about 500 million yuan is only more than 5 a year. The ratio is really not very cost-effective.

After the contract is signed and ok, the property company will post the rental information of these houses through relevant channels and post it on the Internet.

Of course, the price posted by the property company is slightly higher, ranging from 6000 to 7000 a month. As long as someone talks, it will not be too late to negotiate the price.

(End of this chapter)

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