Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 29 Rising Legend

Chapter 29 Rising Legend
When Li Feng got off the train, he hurried to Fengrui Technology Company. It happened that Zhou Wei and Xu Jiawei were both in the company.

Li Feng asked straight to the point: "What's going on, why is 'Vientiane' also permanently free?"

Could it be that "Vientiane Network Management" has also found other means of profit?The most important thing is that it is permanently free, but it is the promotional tool of the bat network management!

"Brother Li, you came at the right time. The matter has been investigated clearly. Jisheng's Vientiane network management has been acquired by Shanda, and it is indeed free forever." Xu Jiawei replied.

After Xu Jiawei's verification, Li Feng finally understood what was going on:
Turned out to be a wanna sell!One wants to buy it!

"Vientiane Network Management" was directly sold to Shanda Company by Jisheng Technology Company because of the "bat network management" "lingering on its last breath";
After Shanda launched "Legend" on September 2001, 9, only one week later, the highest online breakthrough exceeded 28, and one month later, it easily crossed the 1 mark again;
And after "Legend" officially charges, Shanda can be regarded as earning millions a day. In order to further tap the potential of "Legend", Shanda started a series of investments,
First, millions of millions established an industry-leading customer service center, and then acquired the "Vientiane Network Management", but Li Feng's "Bat Network Management" became a "victim".

Destroying you has nothing to do with you!

Li Feng eliminated "Vientiane" through "dimension reduction", but he did not expect to suffer a "strike" from a higher dimension.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp.

"Brother Li, what should we do?" Xu Jiawei asked, and Zhou Wei beside him was also a little restless.

Li Feng knew that now was not the time to be anxious, so he said calmly, "It's okay, don't panic, let's have a meeting first and call Dong Li too."

In fact, Li Feng knows the influence of "Legend" better than anyone else:
The cumulative number of registered users of "Legend" exceeded 4000 million. According to statistics, the number of Internet users in China was 4850 million that year, which means that more than 80% of Internet users are playing;

The highest number of online users exceeded 65, which was approximately equal to the total number of online games in foreign countries at that time;

Although the number of people is far less than today's "League of Legends" and "Glory of the King", the influence of "Legend" is definitely much greater than that of "LOL" and "Pesticide".

It's like asking who is better, Jordan or James?Even if James surpasses Jordan at the competitive level, Jordan is definitely No. 1 in basketball. Because of Jordan, the NBA is today.

"Legend" created the profit model of Chinese online games and laid the foundation for today's online games. It can be said that many people learned to surf the Internet because of playing "Legend".

In that era, online games were equal to "Legend", which is no exaggeration.

In the meeting room, Li Feng originally wanted everyone to talk about what to do next, but after seeing everyone sitting down, they all looked sad and kept silent.
Li Feng suddenly remembered that Zhou Wei, Xu Jiawei, and Wang Xing are still just college students, and they are not future Internet giants. It is a bit difficult for them, but let them think about it for a while.

As a result, the entire meeting room fell silent...

Li Feng felt that the time was almost up, and fearing that the team's confidence would be hit, he knocked on the table and motioned for himself to speak, and everyone "woke up like a dream", turning their heads to look at Li Feng one by one.

Seeing everyone's expectant gazes, Li Feng felt much better, and said, "Xu Jiawei, what's the market share between us and Vientiane Network Management now?"

"We account for almost 40%, and Vientiane has almost 20%." Xu Jiawei said.

"Dong Li, how much money do we still have on the books, including the Green Apple Internet Cafe?" Li Feng asked one by one.

"Fengrui Technology still has 200 million, mainly because of Xinlang's advertisements; Green Apple Internet Cafe now has more than 100 million." Dong Li said.

Dong Li, a graduate of the Accounting Department of Peking University, has officially taken up the post of Chief Financial Officer of Fengrui Technology.

"Very good. These are the results of everyone's hard work. In just a few months, we have gone from nothing to success. We should applaud ourselves." Li Feng first encouraged the team.

Then Li Feng said: "Old Xu, the next step is to increase our efforts in promotion.

Some time ago, we recruited more than 100 part-time employees. You can select more than 50 people from them, and form a professional sales team of [-] people with the old salesmen.
One is that in the future, all the money earned by the bat network administrator will be used for promotion. Now that Internet cafes have just emerged, there is still a lot to do in the future.

Second, in the future, my123 should not only use the bundled sales of 'bat network management', but also learn to use other software, for example, get a plug-in in the anti-virus software or something..."

"Dong Li, all the 200 million from Fengrui Technology will be given to Lao Xu, and the money from the Green Apple Internet Cafe will be kept for now.
We can be regarded as a formal company now, it's time to find a formal office location, and now there are so many people, it's a bit crowded here,

Let's transform my office into a technical department first. The technical department and the operation department will be separated in the future. Anyway, I don't come here often.

By the way, Dong Li, do you recognize law students and Korean students? Let's go to Korea in two days. Since the enemy has already entered, we have to fight back! "Li Feng said murderously.

Now that Shanda has pointed out the direction for China's Internet, what are you waiting for? Is there any business that is more profitable than online games now!

"Also, Zhou Wei, we will definitely make our own games in the future, and the technical department should also recruit more technical personnel. As long as the technology is excellent, you can just make a decision."

The cold winter of the Internet has not yet passed, and Internet companies have laid off many people. At that time, let Zhou Wei choose a few technical experts.

Li Feng made arrangements one by one, everyone found their direction and knew what to do, and Li Feng's prestige was gradually established.

After arranging these things, Li Feng paced back to the dormitory, thinking that there must be something else he forgot to do.

It wasn't until he returned to the dormitory and saw the mess in the dormitory that Li Feng remembered that it was time for him to buy a house in Yanjing and move out.

It's the holiday season, and it's the perfect time to buy a house.

So, Li Feng walked around the school roughly, and fell in love with a community called "Yao'aorenjia" which had just opened.

Li Feng just walked into the sales department, and a sales team inside actually told him that they are not recruiting people now.

She couldn't be blamed for having such a complexion, because Li Feng's clothes and appearance looked like a student who had just graduated, and he thought he was here to apply for a sales job.

Li Feng was dizzy, he came to buy a house, not to sell it!

Li Feng said, "I'm here to buy a house", and walked straight to the real estate model, looked around the sand table, and looked at the floor plan, and roughly selected a two-bedroom house with full sun.

It was only when the sales lady realized that she became enthusiastic immediately.

Li Feng pointed directly at the selected location and the floor plan, and asked, "Are there any existing houses in this floor plan? How much is the flat?"


The price of 5400 is considered high, but Li Feng didn't feel that way. After a few years, the average price here is more than 7.

The 18th floor is a small high-rise, and the ones below the 10th floor are basically not considered. The 14th and 18th floors are not good, so go directly to the 16th floor.

"Let's take a look at this existing house on the 16th floor first." Li Feng said lightly.

Coming out of the sales department, the sales lady introduced to Li Feng the environment of the community, the greening, the garage, and the rate of occupancy.

For Li Feng, it is a transitional room anyway, so the requirements don't need to be too high.

After reading it, Li Feng thought it was pretty good. The two-bedroom living room faced the sun, and there was a small balcony. The neighborhood was relatively quiet, and the key was that it was close to the school.

Li Feng asked directly: "What's the discount for paying in full?"

The sales lady also tentatively said with a smile: "We will give you a [-]% discount and give you a garage. When is Mr. Li going to buy it?"

The sales lady always thought that Li Feng would have to come to see it twice, and she might not necessarily buy it.

Just thinking about it, Li Feng said, "Can you swipe your card? If it's convenient, sign the contract today."

The sales lady was dumbfounded. A house worth more than 60 yuan was sold within half an hour?
Generally, customers who buy a house are so happy. They see it once by themselves, then the whole family sees it several times, and then the seven aunts and eight aunts watch it several times. Everyone is satisfied before deciding.

I didn't expect that I just took a random trip, and within half an hour before and after, the order was completed!After this order, at least she can get a commission of more than 4000 yuan, which is equivalent to her two months' salary. This money is too easy to get!

Li Feng didn't care so much, what he made money for, wasn't it just to enjoy life.If you have money and live frugally, it is better not to make money.

There is a house, a garage, and a car is missing.

But for the car, Li Feng didn't panic, anyway, he didn't need it now.

 Thanks to ☆Sheng│Li★, Silent Doke, GSXY, and Yiyan for their recommendations, and please continue to support me. If there is a book list, add a book list!

(End of this chapter)

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