Chapter 31

Although the contract was signed, its effective time was still based on the time when the money arrived, and Webzen only gave Li Feng one month to collect the money.

So when Li Feng got off the plane, he discussed money with Dong Li:
"Fengrui Technology" has more than 200 million yuan, but all of it is handed over to Xu Jiawei for promotion expenses. This cannot be moved.

Now is the critical time for "Fengrui Technology" to compete for the market. It is impossible to expect it to make money, and Li Feng will not do "kill the chicken to get the eggs".

"Green Apple Internet Cafe" still has more than 100 million on its books, but it is far from enough. It is far from the agency fee of 300 million US dollars (approximately RMB 2100 million).

"Boss, what should we do?" Dong Li asked worriedly.

It could have been: low agency + high share. If the price is lowered a little bit, the initial agency fee is 60-80 US dollars, and it is estimated that it can be won.
However, Li Feng not only chose high agency + low commission, but also added an agency fee of US$100 million in order to obtain the source code, which finally became an agency fee of US$300 million.

Now even Dong Li doesn't understand why Li Feng made such a choice. Does this "Miracle MU" really have the potential to become a big hit!

Li Feng thought for a while, and said to Dong Li: "I will find a way to deal with the money. Last time I asked you to find an office building. How is it?"

"Boss, I happened to report this matter to you. We inspected several office buildings, and currently the Ideal International Building is in good condition, with a daily rent of 4 yuan per square meter.

More than 1000 square meters, 2000% off; 3100 square meters, 7% off; if the entire floor is [-] square meters, [-]% off, boss, how do we decide? "Dong Li said briefly, and finally had to let Li Feng make a decision.

Although the economic situation has just begun to improve, the occupancy rate of Grade A office buildings in Yanjing Office Building is not high. "Ideal International Building" is located in the west area of ​​Zhongguancun. It is considered a high-end commercial office building, and the price is reasonable.

Now that Sina and Baidu have both settled in, I believe it will not be too bad. Now the company has more than 100 sales people, and it will definitely recruit more technical talents in the future.
For the future development of the company, it would be most appropriate to directly rent an entire floor of 3100 square meters at one time, but the annual rent of 300 million is enough for Li Feng to bear.

Money is all about money, everything needs money, the key is the lack of money!

You only need to persist for a while, and after "Miracle MU" runs smoothly, you don't have to worry about "money" in the future.

If you are short of money, what should you do? It is best to find a bank loan.

Therefore, Li Feng asked Dong Li to prepare relevant materials of "Fengrui Technology" and went to the bank to handle the loan. As a result, the bank directly rejected Li Feng's materials after seeing Li Feng's materials.

The reason given by the bank is simple: "data is worthless"!
This kind of software cannot be valued, so the bank directly does not handle loans.

However, the bank also said that the "Green Apple Internet Cafe" can borrow money, but the maximum is 400 million.

This is because Li Feng spent money to find a relationship, otherwise the bank would not lend the money, who said that the bank is now a "grandfather".

But this amount of money is still not enough!

No wonder, Internet companies in the future will all get venture capital with US dollar capital!
But Li Feng does not want to introduce venture capital yet. Li Feng has very high expectations for "Fengrui Technology".

I can't get a loan, and I don't want to introduce venture capital. Is it necessary to "sell the property"!Li Feng thought depressingly.

yes!The most valuable thing now is the "Green Apple Internet Cafe", and this house is still my own, so I will sell it at worst.

Especially recently, "little ghosts" have come to our door more frequently, asking for security management fees for a while, sponsorship fees for a while,

It wasn't the industry and commerce, it was the police and firefighting, and sometimes the Cultural Bureau came, and almost every month Li Feng had to spend more than 2 yuan in "protection fees".

Moreover, the "Lanjisu Internet cafe arson incident" that affected the rectification of Internet cafes across the country has not yet occurred, but it is certain that the governance of Internet cafes should become more and more strict in the future, and now is the right time to take action.

Then what are you waiting for, Li Feng directly called Zhang Liang, the owner of "Blue Moon Internet Cafe".

As soon as he came up, Li Feng didn't talk about anything, but just dragged Zhang Liang around the "Green Apple Internet Cafe" and went crazy. Everywhere he went, Li Feng explained to Zhang Liang why he did this and the benefits of doing it. Zhang Liang was taken aback.

From the general area, member area, smoking area, to the launch of the membership card, Li Feng kept talking, but he didn't mention the sale of Internet cafes.

Until Zhang Liang couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't help but said: "Boss Li, your Internet cafe concept is very good, and Zhang has benefited a lot. It's the same sentence, if you want to sell, you can raise the price as you like."

Li Feng felt that the heat was almost ready, so he said: "It's not impossible if you want to buy it, it just so happens that I'm a little tight right now.

However, as you can see, the profit of my Internet cafe is simply huge, and the price must not be lowered. "

"1500 million, but including this building." Zhang Liang said.

"2500 million, the housing price has risen a lot this year, and for the 08 Olympic Games, there is also a subway here. The plan has come out, and the housing price will only rise and not fall." Li Feng also showed good intentions and slowly helped Zhang Liang analyzed.

"1800 million! Including the transfer fee and all other handling fees." Zhang Liang raised it by 300 million in one breath.

"..." Li Feng smiled and remained silent.

"2000 million!" Zhang Liang added another 200 million.

"2400 million!" Li Feng said suddenly.

"Okay... No, it's too high, 2200 million, I can't afford the money no matter how high it is, and I think Boss Li must be in urgent need of money, otherwise the 'Green Apple' Internet Cafe is so good, he wouldn't be so eager to sell it." Zhang Liang said with a smile.

Sure enough, they are not stupid!
"Okay, 2200 million! You are responsible for other handling fees. After the money arrives in the account, hand it over immediately."

After finishing speaking, Li Feng signed a contract with Zhang Liang, and Li Feng also specially asked Cheng Lan to draw up a contract. Of course, Li Feng will not lose a penny of the fee that should be paid.

Within two days, the money arrived in the account.

On the same day, Li Feng and Zhang Liang completed the handover, including the cashier at the front desk, the network administrator, and the security guard.

However, one of the security guards called "Wu Nan" expressed that he would continue to follow Li Feng, and Li Feng agreed without hesitation.

Of course, Zhang Liang doesn't need the third floor at the moment, and he said that he would give Li Feng some more time until Li Feng finds a suitable office space.

As soon as the money arrived, Li Feng was afraid of accidents, so he called the South Korean Webzen company directly.

Facts have proved that two days later, Webzen may really change its mind, because "Legend" is so popular, and there are too many Chinese companies that have recently gone to South Korea to represent online games.

For the rest of the money, Li Feng directly rented the 16th floor of Ideal International Building, a whole floor of 3100 square meters.

The 17th to 20th floors above are the leader of the portal website, Xinlang, and the 12 floors below are Baidu. It seems that Baidu's "competitive ranking" is indeed very profitable. Just a few months after its launch, it moved into the Ideal International Building.

Then, Li Feng asked Dong Li to contact the decoration company as soon as possible to buy the decoration and office supplies that should be bought in advance.

After everything was in place, Li Feng didn't have much money left, and even used the money from the promotion of "Bat Network Management".

Money is all about money, everything needs money, the key is the lack of money!

 Thanks to Moon Night & Wolf, Idiot Li Mu, and Sakura Xiaohao for their recommendations, and please continue to support me. If there is a book list, add a book list!

(End of this chapter)

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