Chapter 79
In fact, there was nothing interesting about the recording scene, it was just a series of operations such as video recording, editing, and sound mixing by a large number of staff to the host Wang Nima.

After the recording is completed, it will be handed over to other departments for processing~~~
When Lin Feng came to Rampage Comics Company today, he really wanted to meet someone, and that was Wang Nima.

Under the arrangement of Manager Yun Ming, Wang Nima, the host of Runaway Manga, finally met with Lin Feng.

"Although it is rumored that the boss of Wufeng Company is always a very young man, Mr. Lin is actually younger than I thought." Wang Nima spoke first.

"You are right, I am very young, 21 years old this year."

Lin Feng smiled, young people nowadays are very useful to other people's compliments, unlike the ancients in the past, who had a modest atmosphere.

"But~ you are more ordinary than I imagined~" Lin Feng continued.

Because Wang Nima always wears a headband when hosting the show, today Lin Feng can be regarded as seeing a real person.

Lin Feng said that Wang Nima looks ordinary, and he is not afraid that the other party will be angry, because Wang Nima's appearance is really ordinary~
Besides, when the financing is raised in the future, everyone is in the relationship between superiors and subordinates, so it's no big deal to joke around.

"I'm quite ordinary~" Wang Nima shrugged awkwardly.

"I'm very optimistic about your show "The Big Event", and I also like your entire comic company. I heard that your financing has reached the third round. How many shares do you plan to take?" Lin Feng didn't ask again. Enough joking, time to get down to business.

Lin Feng has the memory of his previous life, he knows what can be popular and what can't.

"Boss Lin is very straightforward, straight to the point, okay, but I want to ask, are you so optimistic about our Rampage Comic Company?" Yun Ming said.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I also want to ask about this." Wang Nima also asked. As the host of the runaway event and a pioneer of the company, he knows very well that the company is now like a newborn baby. As long as he is given enough time to grow, the future can be expected.

"Because this is a major trend, the future society will be dominated by the post-90s and post-00s." Lin Feng didn't talk nonsense, and directly said this golden sentence.

"The world of post-00s and post-90s?" Yun Ming savored these words carefully, and after a pause, he murmured, "But our company has already found a financier. He is Innovation Works." Yun Ming revealed that he wanted to An apologetic look, and he was very sorry.

"Creative Works." Lin Feng's expression turned ugly in an instant, and the duck that was about to reach its mouth flew away?This Innovation Works seems to be the company that bought the shares of Runaway Comics in the previous life, right?
What a fuck, this company is so nimble~ It's actually one step ahead~
It's all because Leng Qingqiu is too stingy, I guess they just found someone else for financing~
However, Lin Feng also didn't know about it, because the Runaway Comics Company could still see the value of his company, so the financing price was naturally higher.

Lin Feng didn't give up, and continued to ask: "Have they signed the contract, and how much is the registered capital?"

"The intent contract was signed just the day before yesterday." Yun Ming repeated the sentence intentionally, "Yes, it is the intent contract. Their registered capital is 6000 million in exchange for 30% of our shares."

"Since you haven't signed a formal contract, how about our company? I can invest 40 million yuan to buy [-]% of your company's shares, and I won't interfere in your company's internal affairs. How should you work? How to operate it is all up to you, I only need to leave a few finances, I don’t think Manager Yun will refuse this condition, right?”

"My director is a beautiful woman. He often comes to discuss financing matters with your company. I have pity on you. Let's settle this matter once and for all today."

Lin Feng's price tag is very high, things that Leng Qingqiu can't take for such a long time, he will come here today to make sure to take them down.

This kind of thing is troublesome~
Directly bid higher~ Finish this errand early and go home and lie down~
And this financing is guaranteed to make money, pay a little more money, and quickly take down the equity, otherwise there will be more nights and dreams~
Lin Feng is not alone in thinking about good things, but Lin Feng is a reborn person, so he is more daring to buy and more daring to pay.

"Ah..." Yun Ming was stunned, and said again, "Is what Mr. Lin said true? Only 40% of the shares for [-] million? And don't participate in our operation?"

"It's true, I use our company's reputation as a guarantee, there is no falsehood."

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, the expressions of Yun Ming and Wang Nima were already extremely excited. If Lin Feng was not present, they would all cheer.

"However, I have to tell the people in Innovation Works, after all, the intention contract has been signed~~~"

"You guys go and deal with these things. I'll send someone over the contract tomorrow. I won't come when the time comes, but let my Director Leng and you guys do the work."

After Lin Feng and Yun Ming bid farewell, they left Runaway Comic Company under the welcome of everyone. The scene was extremely grand~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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