Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 51 Xiaoyu TV's No. 1 Male!

Chapter 51 Xiaoyu TV's No. [-] Male!
In a box in the dance hall, Tang Tingting was sitting on the sofa, looking dazed, unable to get involved in today's happy celebration banquet.

"I said Tang Tingting, at least we won the championship today. You just stared at the door without saying a word? What's wrong? Miss your boyfriend? What's his name? By the way, Lin Feng? You It’s really a lookout stone.”

NTG's captain, Zhou Xinger, couldn't help but tease Tang Tingting.

"Sister Xing'er, don't talk nonsense, he is really not my boyfriend." Tang Tingting was almost speechless. Today, Lin Feng promised to see you at the Tiandi Hotel at ten o'clock in the evening. Now it's past ten o'clock and fifteen o'clock Divided up, but no one has been seen yet.

"This guy can't be releasing pigeons, right? If I release Miss Ben's pigeons, I will never forgive him in my life." Thinking of this, Tang Tingting glanced at the door of the box again.

Zhou Xinger looked at Tang Tingting's expression, and didn't continue to tease her. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that in Tang Tingting's heart, even if this Lin Feng was not her boyfriend, it was of great significance to her.

Ding Dong!

Tang Tingting's WeChat rang.

Lin Feng: "I'm sorry, cute Tingting, I'm in a hurry today, so I won't be here."

At this moment, Lin Feng was cats outside the window of the box, secretly looking at Tang Tingting's expression.

"This hateful guy!" Tang Tingting's face changed, like a boudoir.

Tang Tingting: "Forget it if you don't come."

After sending the text message, Tang Tingting put the phone in her pocket, lowered her head, her eyes fogged up instantly.

Tang Tingting's expression naturally couldn't hide from Lin Feng who was cats outside the window.

Lin Feng: "Okay, seeing that you are about to cry, this young master will use a space teleportation technique to come to the box where you are."

When Tang Tingting heard the phone ringing, she still picked up the phone and glanced at Lin Feng's message, a smile immediately appeared on her face, then she pouted her small mouth, and typed: "You villain, you are so villainous that you lied to me. "

After Tang Tingting sent the message, the box door was pushed open, and a handsome guy appeared at the door, and everyone in the box turned their attention to him~
"Who is the handsome guy looking for?"

"Handsome little brother, did you come to see me?"

With Lin Feng's handsome face and luxurious famous brand, the sisters of the NTG women's team began to joke.

"Stop booing, look at our Tang Tingting's expression, this handsome guy should be looking for her." Zhou Xinger saw a trace of information from Tang Tingting's eyes.

Tang Tingting stood up, walked over at a trot, and said softly, "You big villain, you are really bad enough to be late?"

Lin Feng looked at the beauty in front of him. She didn't wear the ugly team uniform tonight, but changed into the jeans and denim jacket she usually wears. Her thin figure is a typical hanger!
"Tang Tingting, you are so beautiful today, you look like a model in your denim clothes." Lin Feng joked with a smile.

"That's right, I'm an invincible young and beautiful girl." Tang Tingting said softly narcissistically, and the sisters behind her also started booing at the same time.

"Wow, is this the man Tang Tingting is waiting for? So handsome!"

"Little handsome guy, are you Tang Tingting's boyfriend?"

Facing her teammate's teasing, Tang Tingting blushed, "Don't talk nonsense, we are just ordinary friends."

Although Tang Tingting denied it, her hand unexpectedly blocked Lin Feng's arm, "Come on, go in and sit down."

"It smells so good, isn't it your boyfriend? It smells so good!"

"It's so fragrant!"

There is no doubt that Tang Tingting gave them a real fragrance warning, isn't this her boyfriend?I'm afraid there is a ghost!
"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Feng."

Lin Feng sat down and greeted the girls.

"Speaking of which, the sisters should know him, the Tuhaofeng of our Xiaoyu TV, this is me."

As soon as Tang Tingting said this, everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Feng!
Eyes widened, Tuhaofeng is the number one god on Xiaoyu TV, it is said that he has already spent 2500 million on Xiaoyu TV!

What is the concept of 2500 million!A quarter of a billion, don't look at these team members are all well-known League of Legends anchors on Xiaoyu TV, but I'm afraid they won't be able to earn 2500 million in their lifetime, unless they can be as popular as Miss Miss, otherwise they will never have a chance to earn in their lifetime That much money, and the 2500 million seems to be just pocket money for Lin Feng.

The members of the NTG women's team are all anchors of Xiaoyu TV. How could they not know the ID of Tuhaofeng?

Their eyes began to glow hot!

"This is Tuhaofeng himself?"

"I always thought he was a middle-aged uncle, but I didn't expect him to be so young."

"It's unbelievable that Tuhaofeng is actually Tang Tingting's boy."

Tang Tingting's four beautiful teammates have become Lin Feng's little fans!Those two eyes were starry, not only Lin Feng's financial resources fascinated them, but also with such a handsome face, there is no one else!

"Tingting, you are really unkind. You have such a rich boyfriend, but you still hide it all the time. Are you afraid that your sisters will steal your boyfriend?"

"Yeah Tingting, if you say it earlier, everyone can ask for some benefits from Tuhaofeng. When we live broadcast in the future, this Lin Feng of your family needs to go to support more."

Tang Tingting was speechless again, the relationship between her and Lin Feng was misinterpreted by these people.

Although Tang Tingting was speechless, she was quite happy in her heart. She had already explained that they were not in a relationship between a man and a woman, and there was no need to dwell on this topic. Instead, she asked, "Lin Feng, you said you would give me a present today. Is it?"

Seeing that Lin Feng was empty-handed, Tang Tingting thought he had forgotten about it, but Lin Feng came to accompany her to the celebration banquet in person, that was the best gift, and she was not disappointed.

"Cut, look at your little eyes, how could I forget it." Lin Feng put his hand into the inner bag of his jacket, "Let me make it clear first, if you don't like this item, don't make a fuss about returning it or something, our store probably No returns!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he saw a delicate little box in his hand!
At this moment, Lin Feng was still a little nervous, because only he knew about the next plot!Because today will be the day of confession!He is not some kind of lover, even though he is rich, his emotional world is quite pure.

"Tingting, quickly open it and see what it is."

"The box looks very chic, it should be a good thing."

"Hurry up, Tingting, do you want my sister to help you? I'm really anxious."

The four teammates looked at this exquisite little gift box, and they were also very curious about what was in it. Women's gossip has always been a hobby that accompanies women all their lives.

Tang Tingting didn't plan to open gifts in private. After all, many girls open gifts in private to avoid embarrassment because the gifts from their boyfriends are too cheap. But who is Lin Feng?Thinking about it with his toes, the gift he gave would not disappoint everyone. After all, he must be Xiaoyu's number one hero.


Zhou Xing'er, who has rather poisonous eyes, found the logo on the box. This is the brand known as the king of jewelry. She couldn't help but exclaimed!
"It seems so!"

"It's not like, it's true!"

Reminded by Zhou Xinger, these girls took another look at the box!Pretty sure it's the Cartier brand!

(End of this chapter)

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