Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 30 The Miracle

Chapter 30 The Miracle
Now that the house is ready, it can be renovated. After all, it is the first house. Li Feng still cares about it. He specially contacted a professional decoration company to personally provide some design suggestions, and all the decoration materials have been used.

After signing the decoration contract, Li Fengguang usually just comes over to take a look, as long as he gets the key a month later.

As for the company, the next day Dong Li took a senior named "Cheng Lan" who had graduated for many years, and approached Li Feng and said, "Boss, this is Cheng Lan, one of my seniors.
Now he is a legal consultant of PricewaterhouseCoopers Yanjing Office, and he can speak English, Korean, Japanese and other six languages. "

The capable Cheng Lan was also surprised by Li Feng's youth when she first met Li Feng, but as a business elite, she still stretched out her hand and said calmly, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Li."

This was the first time Li Feng was called "President Li". After the two shook hands, Li Feng said enthusiastically, "Hello, Cheng Lan, thank you for your help. You can call me by my name directly. I believe Dong Li I also told you that this time I mainly trouble you to go to South Korea and be the legal counsel for this negotiation."

"Okay, no problem, I've made preparations in advance."

The people are here and everything is ready.Li Feng took Cheng Lan, Dong Li, Xu Jiawei, and Zhou Wei on the flight to South Korea.

Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea, is the tenth largest city in the world, the largest city on the Korean Peninsula, and one of the major financial cities in Asia; it is also the political, economic, technological, educational, and cultural center of South Korea.

Although Seoul only accounts for 0.6% of South Korea's area, its GDP accounts for 21% of the country's GDP. Only then did Li Feng understand why "Web Zen" is crammed into such a small office.

Webzen is still a small company now, but its first masterpiece, Mu Online, launched in 2000, was loved by Korean gamers as soon as it was launched.
It was selected as the best online game in 2001 by many official and authoritative game organizations in South Korea, and was also selected as the most popular online game in the 2001 Korean Game Exhibition.

The purpose of Li Feng coming to South Korea this time is to act as an agent for this game "Miracle MU". Although this game has been reduced to a second-rate game in South Korea, it is an online game that can compete with "Legend" in China in the future.

Just like "Legend" represented by Shanda is only a third-rate game, but it is very suitable for China today. This kind of online game that has been proven by later generations is also the reason why Li Feng chose this game.

Before coming here, Li Feng had already communicated with Wangchan, and after exchanging pleasantries, Li Feng stated the purpose of his trip openly and honestly.

The chairman of Webzen is called Jin Nanzhou. After learning about Li Feng's intentions, he received Li Feng very warmly.

However, Jin Nanzhou, who is in his 40s, sees that Li Feng is a young man, so his first impression is unavoidable that he despises Li Feng a bit.

Now that the popularity of "Legend" has also spread to South Korea, it has let Webzen know that there is still a lot to do in the Chinese market. In addition, "Miracle MU" has also performed well in Taiwan and RB.

So as soon as he came up, Jin Nanzhou directly "lion opened his mouth" and said: "Our "Miracle mu" is much better than the third-rate games like "Legend" in terms of visual effects and game experience, and we in Taiwan, RB's agency performance in other regions is also good.
Therefore, the conditions for Webzen to authorize "Miracle mu" in the mainland market are: an agency fee of 100 million US dollars, plus a 30% annual net profit share. "

Faced with Jin Nanzhou's "exorbitant asking price", Li Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Jin, this price is impossible!"

It's not that Li Feng can't accept the agency fee of 100 million US dollars, the key is that the commission has been increased, Shanda's agency "Legend" is only 30 US dollars + 27% commission, Li Feng does not want to be taken advantage of.

Jin Nanzhou didn't expect that Li Feng would accept this price. He just raised the price according to the usual practice, leaving some room for the other party to bargain.

Therefore, Jin Nanzhou smiled and said to Li Feng: "We can talk about this slowly. I don't know what dissatisfaction you have?"

Li Feng smiled and asked him: "Mr. Jin, not every game can become "Legend", just look at "Millennium".

And "Legend" is only 30 US dollars agency fee, and [-] profit sharing, you should just say it, a price that everyone can accept. "

Now everyone knows that "Legend" is popular, but how much money "Legend" made, it is estimated that even Wemade, the developer of "Legend", is not clear. This is the main reason why Wemade and Shanda later went to court.

Therefore, Jin Nanzhou hesitated for a moment, and agreed: "Then let's take 20% of the share, but the agency fee is still 100 million US dollars."

Li Feng smiled slightly, looked at Jin Nanzhou noncommittally, and suddenly said: "10% of the operating profit share, 200 million US dollars in agency fees, this is my offer, Mr. Jin can consider it."

For Li Feng, he wanted to take down "Miracle MU" as soon as he had no competitors.

When Jin Nanzhou heard the quotation, he felt a little dissatisfied. Although the agency fee was 200 million US dollars, the 10% operating profit share was too low.
He knows that if "Miracle Mu" can have the current operating trend of "Legend", there will still be a profit of hundreds of millions of yuan a year.
Now if we make concessions on the issue of profit sharing, the sacrifice may be hundreds of dollars in profits every year.
He is not a short-sighted person, how could he be willing to agree to such a request?

Therefore, Jin Nanzhou looked at Li Feng with a bit of resentment as if he had been insulted, and said, "Mr. Li, the 10% profit sharing ratio is really too low, which is unacceptable to us, and I dare say, No online game company would agree to such a condition!"

Li Feng said to Jin Nanzhou: "Since this is the case, can the share ratio be lowered? How about increasing the agency fee? No one is sure that "Miracle MU" will become popular!"

In the end, Jin Nanzhou weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and said to Li Feng: "Since Mr. Li is so sincere, the share can be 15%, but the agency fee has to be 200 million US dollars, and the agency period is only three years."

"Okay, but Webzen must provide a full set of source code!"

The common problem of Korean online games is cheats and private servers, but for Li Feng, if the source code is not available, the "Miracle" cheats flying all over the sky cannot be banned, which is definitely a fatal blow to the game operation.


For Webzen, the source code is the core.

Jin Nanzhou directly refused to disclose the source code on the grounds that he was afraid that the source code would leak and affect its promotion in other countries.

The two sides started a war of words and guns again, but no one was willing to give in.

In the end, Li Feng had to add another US$100 million in agency fees and sign a confidentiality agreement to reach an agreement.

That afternoon, with Cheng Lan's assistance, Li Feng signed a contract agreement with Jin Nanzhou:
With an agency fee of 300 million US dollars, plus 15% operating profit share, Fengrui Technology obtained the exclusive agency rights and source code of the game "Miracle mu" in mainland China, and guaranteed that the source code would not be leaked, and the agency period was only three years .

Li Feng had no objection, knowing that "Miracle Mu" would not make a lot of money for many years, and "World of Warcraft" would be released in two years, who would play "Miracle Mu" by then.

The contract was signed, but for the agency fee of 300 million US dollars, Li Feng had to go back and find a way.

Therefore, Li Feng left Xu Jiawei and Zhou Wei in charge of the final handover to ensure that the complete source code was obtained, and he, Cheng Lan and Dong Li returned to China with the contract.

As for what to do with Ninetowns, Li Feng can't care so much, anyway, just stay where it's cool!
(End of this chapter)

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