Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 24 They Are Not Worth It

Chapter 24 They Are Not Worth It (Please recommend and collect)
(The author asks for recommendation, asks for collection, asks for recommendation, asks for collection, asks for recommendation, asks for collection, important things are said three times! Thank you, and please continue to support!)

In this era of "typing is fast and everyone is a computer expert", offline promotion is definitely more effective than online promotion, and many Internet cafe owners do not know how to go online.

With Li Feng's strong capital, Xu Jiawei directly recruited another 50 part-time local promoters and [-] old salesmen recruited earlier to form a sales team, and went to [-] or [-] first- and second-tier cities across the country to carry out sales promotion. Network promotion.

I have to admit that Xu Jiawei is really a master of operations. More than 100 people are managed by him in an orderly manner. He also introduced his sales "ABC" rule, which greatly improved the promotion efficiency.

In addition, Li Feng also asked them to write soft articles on the Internet every day. Although Li Feng knew that few people would go online, Li Feng still asked everyone to write once a day. In the future, this group of people may become Li Feng's "Water Army".

In just one month, the market share of "Bat Network Management" in first- and second-tier cities is far ahead.

Many network management companies were eliminated before they realized it, and there was nothing they could do about it, and they had to transform to other things.

In order to promote the "Bat Network Management", Li Feng burned a full 300 million, and used all the money earned by the "Green Apple Internet Cafe".

After seeing the market size of "Bat Network Management", Li Feng quickly asked Xu Jiawei to launch his own advertising business immediately. If "Bat Network Management" continues to "eat" like this, Li Feng may not be able to break the capital chain.

Xu Jiawei also knew something about the company, so he asked the salesman to advertise while promoting.

Finally, one month after the launch of "Bat Network Management", Li Feng's "Bat Network Management"'s first advertisement money, 1 yuan, finally arrived.

The first advertisement was Liu Qiangdong of Li Feng's old acquaintance "Jingdong".

"Thank you, Brother Dong, thank you so much!" Li Feng said.

"No, I thank you too, and my turnover has increased a lot in just a few days. It's just that I didn't expect you to do this. I always thought you would open a chain of Internet cafes?" Liu Qiangdong said.

"Brother Dong, the world will be dominated by the Internet in the future. Maybe at that time, people will buy things online." Li Feng said.

"Haha, maybe, maybe I can't see it anymore." Liu Qiangdong said with a smile.

Who can tell what will happen in the future!

With the success of the first advertisement, the subsequent work was easy to do, and other advertisers also came one after another. Boss Ma, who bought Li Feng's computer, also put up an advertisement, and the effect was good.

With the improvement of the advertising business of "Bat Network Management", the burning speed of "Bat Network Management" has finally been stopped.

But Li Feng was still dissatisfied, so he said to Xu Jiawei: "Old Xu, our 'Bat Network Manager' not only needs local services, but only in a single place. Our biggest advantage is that in front of us are Internet cafes nationwide.
And there are young people surfing the Internet in Internet cafes. What are these young people doing online?Most of them play games for entertainment. In the future, look for more companies like this. Game companies and movie companies are also fine. "

Xu Jiawei thought for a while and said: "Brother Li, I understand, the biggest advantage of our 'Bat Network Management' is that it is open to the whole country.

In the next step, on the one hand, I will continue to work on offline promotion, especially in those remote third- and fourth-tier cities,
On the other hand, it will increase advertising promotion, especially those Internet companies that are oriented to Internet users across the country. "

Li Feng said: "Yes, that's it. Wait a minute, I always feel that 'Bat Network Manager' is missing something?"

By the way, we still need a navigation home page!

Nowadays, computers are just beginning to be popularized, and most people have limited knowledge about computers, so they need an online assistant like hao123 navigation website, which is very suitable for those beginner netizens.

I remember that hao123 was acquired by Baidu in 2004. The official purchase price was 5000 million plus some stocks. The real price may not be so high, but it is certainly not much different.

Then, Li Feng said to Xu Jiawei: "Go and check the hao123 on the Internet, let's buy it, as long as it doesn't exceed 50."

The current hao123 has not become a trend, Li Feng thinks that 50 is a lot.

As a result, within two days, Xu Jiawei told Li Feng that the developer of hao123 would not sell it without 200 million, and Li Feng was slapped in the face this time.

Hao123 was developed by accident. Although hao123 does not show its mountains or waters now, it still has tens of thousands of advertising fees a month, which is very satisfying for an ordinary person.

Damn, thinking about money is crazy, although 200 million is a bit high, it's not a loss to buy it, but the key is that Li Feng doesn't have that much money yet.

I remember back then, before the outbreak of the 3Q war.

Zhou Hongyi once found Ma Huateng and said to Ma Huateng: "Actually, you don't need to do everything yourself.

In our industry, quite a few people would love to work with you.

To give a very simple example, you don't have to do security, because you can invest some money in 360.

For another example, you don't need to do the download yourself, you just need to invest some money in Xunlei, isn't it all right? "

Faced with Zhou Hongyi's suggestion, Ma Huateng said lightly, "They are not worth it"!
Li Feng now feels that what Ma Huateng said is very true "they are not worth it", and said viciously: "Since they don't sell it, let's develop one ourselves, and kill it directly when the time comes, without paying a penny!"

In hao2002 in 123, the amount of page information was far less abundant than in the future, many page resources were not developed, and the interface design was not very reasonable. Li Feng is confident that the page information presentation and service functions of the navigation website will be better than hao123.

Moreover, the current portal websites and Internet companies have not yet realized the value of navigation websites. At this time, it is perfect to have a navigation homepage.

The most important thing is that Li Feng can use the "Bat Network Management" to bundle sales, so that the launch of the navigation homepage can save a lot of promotion costs.

So, Li Feng found Zhou Wei, pointed to the homepage of hao123 in front of him, and said, "Old Zhou, I'll give you a week. Your technical department should hurry up and develop a navigation website like hao123."

"This is simple, just three days!"

"Okay, just add a weather forecast on it, a news column on the left, and just connect directly from the three major portals..." Li Feng roughly explained to Zhou Wei according to the future layout of hao123.

Zhou Wei wrote it all down and asked, "Okay, Brother Li, no problem, then what is the name of our website?"

"What's it called? feng123, it doesn't sound good, and 360 navigation, it's not good either," Li Feng said a few times in a row, but all of them were rejected. Finally, Li Feng said, "It's called my123, my 123, let's see if it's my123 and hao123 , in the end that is the real 123."

By the way, there are domain names!Li Feng quickly called Zhou Wei to stop, and wrote a series of frequently used domain names, and asked Zhou Wei to register them all. Maybe these domain names will be worth a lot of money in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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