Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 20 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Chapter 20 Dimensionality Reduction Strike
After that day, Song Jia came to find Li Feng more and more times, feeling as if she caught Li Feng's "little tail", and sometimes she didn't forget to "stab" Li Feng.

After the New Year's Day party that day, everyone sang in KTV.

Originally, Li Feng had been in the corner, quietly watching the boys and girls around him "playing and making noise",
Even when Wang Xiao and Liu Bin came to ask him to sing with him, Li Feng also refused.

Unexpectedly, the careful Song Jia found out that everyone had been singing here for over an hour, except for Li Feng who hadn't spoken from the beginning to the end;

Thinking of this party, Li Feng also sponsored 1000 yuan, Song Jia took advantage of the idle time of the microphone, picked up the microphone and shouted loudly: "Li Feng, sing a song for us all!"

Li Feng quickly shied away, but Song Jia would not let him go easily, "Students, Li Feng has also contributed a lot to the sponsorship of this New Year's Eve party, everyone is welcome! Crack!"

Song Jia was quite charismatic in the class, and many girls also joined her.

Li Feng saw Song Jia's expression "If you don't sing, I'll tell you the secret of your business", he got up and said, "Then I'll sing "Red Bean"!"

Originally, Li Feng wanted to sing "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", which would accompany him for so many days and nights, but Li Feng thought that this song hadn't been released yet, so he chose this song "Red Bean".

This is Tang Xin's favorite song. Every time the two of them go to KTV, Tang Xin is always the first to sing this song. Although Tang Xin's singing is not as ethereal as Faye Wong's, she can at least reach 80 separated.

"I haven't felt well yet..."

"A climate where snowflakes bloom..."

"We tremble together..."


As Li Feng sang, remembering the scene where he brought Tang Xin out to sing together, his sense of time and space was suddenly confused. He couldn't even tell whether the scenes in his mind had happened in real life or if he imagined them. The sense of loneliness still wells up from the bottom of my heart.

Although Li Feng's singing is average, Li Feng's emotions are revealed when he sings. In the ears of some interested listeners, he can taste a kind of vicissitudes and emotions that are completely different from Li Feng's appearance.

Among them, Song Jia was the most surprised and turbulent in her heart. She seemed to be getting more and more confused about Li Feng. All her impressions seemed to have been completely overturned in the past few days. Such a low-key, restrained, mature, and stable boy, His own heart was beating thumping.

Throughout the night, Li Feng only sang this song.

In the days to come, Song Jia always looked for various opportunities to get "closer" to Li Feng. Others could see the obvious meaning of her pursuit.

Even Wang Xiao said sourly to Li Feng: "Madman, how good are you! How come there are beautiful women who like you!"

Regarding these, Li Feng could only be "uncommonly confused" and pretended not to know anything, but Li Feng suddenly decided: after being busy for a while, he must go to Tang Xin in person, even if it is just to take a look.

On the second day of New Year's Day, "Fengrui Technology" was formally established.

There were no flower baskets or firecrackers, just a photo taken by Li Feng, Zhou Wei, Wang Xing, Zhou Feng, Xu Chaojun, Wang Xiaochuan, and Long Xiaotian, which declared the establishment of "Fengrui Technology".

After being reborn to the present, within 6 months, Li Feng finally has his own company, the place where his dreams set sail.

Li Feng also slightly remodeled and upgraded the third floor of the Internet cafe, and it became the company's future office location.

After finishing their work, several people had dinner together. Li Feng was flanked by Zhou Wei and Wang Xing.

When it was almost time to eat, Li Feng asked Zhou Wei on the right about the situation of the recruiters: "Old Zhou, how many salesmen have you recruited?"

"There are more than 30 people. Now they are all young people who understand the Internet. Besides, it is difficult to recruit people after the Chinese New Year. Fortunately, we pay high wages." Zhou Wei said.

"How about this, recruit as many as you can, let them all gather here in the morning the day after tomorrow, and then you guys will train." Li Feng said to Zhou Wei and the others.

"By the way, Brother Li, I've always had a question. I've been thinking about it for a long time. I want to ask you a question?" Wang Xing on the left asked.

"You said."

"I can see that you want to launch this 'bat network management' now, and our 'bat network management' is really easy to use. It not only has a billing system, but also a game system and maintenance system. I also think it is very good."

This was also designed by Wang Xing himself, and he knows that this software is much more powerful than the network management software on the market.

Then Wang Xing "cut the nail on the head" and pointed out: "This 'bat network management' is good, but the market is almost saturated now, and Internet cafe owners need the billing system the most.
In particular, Vientiane and Xinhaoyi Pubwin of Jisheng have already occupied a considerable share. I think it is too late for us to launch network management software now! "

Zhou Wei and the others also felt that what Wang Xing said was reasonable, so everyone turned their heads to Li Feng again.

Considering so much, Wang Xing must have put in a lot of effort. He deserves to be the "unluckiest and most successful" serial entrepreneur in the future.

"It's definitely not going to be sold now, but if it's free!" Li Feng said softly.

"Free, that's a good idea, but how long will we keep it free before charging? What should be the charging standard?" Wang Xing thought "free before, then charge later".


It costs about 500 to 1500 per month, and 3000 to 1 per year.

"What if it's free forever!" Li Feng said softly again.

"It's free forever, so how can we make money!" Wang Xing exclaimed, and everyone expressed their incomprehension: Free forever, how can we still make money!

The current Internet is still full of software thinking, and they all think that "the wool comes from the sheep", and they still can't understand "the wool comes from the pigs"!
In the Internet age, the most powerful method is "dimension reduction attack"!
"Dimensionality reduction strike" originated from Liu Cixin's "Three-Body Problem".

The "Three-Body Civilization" in the book has only one "eleven-dimensional" water droplet, which directly wiped out the technological civilization of the entire earth by using "dimension reduction strikes".

For example, if a three-dimensional water polo the size of a ping-pong ball is transformed into a two-dimensional molecular monolayer, the expanded area is estimated to be as large as a football field.

Therefore, an "eleven-dimensional" drop of water, fully unfolded, can include the entire solar system, and installing weapons on it can wipe out the entire civilization of the earth, just like accidentally stepping on an ant to death!
What does it have to do with you to destroy you!

In the Internet age, Tmall and can "reduce dimensionality and attack" physical stores by erasing the dimension of region;
360 erased the dimension of free, and "dimension reduction strike" eliminated almost all anti-virus software;
Mi TV, LeTV Super TV, hardware does not make money, erase the dimension of hardware, "dimension reduction attack" traditional TV manufacturers, and then use content to make money.

Another example is AT, the two Internet super giants, using "capital" + "traffic" to "reduce dimensionality and attack" all enterprises.

In the virtual world of the Internet, the dimension that is easiest to erase is "free"!
In this real world, the most precious things are also free, but ordinary people always turn a blind eye to them. Except for the most precious things such as air, sunshine, and affection,
There is also one of the most precious things, right by your side, within easy reach. Have you seen it?

After returning to Li Feng's network management software, Li Feng continued: "This can't be explained now, you just need to promote our 'bat network management', the more the better, the rest will naturally be clear."

That's why Li Feng only started to promote it now, because it costs money to promote, so Li Feng didn't recruit so many salesmen at once until the "Green Apple Internet Cafe" was running smoothly.

 Thanks to Kitty in the Coal Pile, Erdao Puff, Endless Bead for their recommendations, and please continue to support, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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