Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 315 Women Are Li Feng's Rebels

Chapter 315 Women Are Li Feng's Rebels
Seeing that Li Feng gave Tang Xin a wet kiss domineeringly as soon as he entered the door, and this kiss lasted for half a minute, everyone was dumbfounded as if they were watching a blockbuster romance movie.

And Tang Xin seemed to be resisting at first, but when she saw Li Feng, she gave up resisting, and kissed Li Feng willingly but refused, and even slowly immersed in Li Feng's kiss in the end.

Xu Wenjia and Li Yanan were dumbfounded. Everyone always thought that Li Feng was a very restrained person. How could he think that such a low-key person also has such a domineering side?

Even next to her was Tang Xin, who had met a new girl named Lin Ling after she joined Yanjing TV. Not only was she dumbfounded, she was stunned. Lin Ling even felt that Tang Xin was so lucky to have such a bold and domineering boyfriend.

But Long Yuan was the only exception. Long Yuan saw that the goddess in his heart had been desecrated by Li Feng. Although he also guessed that this was Tang Xin's boyfriend, Long Yuan still said to Li Feng arrogantly: "Who are you?" ? Let Tang Xin go!"

Only then did Tang Xin realize that when she was kissing Li Feng, there were other people beside her. She quickly pushed Li Feng away, but her head was still in Li Feng's arms. Alright! Is there anyone else beside me?"

And Li Feng pretended to be injured, pretending to be "painful", while imitating Tang Xin's way of speaking just now: "I hate it! You hurt me!"

Seeing that the two of them were flirting and scolding as if no one else was around, Long Yuan was immediately annoyed, stepped forward and pushed Li Feng, and said to Li Feng severely: "This is the place of our Yanjing TV station, you How do outsiders get in!"

Unprepared, Li Feng was suddenly pushed by Long Yuan, almost pushed by Long Yuan, Li Feng was annoyed at once, this "little boy" dared to hook up with his wife because of his "good looks", Dare to do it!

After Li Feng, who had been irritated, stood firm, he raised his hand and slapped Long Yuan, which directly stunned Long Yuan, and even Tang Xin and the three beside him were also dumbfounded. What happened to Li Feng, who has always been mature and steady today!
Long Yuan, who had been slapped by Li Feng in vain, also reacted at this time, and directly scolded Li Feng: "Your mother, do you know who I am? How dare you hit me! Try hitting me again!"

There is such a requirement! ?
It just so happened that Li Feng's anger hadn't subsided yet, and Li Feng liked "fighting with strength" the most, so he jumped up and gave Long Yuan a hard kick in the stomach, kicking Long Yuan to the door of the dormitory, kicking Long Yuan so badly up.

And Li Feng himself is not very good-tempered. In the past two years, he still hasn't cultivated the "restorative skill of drinking tea" well, and Li Feng's anger has also risen. Longyuan has two feet.

At this time, Tang Xin and the others also came to their senses. Seeing that Li Feng was playing for real, she hurriedly grabbed Li Feng, especially Tang Xin almost cried, and hurriedly said to Li Feng: "Li Feng, what's wrong with you today? ! Okay! Okay! Stop hitting!"

Women will always be Li Feng's backlash. Seeing Tang Xin weeping, Li Feng finally calmed down. Li Feng also patted Tang Xin on the shoulder and said, "Okay, Xiner, I'm fine, don't fight." him."

At this time, Long Yuan also recovered, and Li Feng waved his hand at Long Yuan when he saw that Long Yuan was about to get up, but Long Yuan thought that Li Feng was going to beat him up again, so Li Feng simply said this The movement of punching was so frightened that he was ready to block it with his hands.

"Tang Xin's boyfriend is simply a lunatic." Long Yuan was also frightened by Li Feng's aura, and he didn't dare to stand up. In fact, Long Yuan is taller and stronger than Li Feng, but the most important thing about fighting is to watch Momentum, let's see who can restrain who.

Seeing that Li Feng was fine, Tang Xin threatened Long Yuan again, and suddenly felt that Li Feng was funny, so she quickly said to Li Feng, "Are you just so jealous, then I won't talk to other boys from now on!"

Li Feng said domineeringly: "Well, not only boys can't do it, but girls can't do it either. Girls now like to have sex, and they're all robbing us gays of resources, so we have to be careful."

After speaking, Li Feng took a special look at Xu Wenjia, causing Xu Wenjia to roll his eyes at Li Feng.
Seeing that the two started flirting again, Long Yuan didn't say anything this time, but after a while, Long Yuan also felt that he had lost face, and Tang Xin probably wouldn't take a liking to her in the future, "I plan to break The jar broke." He said directly to Tang Xin and the two of them: "Tang Xin, you have the ability to let your boyfriend beat me to death, otherwise this matter will never end, and don't be too happy, I will sue you in a while, and then directly fired you."

Long Yuan was so stubborn once, and his face became a little ferocious after speaking, his image over the years was completely ruined by Li Feng, why was he not in a hurry, "A rabbit bites people when it is in a hurry".

Li Feng laughed directly when he heard this, and scolded with a smile: "Did you commit another secondary illness? You should be able to fire the people from the TV station if you want. You think Yanjing TV station is run by your family."

Just when Li Feng finished speaking, he saw a fat middle-aged man coming in at the door, and the man said indifferently: "I don't know if Yanjing TV Station is run by your family! But if you dare to beat someone on our TV station, it will not work." , although I can't do anything about you, but I can still fire a few new female employees."

The personable and dignified person, although he spoke lightly, his tone was not calm at all, especially the emphasis on the words "new female employee".

Looking at the people, Long Yuan stood up very stiffly like a "carp standing upright", and said excitedly: "Uncle Zhang!"

When Tang Xin and the three of them saw the person coming, they were almost frightened, and quickly shouted, "Director Zhang!"

Director Zhang is very satisfied with the reactions of several people, just like the NBA substitutes who watch the drinking fountains. Although they will curse the main players for not playing well, every time the main players score goals, they will jump up and wave the towel!

The person who came was Director Zhang who was in charge of human resources of Yanjing TV. He came to the new employee dormitory this time mainly for the visit of Director Zhang of Yanjing TV. He wanted to come and see in advance.

Unexpectedly, there was such a situation. He even heard outsiders dare to speak freely on his own TV station. Director Zhang also walked up to Li Feng and said condescendingly to Li Feng: "Young people, don't speak too slowly. Do things with restraint." There is room!"

I have always spoken condescendingly to others like this, but when Director Zhang said this to Li Feng suddenly, Li Feng thought it was very funny and almost laughed out loud.

Director Zhang saw that Li Feng was still "hippie smiling", and said again: "Young man, don't be so arrogant. Although I can't do anything with you, I can still fire a few new female employees."

After finishing speaking, Director Zhang took a special look at Tang Xin and the others. As a high-level executive of a large TV station like Yanjing TV, Director Zhang has the confidence to say such a thing. Isn't it just a few new employees? Do you want to recruit again?

But Tang Xin and the others turned pale with fright after listening to Director Zhang's words, but the "spirit and energy" of Long Yuan beside him had returned.

Seeing someone who dared to threaten his woman, Li Feng said directly and seriously: "Old man, I will teach you a truth, you should not rely on the old to sell the old, I dare not say anything else, but I am also very sure: you will not touch anyone. No, if you don’t believe me, try it!”

 I have no code for a long time, my train of thought is broken, and my writing is messy. I mainly want to say "I'm back" to everyone!Why is my plot "full of scriptures", but I just can't write it, or it's written like shit, and it's almost a million words, and the code speed hasn't come up yet, and I hate myself too!Please give me two more days to adjust.Finally, thanks to Emperor Huanhua and Jiari for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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