Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 19 Bat Network Management

Chapter 19 Bat Network Management
A tall building starts from the base of the soil, success must endure loneliness!
Just after class that day, when Li Feng was about to go to the "Green Apple Internet Cafe", he was stopped by the pretty class leader Song Jia.

"Wait, Li Feng!"

Li Feng looked back and saw that the two beauties in the class, Song Jia and Yu Jing, had both come.

Why do beautiful women always want to be with beautiful women!

"Why, Squad Leader Song, what's the matter?"

Besides Li Feng's frequent skipping of classes, he has always kept a low profile in the class, and he doesn't know many people in the class very well.

Seeing Li Feng's anxious expression, Song Jia hurriedly said: "Li Feng, I can't see you all day, and you don't participate in the group activities in the class. What are you doing all day?"

The corner of Li Feng's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself: Do we know each other very well? Do I need to report anything to you?

But he still said perfunctorily: "It's nothing, I'm working part-time outside, I don't have much time, if there's nothing else, I'll go first, goodbye!"


Song Jia wanted to reach out her hand to stop Li Feng, but when she realized something was wrong, she quickly withdrew her hand and said, "Li Feng, the welcome party in the class is here, every dormitory has a program, and your dormitory says you are good at singing, don't forget Now, you should do me a favor! If I can't do it well, the counselor will definitely dismiss me, it's so miserable!"

Li Feng was speechless, Song Jia's tone was completely coaxing herself into being a primary school student, and she was dismissed, why didn't she say she was fired!

"Who said, who said that I sing well?" Li Feng was still a little puzzled.

"Wang Xiao, does your dormitory say that?"

I'll go, it's this big fat man again, looking for trouble for me all day long, and I have to "clean up" him another day.

"Sorry, I really can't sing, you can find someone else. Liu Bin in our dormitory is good, handsome guy, he sings very well, so you can definitely find him."

Li Feng sold the handsome B Liu Bin without hesitation.

Besides, this kid just fell out of love, and now I have provided him with a good opportunity, maybe I can get a few girls and get out of the shadow in my heart.

Having said that, Li Feng didn't want to hear Song Jia's reasons anymore, so he quickened his pace and hurried away.

Song Jia's indistinct and coquettish voice came from behind, but Li Feng pretended not to hear it, and left the school after a while.

Song Jia yelled a few times but didn't see Li Feng turning back, she was dissatisfied and said, "This guy really doesn't feel pity at all."

Seeing Song Jia's appearance, Yu Jing suddenly laughed, and said, "Okay, you also have times when you are deflated, don't forget how the 'No. [-] beauty' in your class came..."

"Well, you little girl, I think you blame me for taking away your title of 'No. [-] Beauty'!"

"I don't care about the comments of these stinky boys, why should we be judged by boys!"

"Forget it, the program is a trivial matter. The key is that our class fee is limited, and the few of us have to go outside to get some sponsorship..."

The two fought for a while, and the boys around were almost dumbfounded.

As soon as Li Feng arrived at the "Green Apple Internet Cafe", Zhou Wei came over and said, "Brother Li, Mr. Zhang from the Blue Moon Internet Cafe is here again!"

Zhang Liang is the owner of the newly opened "Blue Moon Internet Cafe" diagonally opposite. He made some money in the coal business. At first he fell in love with the network management system of "Green Apple Internet Cafe". Li Feng asked Zhou Wei to give it to him directly; Li Feng's "Green Apple Internet Cafe" has always wanted to buy it.

This time Li Feng didn't let go, and he never met Zhang Liang.

When Zhang Liang saw Li Feng, he said straight to the point: "You are the boss, right? I have long heard that the boss of the 'Green Apple Internet Cafe' is a college student, and he is indeed a heroic boy. How about buying it from an Internet cafe?"

Worthy of being a coal boss, he speaks frankly.

Zhang Liang has always liked Li Feng's Internet cafe, which has a good location, a large number of customers, and a large space, especially his "Blue Moon Internet Cafe", which only has more than 100 machines when it is fully opened, and can earn 20 yuan a month, which is even more expensive than this. Big and better "Green Apple Internet Cafe" business is definitely better.

"Thank you, Boss Zhang, I have no plans to sell the Internet cafe at the moment. If I do, I will let you know as soon as possible!"

"200 million!"

"Mr. Zhang, I understand what I mean, I won't sell it..."

"250 million!" He really didn't take money seriously, and Zhou Wei, who was next to him, gasped a little nervously.

"It's not about money."

"300 million!"

Li Feng didn't speak directly.



"Then how much do you sell?" Zhang Liang was still a little bit reluctant.

"Mr. Zhang, I forgot to tell you that the entire building was bought by me!" Li Feng said suddenly.

"Mr. Li has a vision, all 1000 million, how about it?" Zhang Liang thought for a while and said, the coal boss is really not short of money.

"Not for sale!" Li Feng refused.

"Okay, I understand. If you can't keep going and want to sell, then the price will still be the same." Zhang Liang said thoughtfully when he finally left.

"Brother Li, it's okay!" Zhou Wei said with a little worry.

Seeing Zhang Liang leaving, Li Feng said to Zhou Wei: "Don't worry, it's okay, let Wu Nan and Li Tao keep an eye on Boss Zhang more in the future."

Wu Nan and Li Tao are security guards recruited by Li Fenggang, and they are both veterans.

After coming over for a while, Li Feng remembered the purpose of the Internet cafe, and asked Zhou Wei: "Old Zhou, how is the development of the subsequent version of our network management software?"

"Brother Li, the third version has been developed."

"Very good, Lao Zhou, from now on, we can launch our own network management software. Please arrange the following two things: first, help me contact an intermediary and register a company. It's time for us to establish a formal company;

The second is to recruit 50 sales staff, no matter fat or thin, male or female, or dead or alive, as long as they understand the Internet, I will give you a week, and then I will personally train them. "

"Brother Li, what is the name of our company, and what is the name of our network management software?"

"Let's call the company Fengrui Technology. As for the network management software, we have to give it a famous name, let's call it Bat Network Management!" Li Feng finally said domineeringly.

"Bat?! BAT?!" Zhou Wei was still wondering, is the name BAT very aggressive!

People today still cannot understand the significance of BAT to the Chinese Internet. These are the three mountains on the Chinese Internet, firmly ruling the entire Chinese Internet.

Although B is a bit behind now, and some even only call it "AT", whether it is BATJ, BATJM, or later "TMD", it is generally recognized that it is still BAT.

Because only "Nine Suns" can fight against "Nine Suns", and only "ecology" can fight against "ecology". The three major Internet application ecology: search, social networking, and e-commerce correspond to the BAT three giants.

This name gave Li Feng a different kind of sour and refreshing feeling. It was really refreshing, but this taste could only be tasted by himself.

Besides, after Song Jia, Yu Jing and Li Feng separated, the two found several merchants outside, but they failed to reach the final sponsorship.

It's impossible for me to earn so much money in total to sponsor the New Year's Eve party in one of your classes. Am I stupid? If I didn't see you as beauties, I would beat you out with one blow.

The two are still not reconciled, and finally plan to try their luck.

Seeing the fashionable and high-end "Green Apple Internet Cafe" in front, Song Jia said to Jing and the two: "Jingjing, I think this Green Apple Internet Cafe is good. I came here a few days ago and it was very popular.

I heard that the second floor is also opened now, and the grade is higher. Many boys in our class come here to surf the Internet.Why don't we try it out, if it works, it's the last time. "

"Okay, this is the last one. Just now I felt like I was begging for food." Yu Jing reluctantly agreed.

The two walked in and saw a lot of students hanging around. They were all surprised that this Internet cafe is so profitable, the boss must be rich.

"Jingjing, listen to me when the time comes, and play by ear." Song Jia brought Yu Jing to the bar, and did not forget to ask Yu Jing.

At this time Dong Li was on duty at the front desk, Song Jia went over and asked directly, "Is your boss at home?"

Dong Li knew that Li Feng was a freshman at Yankee University. When she saw two beautiful students, one of whom had a "Yanke University" brooch pinned to her chest, she thought they were the boss's classmates, so she asked, "You know the boss? They are also Yankee University students." of?"

"That's right, we are both from Yankee University, what's wrong?" Song Jia was still a little puzzled,

Originally, I just wanted to cheat, in order to meet the boss, because only the boss can decide the sponsorship, but I didn't expect that the boss is the "senior" of Yankee University, so it will be smoother.

"It's okay, it just so happens that he's up there, I'll lead you up!" After speaking, Dong Li led the two of them to the third floor.

When Song Jia and Yu Jing passed by the second floor, they saw that the decoration was more fashionable, the environment was warmer, and the place was full of people. They secretly admired this "unknown" senior.

When Dong Li brought the two of them in front of Li Feng, several people were stunned.

It was Li Feng who came to his senses and asked, "Why are you two here?"

"You are the boss?! Li Feng is the boss of this Green Apple Internet Cafe?!" Song Jia said in surprise.

"How did you know? Who told you?" Li Feng asked back.

"Li Feng, you are really the owner of the Green Apple Internet Cafe, you are really the owner of the Green Apple Internet Cafe, you are the owner of the Internet Cafe!" Song Jia exclaimed.


Seeing Zhou Wei and Dong Li's expressions, Song Jia and Yu Jing also knew that Li Feng was really the owner of this "Green Apple Internet Cafe".

Li Feng waved his hand, signaling Zhou Wei and Dong Li to go down first, and asked a little angrily, "Are you two following me?"

Seeing Li Feng's serious face, Song Jia quickly practiced waving her hands and said, "What are we following you for? We found it by ourselves. We were planning to solicit sponsorship, but it happened to be you!

Li Feng, are you surprised or not? "At the end, Song Jia laughed like a flower, feeling as if she had caught Li Feng's little secret.

"Ah..." turned out to be "a blind cat meets a dead mouse".

"Then what do you think!"

"What do you mean by us? Who came here just now? Who bullied whom! Besides, we have been sponsoring for a day, and it's not for our class!" Song Jia said with a smile.

"Okay, then I will sponsor 500 yuan, but you can't say it!" Li Feng directly "raised his hands in surrender".

"500 is not enough, you need a thousand."

"What, one thousand! It's so much for a class reunion, what do you want to do?" It's not that Li Feng cares about the money.

"After the party, we plan to go to KTV to sing." Song Jia said with her hands out.

"Okay, one thousand is one thousand, you two have to keep your word."

"Don't worry, our boss Li!"

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(End of this chapter)

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