Chapter 80

Now that the 40.00% stake in the Rampage Comics Company has been negotiated, the matter is simple. As long as [-] million is transferred, Lin Feng will naturally become the second largest shareholder of the Rampage Comics Company.

For a manager like Yun Ming, why did he agree to Lin Feng's 40 million in exchange for [-]% of the shares? Does he have the right?

Because of this price, how could the chairman disagree.

In fact, Lin Feng also wanted to pay for 51% of the shares and have an absolute controlling stake. Lin Feng also knew about it, so he didn't think about it.

Now that the matter is settled, Lin Feng naturally wants to call Leng Qingqiu, and the rest will be left to her.

"Qingqiu, what are you doing? Are you working again?" Lin Feng was very concerned about his capable female subordinate, she was a great hero at the level of Zhuge Liang.

"Of course it's work. What's the matter?" Leng Qingqiu and Lin Feng have known each other for so long. As time goes by, she seems to have lost that iceberg-like temperament in front of Lin Feng~
It's Lin Feng's leading role, the aura is too dazzling~
Still the main character is so handsome~
Or Leng Qingqiu's high-cold temperament has been fused by love~
The key is that she misses this person day and night, and it is said that she has a girlfriend~
But she still can't be cold towards Lin Feng~
I don't know why~
"Take more rest, you are the backbone of our company, you are exhausted, that's not okay." Lin Feng continued to care for her, and then got into the topic, "I have already negotiated with Runaway Comics, and I will use one Yiruanmeibi bought 40% of their shares.”

"Uh..." Leng Qingqiu was silent for a while, "Lin Feng, I admit that this runaway comics company has a very good prospect, but buying 40% of their shares with 5000 million yuan is a bit high. I have basically negotiated with them, 30 Wan buys [-]% of their shares, I'm almost done, you"

"Qingqiu, listen to me, the Runaway Comic Company has found a new home. Innovation Works paid 6000 million yuan to acquire 30% of the shares, which is 1000 million yuan higher than your bid. This kind of company has a bright future. , but we are not the only ones willing to spend money."

As Lin Feng said, he gave Leng Qingqiu a reassuring pill, and said, "Don't worry Qingqiu, the profits from Runaway Comic Company will definitely be huge, don't worry about buying equity at a high price now, get the equity quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams. That's the right thing to do."

"Well then, I trust your vision." Leng Qingqiu didn't say anything more, after all, the owner of Wufeng Company is Lin Feng, and Lin Feng's vision is not bad, this matter, Leng Qingqiu still believes him.

Leng Qingqiu continued:

"One more thing. The company has been in operation for two or three months. You big boss, when will you meet with the company's employees and senior leaders? You have never shown up."

"Uh, it's true that I haven't shown up. If I have a chance, I will go to the company to have a look."

As a behind-the-scenes planner, Lin Feng doesn't need to appear in the company's field of vision, but sometimes he can come forward to cheer up the employees.

Just like the ancient emperors, everyone does not need to see Lin Feng~
Lin Feng only needs to take care of his ministers~
Just like what Han Xin said, it is your general's business to lead troops to fight~
As long as he manages ten generals well, this is what a marshal should do~
"The profit of "Legendary World" this month should come out in a few days. You leave 5000 million and [-] million in the company, and transfer the rest to my account."

Lin Feng paused and continued:

"5000 million is used as a financing fee, and the other [-] million, you put it in the company account and handle some company matters."

"Well, that's fine. If the company has enough funds, we can improve some things." Leng Qingqiu said, then remembered something, and said, "Lin Feng, there is so much money in your account, you use it Why did you go?"

Lin Feng was also taken aback, why did Leng Qingqiu ask this question so abruptly, he said, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"I heard that you tipped a female anchor 1500 million yuan. You are really not slow to spend money." Leng Qingqiu just wanted to say, that's not how money is spent.

Lin Feng was really speechless, and joked: "You are not my wife, so you care how I spend money?"

"That... I hung up too, I'll go to work first." Leng Qingqiu was bullied again, so he hung up the phone with a blushing face.

"Leng Qingqiu, why do you care about him, what he said is right, you are not his girlfriend or wife, why do you care how much money he spends? He is happy with his money!"

"But it's really not good to spend money like this. I'm his subordinate anyway. When I see him using money like this, I have to say something. After all, I have this money, so I might as well make some investments."

Time flies, ten days have passed in the blink of an eye~
These days, Lin Feng's life is relaxed and comfortable~
Eat, sleep, and beat Doudou every day~
Of course, I take Tang Tingting to eat at the best restaurants and villas~
Sleeping is of course~~ Needless to say~~
Playing Doudou, then naturally it is playing a game, and the game is Doudou.

(End of this chapter)

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