Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 53 Tang Tingting Is Drunk

Chapter 53 Tang Tingting Is Drunk
"Our little man of Tang Tingting, Lin Feng, is he coming to drink?" Zhou Xinger glanced at Lin Feng.

"No, I'm driving today, so I won't drink, you can drink." Lin Feng followed Tang Tingting and sat on the sofa after speaking.

Zhou Xinger glanced at Tang Tingting, who was blushing slightly, then turned to look at Lin Feng, and said, "Little handsome Lin Feng, if you can't drink, then we can let Tang Tingting drink, right? She is very good at drinking!"

"Oh? She drinks a lot? I haven't heard her say that!" Lin Feng stared sideways at Tang Tingting as if he had discovered a new world.

Tang Tingting panicked immediately, and quickly explained: "I drink a lot, it's just my talent is good, just like the talent for playing games is the same reason (I'm not the kind of girl who often goes clubbing)"

Although Tang Tingting didn't finish her sentence, Lin Feng still understood what she wanted to express.

"Your talent is really good, isn't the big fat man possessed by the wine barrel?" Lin Feng joked with a smile.

(Wine Barrel, a hero of League of Legends)
"You are the wine barrel, I don't care about you, I went to play dice with my sisters, let you be bored by yourself." Tang Tingting snorted, got up and plunged into the crowd of sisters, ignoring her Lin Feng.

Because of the need to drive, this thing is not a joke, so none of these girls persuaded Lin Feng to drink, and since Lin Feng is a super rich man, if they wanted to persuade Lin Feng to drink, then it was only a symbolic persuasion. Advised.

If Lin Feng is an ordinary person, then these girls will not let him go, so what if they want to drive?Can't you find a driver instead?If you don't drink, you look down on them. Let go of these words and designate those who want to drink.

But there is a very powerful truth motto on the wine table: when you don’t want to drink the glass of wine on the wine table, you can stop drinking it, it means that your status among this group of people is extremely high.

In other words, if a person of high status is at the wine table, if he doesn't want to drink, no one will be reluctant to persuade him to drink!
Lin Feng, who had nothing to do, ran to the window outside the box, blowing the cold wind, thinking about Tang Tingting's affairs, now Lin Feng, can he be regarded as having a girlfriend?

Although they haven't confessed and confirmed their relationship yet, but the heart of the ocean has been accepted, so the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend is not far away.

Now Lin Feng can celebrate his leaving the order in advance! ! !
"Hey, Tang Tingting, where's your rich boyfriend? He won't want you anymore, should he go?" Zhou Xinger looked around and saw that Lin Feng was nowhere to be seen.

"If he dares not want me, I will never forgive him for the rest of my life." At this moment, Tang Tingting had already drunk a lot of wine, her face was flushed, and her speech was a little slurred.

"Tang Tingting, my sister is really envious of you. You have found such a boyfriend. Please share with us. How did Tuhaofeng chase you?"

The gossip girls naturally wanted to get Tang Tingting drunk and then listen to something curious.

"He's chasing me? He's chasing a fart"

"Let me tell you, when we first met, I asked for WeChat."

"What happens after you ask for WeChat? This person is even more boring, and he doesn't reply to my messages very often."

"He suddenly came to give me this gift today, what a bad guy."

Sisters, you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other. Through Tang Tingting's narration, I knew some experiences of the two of them.

Both of them have good feelings, but Tang Tingting seems to be more active! ~
It is said that it is difficult for a man to chase a woman like going to the blue sky, and if a woman chases a man, as long as the woman is beautiful, it is almost easy to catch, this is not a lie.

But it can't be regarded as a pure girl chasing a boy, it's just that Lin Feng has been caring about his "Legend World" mobile game for a while, and doesn't have much time to talk about love.

Lin Feng came back after blowing a gust of cold wind by the window outside the private room. Looking at Tang Tingting who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, he didn't know what to say. Anyway, her face was red and she couldn't sit still.

"I'll go, Tang Tingting, how much have you drunk?"

Lin Feng leaned forward and looked at the five girls. They should all have drunk a lot, but Tang Tingting probably drank the most.

"I didn't drink much. I'm happy today, so I just want to drink more." Tang Tingting stood up staggeringly, and grabbed Lin Feng's arm, "Where did you go just now, you scoundrel? I thought you didn't want me Come and have a drink with me."

Lin Feng looked at Tang Tingting's drunken face, which was rosy in the white, and wanted to rush up to kiss her sexy lips, "What are you happy about today? Is it the championship of the League of Legends final, or is it a gift from me?" ?”

"What's so proud of being a broken champion? Next time, I, Tang Tingting, can just win another one. Today's happy thing. Naturally, it's a gift from you." Tang Tingting shook her body and said creakingly, Drunk, she was already leaning in Lin Feng's arms!
Lin Feng took a deep breath, the faint fragrance of beautiful hair mixed with the smell of alcohol, although this fragrance is not very pleasant, but the one in front of him is a beautiful girl with a figure and a face Ah, how could Lin Feng hate it?

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and raised Tang Tingting's little head slightly, facing her blurred eyes~
Since Tang Tingting uttered the truth after drinking, she said that the reason why she was so happy today was the gift from Lin Feng~
What are you waiting for?
When it was time to make a move, Lin Feng didn't care about the smell of alcohol coming out of her little mouth, and kissed Tang Tingting's little red lips~
"Lin Feng~" Tang Tingting struggled slightly, but she seemed to have no strength even when she was drunk, and after Xiaofen punched her twice, there was no more movement~
She didn't respond to the kiss, nor refused~
Instead, he quietly put his arms around Lin Feng's neck and asked Lin Feng to lead her and guide her. In the end, Lin Feng's guidance was quite successful, and Tang Tingting also responded.

"Oh, oh, Tang Tingting's first kiss is gone?" Zhou Xing'er also got a little drunk, she cheered and said, "Look at the jerky kissing, can't it be the first kiss for both of you?"

After the kiss was over, Lin Feng still hugged the weak Tang Tingting, looked at her deeply, and said, "Tingting, didn't you just ask me where I went? Now let me answer you. I was blowing outside just now. I didn't want you, I was thinking, I will have a girlfriend in the future! I"

Before Lin Feng could say anything, he found that Tang Tingting in his arms was already leaning against Lin Feng's arms, as if she had fallen asleep!
"Lin Feng, your cutie Tang Tingting is drunk, you can send her back, we are here today, let's end." Zhou Xinger stood up as she spoke, and led everyone out of the box.

"Then what should you do? I'll find someone to take you back home? You all drank a lot." Lin Feng asked.

"No need, my boyfriend drove the car. He has arrived at the entrance of the hotel. We can just take his car." When Zhou Xinger followed the crowd to the door, she didn't forget to turn around and say, "Take good care of your baby." Girlfriend, our NTG women's team helped you get Xiao Tingting drunk today, and the local tyrants should support us a lot in the future!"

"Hey, Zhou Xinger, wait a minute, I'm not that kind of person, you haven't told me where Tang Tingting lives yet?"

Although Lin Feng and Tang Tingting had known each other for several months, they had never asked her where her home was.

Lin Feng's shouts were also fruitless, only Zhou Xing'er could be heard saying from a distance, "Why do you go home, wouldn't it be nice to go to open a room?"

ps: To be continued.
(End of this chapter)

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