Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 21 The Man Who Challenged Microsoft

Chapter 21 The Man Who Challenged Microsoft

The college entrance examination changes fate.

If you can enter a top university like Qinghua Peking University, you will find that there are very rich educational resources.

In such a top school, you can cultivate the artistic accomplishment of masters of Chinese studies, discuss the changes in the world pattern with international politicians, and listen to the speeches of business elites.

Just like now, Li Feng can listen to Bill Gates' speeches in the lecture hall of Qinghua Main Building, instead of "Li Yang Crazy English", "Lianchuang Entrance Examination Lecture" and other so-called "public welfare" in his second-rate university. speech.

In the auditorium, the seats for 2000 people were fully occupied, the seats were gone, and the corridors were full of people. Not only people from Tsinghua's own school came, but it is estimated that many people from other schools also came.

Of course, not everyone can attend a speech of the level of Bill Gates. Li Feng's speech was given by Zhou Wei, and there was only one ticket.

Originally Li Feng couldn't shirk it, but seeing Zhou Wei sent him off on purpose, Li Feng had no choice but to accept it with a smile.

As an Internet practitioner, Li Feng also wanted to meet Bill Gates, a world-class entrepreneur, up close.

As soon as Li Feng sat down, a woman came beside him...

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

Li Feng looked up and saw that it was the cold girl named "Lu Lu" who lived in the fellowship dormitory of the Finance Department of Qinghua last time.

"You're not from our school, how did you get in?" Lu Lu still questioned.

"Your school invited me here?" Li Feng responded "jokingly".

"Bragging, my ticket has dragged on a lot!" Lu Lu stretched her waist and said with a smile.

Seeing Lu Lu smiling all over her face, Li Feng felt like a different person, the goddess was no longer "cold".

Seeing Li Feng staring at her, Lu Lu was a little surprised and said, "What's wrong?"

Li Feng said out of nowhere, "You are beautiful."

Unexpectedly, Lu Lu, who has never been shy, blushed at this moment. She quickly lowered her head to pack her things, and whispered, "Thank you."

The atmosphere is a bit awkward. Now is not the era of "I'd rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle". Calling a "beauty" doesn't necessarily mean someone will agree...

Li Feng quickly changed the subject, "Well, you are much more cheerful now than before, that's good!"

Lu Lu: ...

Fortunately, the lecture started, and finally saved the two people who were in embarrassment.

First of all, the leaders of the city made speeches on the stage, followed by the leaders of the school.

In the end, the main character appeared on the stage, Bill Gates, the richest man in the world with a "baby face".

Bill Gates' visit to China this time is mainly to promote the Windows XP operating system, and to negotiate an "anti-piracy" agreement framework with relevant government departments. The speech at Qinghua this time is also part of the activity.

"Respected President Gu, teachers and students of Qinghua University, hello..."

"Qinghua is a famous school with a century-old history. Many outstanding scientists, business and political leaders have been born here..."

"The last time I visited Tsinghua was in 1997. At that time, I was deeply impressed by the talents, enthusiasm and innovative spirit of Tsinghua students..."

The teachers and students at the scene were very attentive, and even Lu Lu quickly forgot the embarrassment just now, and devoted herself to it...

But for Li Feng, who was "poisoned" by Teacher Ma's "Chicken Soup for the Soul", it was just an ordinary lecture. Although Li Feng tried his best to keep listening, he couldn't sit still.

Especially when he heard Bill Gates say: "For every dollar we earn at Microsoft, our local partners will earn $1", Li Feng couldn't help laughing.

Lu Lu next to her was a little puzzled and asked, "What are you laughing at? What's so funny?"

Li Feng said with a smile: "I suddenly remembered a joke, I couldn't help laughing!"

"What joke?" Lu Lu's interest was also aroused.

"There was a boss of a PC manufacturer who said helplessly, 'Every PC sold can earn 100 yuan, of which Intel took 70 yuan and Microsoft took 40 yuan'."

"What do you mean? Why does it add up to more than 10 yuan?"

Li Feng said helplessly: "Beauty, 'the world is hustle and bustle, everything is for profit, and the world is prosperous, all is for profit', don't get entangled in the accuracy of the numbers, this is a bad math problem,

You have to look through its emotional language, and the connotation inside is intriguing. In the face of the powerful Wintel alliance, any computer manufacturer can only be a migrant worker. "

"Yes." Lu Lu nodded thoughtfully.

Li Feng just wanted to see the demeanor of this Internet tycoon, and not to listen to these "high-sounding" rhetoric.

Bill Gates' speech continues: "Microsoft will further cooperate with Chinese governments at all levels in the field of "combating copyright infringement and piracy"..."

Li Feng was silent: Many facts show that Microsoft has been consciously condoning piracy these years. First, Microsoft has never used technical means to prevent piracy;
The second is the discriminatory price. The retail price of a set of Windows system and a set of OFFICE software package is higher than the price of a computer, even much higher than the price in the United States;

The third is to use their monopoly position in operating systems and office software to sell software in bundles.

Bill Gates once told "Fortune" magazine: "As long as the Chinese do piracy (software), we hope they can pirate Microsoft's. They will be addicted to piracy. In the next ten years, we will find ways to collect piracy. return."

Ten years later, piracy won, Microsoft lost, and China lost.

"Before there was Microsoft, and then there was piracy!" So far, China's system software and basic software industries have stagnated.

When its piracy blossomed everywhere and all competitors were unable to support it, Microsoft took the opportunity to use "justifiable" anti-piracy to achieve the goal of monopolizing the Chinese market and earning excess profits.

In the end, Microsoft won.

Li Feng behind was no longer in the mood to listen, until Lu Lu next to him pushed Li Feng twice.

"Li Feng, the host is calling you!" Lu Lu quickly gestured.

This is a beautiful host on the stage who said: "Please answer the students in row 8 and seat 5?"

It turned out that after Gates' speech, there was a few minutes of interactive time on the scene.

Only then did Li Feng realize that this was exactly where he was sitting. He stood up and asked in bewilderment, "What?"

The host on the stage asked again: "Student, who do you think can challenge Microsoft the most?"

Li Feng originally wanted to say "Google", but for some reason, it changed into:


The entire lecture venue erupted into laughter, and many students even murmured to themselves, "Who is this? It's shameless to speak out!"

Seeing everyone laughing, Bill Gates was puzzled and asked the translator next to him, what's going on?

When he heard that the boy was going to challenge Microsoft, Bill Gates never cared about anyone, but just said "it's easy to say!"

Li Feng's English is not very good, but Li Feng still knows "it's easy to say".

"Dreams are still necessary, what if they come true! Maybe it will only take ten years!"

Seeing Li Feng's arrogance, the host signaled the staff to take the microphone away from Li Feng's hand.

The students next to me kept laughing, and some directly said rudely, "Sit down, silly B!", "It's useless to give you 100 years!"

The powerful Wintel alliance firmly dominates the entire IT industry: one represents the "heart" of hardware - the chip, and the other is the "soul" of software - the operating system, both of which are the lowest foundation.

Through the "ZTE incident", we can see how difficult it is to manufacture a chip, but what if Microsoft and Google prevent ZTE from using Windows and Android operating systems?
So challenge Intel?Or challenge Microsoft?Which is more difficult?
There is no doubt that it must be the operating system, because the operating system is an "ecological" level of competition.

Seeing that in the mobile era, the overlord who is as strong as Microsoft has to be defeated in front of IOS and Android.

Faced with these "sneering words", Li Feng remained motionless, with veins clenched in his hands. He just felt heartache. The students around him were all the best in China.

But they "ridiculed wantonly" and then "traveled across the ocean". On the contrary, many graduates from second- and third-rate universities like Li Feng are the main force in national construction.

Lu Lu saw this man "stand still in the cold wind", as if it touched the softest part of her heart, she subconsciously held Li Feng's hand with her own, trying to convey some warmth to this stubborn man.

Li Feng felt that his excited heart had finally calmed down. He patted Lu Lu's hand lightly, signaling that he was much better. Li Feng knew it was just an encouragement, so he didn't think too much about it.

Soon the whole speech was over, with constant applause and a warm atmosphere, and everyone gathered around Bill Gates to praise him.

There is nothing wrong with it, Bill Gates and his Microsoft changed the world, no one can deny his value.

Regardless of whether Bill Gates is a "scheming bitch" or not, he has indeed succeeded, and it is unprecedented and unprecedented success, and he will be forever recorded in the annals of history.

Maybe he himself doesn't care about these controversies at all. No matter what the outside world says about him, the fact that he is very, very, very rich cannot be changed.

This is an era of "I'm rich, I'm awesome", there is no doubt about it!
(End of this chapter)

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