Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 52 Opening the Gift

Chapter 52 Opening the Gift
Cartier, this is a famous watch maker, but it is also a jewelry maker.

However, the beautiful jewelry designed by Cartier as a jeweler can be known to the whole world, especially those girls, no one does not like Cartier jewelry.

However, Cartier jewelry can only become the dream of these girls, because each piece of Cartier jewelry is carefully crafted by a designer, and the price is also very expensive. One thing, that is relatively high-end.

After what her teammates said, Tang Tingting also saw that it was Cartier jewelry.

Tang Tingting thinks that the Cartier jewelry that Lin Feng gave should not be ordinary!
Using an analogy, everyone will understand that buying a BMW X1 as a gift for your girlfriend is better than buying a high-end domestic car as a gift for your girlfriend.

Although the brand is good, but it is the cheapest among famous brands, it is better to just buy the most expensive among common brands!

But Tang Tingting thought of this. Since Lin Feng chose to send Cartier, it was impossible for Lin Feng to buy cheap goods. This should be a relatively high-end Cartier.

Jewelry is something that every woman likes. Although Tang Tingting is not from a rich family, she has known some Cartiers. It is conceivable that the price of the things in the small box in front of her should be more than 80 to [-] !
Tang Tingting began to hesitate, she couldn't accept such an expensive gift randomly from others, because the relationship between the two is still ordinary friends~
"Hey~ I don't care, it's a big deal and I will repay him slowly in the future. In front of so many people, it's not easy to sweep his face."

Tang Tingting gave herself an excuse to feel at ease. She sniffed her nose and reached out to open the Cartier box. At this time, Tang Tingting was expecting and excited. She didn't know which kind of Cartier jewelry Lin Feng gave her!
"Wow, is it the heart of the ocean?"

Zhou Xinger was the first to recognize this thing, she exclaimed, envious eyes showed.

Immediately afterwards, the other girls also became surprised, and they all looked enviously at the blue pendant in the box.

"I'm going, it's actually the heart of the ocean?"

"This is the same style as "Titanic"!"

"Wow. Tingting is too happy!~"

Envy is nothing but envy, and they don't mean to be angry with Tang Tingting. After all, Tang Tingting is the most beautiful girl in the team. If you get on good terms with local tyrants, then the future is even brighter.

The heart of the ocean pendant lies quietly in the box. Through the reflection of the light, the big blue gemstone is extremely dazzling and bright. This is a gift that symbolizes the loyalty of love!
Tang Tingting never expected that Lin Feng would give her this gift today. Looking at the Heart of the Ocean in front of her eyes, Tang Tingting's thousands of thoughts rushed to her.

In the recent days, Lin Feng, a god-like man, broke into her world.

From the beginning, Tang Tingting was rewarded with huge gifts. At first, Tang Tingting also thought that Lin Feng approached her on purpose, and then asked the anchor to sleep with her or something.

Because of Lin Feng's reward, Tang Tingting, whose monthly income was only more than 1 in the past, has increased a lot of popularity, and her monthly income has reached about 300. What is even more valuable is that Lin Feng's reward amount is about 150 million, but she took A full platform share of more than [-] million was collected.

This man can be said to have turned Tang Tingting's life upside down!

Time is a good thing to prove all demons and monsters!
Later, the two got acquainted, and Lin Feng didn't make any excessive demands for rewarding Tang Tingting with many gifts, such as a WeChat account?Or make an appointment to meet up.

Tang Tingting asked Lin Feng for the wechat operation.

Tang Tingting also got to know Lin Feng privately, and found that although he rewarded many anchors, both male and female, most of them were relatively talented, such as Tuesday Ke, Chen Yifa, Grandpa Lu, PDD, etc. Lin Feng was very impressed. Don't tip the anchor who only has looks but no talent.

Moreover, only a few of these anchors had Lin Feng's contact information, and many anchors asked for contact information from Lin Feng but were rejected.

"What are you thinking? Look at you, do you like this Heart of the Ocean?"

Lin Feng looked at Tang Tingting's dumbfounded look, and didn't know what she was thinking, so he just reached out and touched her arm lightly.

"Yeah, I like it."

Tang Tingting nodded reflexively, no girl would dislike such a good thing, such a shiny thing.The key thing is the heart of the ocean, which represents loyal love.

"Is this big liar going to confess his love to me today? Or is it the rhythm of his confession to give me this heart of the ocean?"

"Do I agree or not?"

"This bad guy is real. You gave me a gift, and then said something provocative, asking me to be your girlfriend or something, isn't that okay? It's really boring to just give a gift and not say anything."

And Lin Feng didn't want to confess his love in front of so many people today, this kind of rhythm is not suitable for him, Lin Feng still wants to ask Tang Tingting out alone, find a quiet and beautiful environment, and then confess his love to Tang Tingting.

Today's heart of the ocean is also a kind of asking for directions. If the gift is accepted, then 99% of the confession will be successful in the future, and there is no need to confess.

It was really embarrassing for the two of them at the moment. Lin Feng looked at Tang Tingting silently, and Tang Tingting looked down at the heart of the ocean, blushing, and he didn't know what to say.

At this time, captain Zhou Xinger opened his mouth to make a rescue.

"I told you two, don't spill dog food, I'm full, my boyfriend didn't come today, otherwise I wouldn't watch you two spill dog food!" Zhou Xinger said, looking at everyone. , "Today is not their couple's loving meeting, this is our celebration banquet, everyone, cheers and celebrate today's victory!"

Tang Tingting pouted and said, "Sister Xing'er, don't talk nonsense, Lin Feng and I are just ordinary friends."

"Yes, yes, ordinary friends, drink quickly." Zhou Xinger smiled and handed Tang Tingting a glass of wine.

Tang Tingting is a girl, so of course she has to explain their relationship again and again, and Lin Feng is a man, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. If he comes forward and says that the two are not boyfriend and girlfriend, then this will make Tang Tingting feel that Lin Feng does not have her in his heart. So it is enough for Lin Feng to be silent now, there is no need to explain anything.

 You can read Miss Sister's book.

(End of this chapter)

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