Chapter 54 Together~
Lin Feng watched Tang Tingting's team members go away, but couldn't catch up, because there was a guy leaning against him in his arms.

Looking down at Tang Tingting, who was blushing in her arms, she was no longer pouted like usual, and she didn't have the radiant operation and passion during the competition.

Her small mouth moved slightly, and she didn't know what the girl was talking about. Those red lips were very tempting, and Lin Feng wanted to kiss those sexy little lips again.

Lin Feng didn't stay any longer, and walked out of the hotel with Tang Tingting in his arms.

Yes, after leaving the hotel, Lin Feng didn't want to take her at this time.

Lin Feng is also a normal man. Looking at such a beautiful young girl lying in his arms, it is impossible to have no idea. After all, he has never tried it in this life, and he is still yearning for it. He doesn't know what it feels like.

Although I did it in the last life, it feels like it was thousands of years ago, and I have completely forgotten it.

But now Tang Tingting is in a drunk state. If she is obtained in this way, it will inevitably leave some regrets for Tang Tingting and Lin Feng. The two should have a wonderful candlelight dinner for the first time, and then proceed.

Lin Feng walked out of the hotel, and did not book a room in the hotel like Zhou Xinger said.

However, when Lin Feng carried Tang Tingting out of the hotel, many people cast their gazes. I remember that in a movie by Master Xing, Master Xing carried a drunk heroine on his shoulders and walked out of the bar directly. That movie seemed to be called "Love Saint" Well, the current Princess Lin Feng carried Tang Tingting out of the hotel, and the situation with Master Xing is similar.

"Does sir need help?"

Seeing this, a waiter hurried up to chat.

"No need, go to the parking lot and drive my car up." Lin Feng put Tang Tingting down, hugged her to prevent her from falling, and took out the key of Pagani Yazi.

"Sir. This. This."

The male waiter was speechless because he knew that Lin Feng was driving a Pagani sports car. The ordinary version of Pagani is worth more than 2000 million. Just now I heard from the manager of the hotel that Mr. Lin’s Pagani is a limited edition Yes, the value is more than 5000 million, how dare he open it as a small waiter?If he touched a little skin, wouldn't he be compensated to death?

"Brother, just go and drive, it's fine, I'll wait for you here."

Lin Feng said and handed the car keys in front of him again, because although there is an elevator in the underground parking lot, it still needs to walk for a while, and it is not convenient to hold a girl.

The male waiter took the car key reflexively, and put it in his hand tremblingly, like a hot potato.

In the end open or not open?This question made it difficult for him to make a decision, whether he would offend the big local tycoon if he didn't drive it, or would he damage his car if he drove it.

At this moment, the manager came over and the barman's savior appeared.

"Mr. Lin, if you drive it for him, he will definitely not dare. After all, Mr. Lin's car is too luxurious, and he can't afford it. My driving skills are not bad, so let me move the car for you. "

The hotel manager came over, took the key from the male waiter, looked at Lin Feng, and waited for Lin Feng's reply.

"That's fine." Lin Feng was also stunned. It was the first time that the manager of the hotel personally helped to drive, and it was a high-level hotel like Tiandi Hotel.

"Okay, sir, just wait a moment."

The hotel manager took the key and went to the elevator, which is the elevator leading to the underground parking lot~
Pagani Yazi, but there are only three in the world. Today, I can experience this car for myself. Although I just drove the car from the underground parking lot to the hotel entrance, the hotel manager is already satisfied. It is said that the other two cars of this car, That's not in Huaxia.There are only three in the world, if you miss this opportunity, it will be gone.

"Mr. Lin, your girlfriend is drunk, why don't you let her stay in a hotel."

The hotel manager returned the car keys to Lin Feng and asked what he meant.

"No, I have to take her home."

Lin Feng responded, put Tang Tingting on the co-pilot and sat down, then got into the main driver and started the car.

"Hey, I don't know where this girl's home is. We've known each other for so long, why didn't I ask her home address?"

Now Lin Feng can only drive a sports car, and take Tang Tingting all the way to blow the cold wind, hoping that she will wake up, and then tell Lin Feng her home address.

Lin Feng's Pagani was driving slowly on the road, he didn't dare to drive too fast, after all there was a drunk Tang Tingting inside.

But after half an hour of wind blowing, this girl didn't seem to wake up, she kept talking nonsense in her small mouth, but at least she didn't spit it out, which is something to be happy about.

"Hey, take her to the hotel first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Lin Feng glanced at Tang Tingting who was leaning on the co-pilot, shook his head, and drove back to Tiandi Hotel.

"Mr. Lin, why are you back?"

The hotel manager was also surprised. Didn't Lin Feng send his girlfriend home?

"It's like this, this girl didn't bring her key to go out, so I had to settle her in your hotel and give me the best suite."

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, the hotel manager pointed to the Pagani parked at the entrance of the hotel, "Mr. Lin, let me help you with the car and drive to the underground parking lot."

Lin Feng looked at his eyes and saw some meaning. The hotel manager didn't want to drive the car. Seeing the enthusiasm of the hotel manager, Lin Feng made a decision: "Manager, Is there something wrong with my car's tires, you can drive around and show me."

"Okay. OK."

The hotel manager was immediately embarrassed, he didn't know what Lin Feng meant, he was asking him to drive this Pagani to enjoy himself!
For a luxury car of this level, professionals will often check whether the car is faulty. How could something go wrong?
Lin Feng carried Tang Tingting into the elevator and came to room 21 on the 2101st floor. After swiping the room card, he put Tang Tingting on the big soft bed.

To be honest, there is a limit to human patience, and the same is true for men. Facing this Sleeping Beauty who is being slaughtered by others, Lin Feng's heart is also very disturbed, and he really wants to try what it's like to be in a fairyland on earth.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, I'm so thirsty and my head hurts."

Tang Tingting, who had just left Lin Feng's arms, made a seductive 'talking sound'.

This voice is very vague because of being drunk, so it sounds like moaning~
"You wait, I'll get you a glass of water."

Lin Feng originally wanted to leave, seeing Tang Tingting so drunk, he couldn't let her stay in the hotel alone, he had to wait for her to fall asleep completely.

"Open your mouth and drink water." Lin Feng helped her up, and put the water glass to her mouth, "Drink well, don't knock it over, get a good sleep, and you'll be fine tomorrow."

"Cough cough cough~"

Tang Tingting was choked and coughed a few times, Lin Feng quickly patted her on the back.

(End of this chapter)

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