Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 316 Relationship is also ability!

Chapter 316 Relationship is also ability! (first update)
"Old stuff?!"

It's not that Director Zhang has never heard others call him that, but it's just that people call him that in private, and it's the first time he's called him that in person today, and Director Zhang is going crazy.

In fact, this Director Zhang has nothing to do with Long Yuan. Even if Long Yuan called Director Zhang an "uncle", but this "uncle" is far away, it is because Long Yuan has spent a lot of effort to get rid of the seven aunts and eight aunts. The relationship between my seven aunts and eight aunts,

Originally, Director Zhang just wanted to scare Li Feng and the others, but he didn't expect that this young man was still a "secondary school" stunned young man who "wouldn't even go down the stairs",
"Since I give you face, you don't have to be shameless, then don't blame me for being rude!" Director Zhang said to Li Feng very seriously while thinking: "Young man, I eat more salt than you can walk You will pay the price for your arrogance!"

Li Feng has always been soft and not hard, he didn't take Director Zhang seriously at all, and said with a smile on his face: "Really, I'm looking forward to it, but you said something wrong, it should be 'passed by' There are more roads than bridges you have walked', or 'you have eaten more salt than you have eaten', rather than 'eat more salt than you have walked', it seems that what you read There are still too few books!"

Director Zhang didn't expect that Li Feng not only didn't take it seriously, but also picked his own words. He was so angry that he was about to die. He didn't know what to say, so he just kept pointing at Li Feng, "You have guts!" "You have the guts!"

What Director Zhang didn't expect, Li Feng pushed out Director Zhang and pointed at his finger, and said seriously: "I hate people pointing at me the most, and don't think you are an old man, I won't beat the old man." !"

Director Zhang was directly stunned by Li Feng's anger, and even Tang Xin was so angry by Li Feng that she wanted to "just hit the wall and die", but Long Yuan's spirit was getting better and better, and he even hoped that the confrontation between the two would continue. Be intense.

Just when Li Feng was confronting Director Zhang, Director Zhang of Yanjing TV had rushed over to Li Feng with a group of people.

Although Director Zhang and Director Zhang are both surnamed "Zhang", there is a big gap between the two levels, and Director Zhang's inspection of new employees this time is just a formality, but when Director Zhang is about to leave, look There was movement here, and I felt that Li Feng was very familiar, so I walked over to Li Feng curiously to have a look.

Director Zhang didn't expect that Director Zhang would really come over, so he quickly calmed down and said to everyone: "I'll talk about what happened just now, but now everyone is getting up, Director Zhang is here."

I didn't expect Director Zhang's "face-changing kung fu" to be practiced so well, and he would change as soon as he said it, but this is also easy to understand, after all, the director is "the leader of a unit"!

When they heard that the head of the station had arrived, everyone sat upright, but Li Feng was very curious. He didn't expect to meet the head of the station here. Because of Li Dongmin's relationship, the two had met a few times, so they were old acquaintances. Li Feng even approached Director Zhang to solve the matter of being a star in "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

But just when Li Feng was about to say hello to Director Zhang, he was directly stopped by Director Zhang. At this time, Director Zhang also said in a low-key manner: "Boy, let's talk about our business later. Now is not the time to lose your temper. It's no good for anyone if something happens, if you're honest, I'll pretend that what happened just now didn't happen.”

Li Feng is well aware of Director Zhang's "following face", such a person can do nothing in order to get promoted, Li Feng also laughed, and said as if Director Zhang had changed his face just now: "No way!"

Director Zhang hurriedly asked Tang Xin who was beside him for help, but what Director Zhang thought was: No matter what happens in the future, we must get rid of this harmful woman!
It's just that before Tang Xin could react, Director Zhang came over. At this time, Director Zhang also saw Li Feng's appearance clearly. When he saw the real Li Feng, Director Zhang came over with a smile on his face. Lao Yuan stretched out his hand, and said happily: "I just said why there are magpies calling today, so it turns out that there are distinguished guests coming!"

Originally, Director Zhang thought Director Zhang was greeting him, and wanted to say hello to Director Zhang, and even shake hands, but Director Zhang went straight to Li Feng, and directly passed Director Zhang.

At this time, Li Feng also reached out his hand to shake Master Zhang's hand, and said with a smile: "Old Zhang, you are so polite, I just came here today to play!"

Seeing Li Feng talking and laughing with Director Zhang, although Tang Xin was prepared, she still didn't expect Li Feng to be compared with the director of a TV station, let alone Director Zhang and "little boy" Long Yuan. In particular, Li Feng also directly called Mr. Zhang "Old Zhang", and the two of them were immediately confused.

Director Zhang said happily: "Originally, I planned to visit your place in two days, but since you are here, Mr. Li, you have to let me enter the "Friendship of the Landlord" at noon and stay. Have a meal."

After seeing Tang Xin, Li Feng smiled and said to Director Zhang: "Old Zhang, this is not acceptable. You can't take away the love of a gentleman. I have business at noon!"

At this time, Director Zhang also noticed Tang Xin and the others behind Li Feng. Director Zhang and Director Zhang knew each other well; Director Zhang looked familiar with "Little White Face" Long Yuan;

As for Tang Xin and the others, Director Zhang has never met them before, but it looks like they are new employees, but what is their relationship with Li Feng, and they can let Li Feng, who doesn't want to show up often, run around in person. Come on, Director Zhang is very curious.

Regarding this, Director Zhang asked puzzledly: "Mr. Li, who are these?"

Li Feng was really afraid that Director Zhang would put on Tang Xin's shoes, so he pulled Tang Xin over and said to Director Zhang, "Old Zhang, this is my girlfriend, Tang Xin, who just came to work at your TV station, so take care of her in the future. Behind her is also her new colleague."

Even if Master Zhang was prepared, he still didn't expect Tang Xin to be Li Feng's girlfriend. You must know that Li Feng's current net worth can be counted as a name in China, and what Master Zhang didn't expect was that Tang Xin was actually Li Feng's girlfriend. He is also a new employee of his own TV station.

What a fate!Destined!Good luck comes naturally!Thinking of this, Director Zhang also said to Li Feng with a happy face: "Tang Xin! What a good name, she is as talented as Mr. Li! But Mr. Li, why didn't you say it earlier, so we are still a family!"

Li Feng laughed, and after taking a deep look at Director Zhang and Long Yuan just now, he said to Director Zhang, "Yes, a family! But my girlfriend just graduated. I don't understand a lot of things, please take care of me, don't let people bully my girlfriend, or I will find you myself!"

How can you speak so directly!Tang Xin nodded shyly. Seeing that Li Feng was able to chat endlessly with Master Zhang, she was both envious and disappointed. The reason for her envy is easy to say, because Li Feng is too good; and the reason for Tang Xin's disappointment is because Li Feng is too good .

However, after Li Feng finished speaking, Director Zhang and Long Yuan almost collapsed, especially Director Zhang thought deeply: It's all your fault for meddling in your own business.
Director Zhang also took a deep look at Director Zhang and Long Yuan, and assured Li Feng: "Mr. Li, I dare not say anything else, but as long as I, Mr. Zhang, are in the TV station for a day, no one can bully Tang Xin." .”

With Director Zhang's words, Li Feng was relieved, and said to Master Zhang: "Then thank you, Director Zhang. I will call Mayor Li another day, and we are getting together."

Director Zhang was also very happy when he heard that, and said with a smile: "We are all a family, it should be, let's have lunch together, anyway, there are no outsiders."

After Li Feng glanced at Tang Xin, seeing Tang Xin's expression did not want to stay, he said to Director Zhang: "Old Zhang, let's forget about today, the time is not very suitable. I just happen to have something to do at noon today. There is ample time!"

Li Feng saw Tang Xin's expression just now, and Director Zhang also saw it. He didn't expect Tang Xin to actually take Li Feng down. It seems that he really needs to take care of it in the future, so in the end, Director Zhang also acted as if he was serious. He said: "Okay! This is fine, then we will have a long life, and we will meet again some other day!"

In the end, Director Zhang and the others greeted Li Feng and the others and left. Before leaving, Director Zhang also said something to Tang Xin, "Tang Xin, work hard at the unit in the future. If you have any problems, you can come and help me." Find me!"

Facing her absolute leader, "The Chief of the Station", Tang Xin also said excitedly, "Thank you, President, I will definitely work hard!"

After Director Zhang left, Director Zhang and the others originally wanted to apologize to Li Feng and ease the conflict just now, but Li Feng didn't give them this chance and planned to take Tang Xin and the others out for dinner.

Since even the head of the station couldn't invite Li Feng, Xu Wenjia and the others were unwilling to be Tang Xin's light bulbs after ""really seeing Li Feng's energy, and declined one by one.

Li Feng was happy with this meal. He ate four dishes in one sitting, but Tang Xin was always depressed and didn't eat much. Even after the meal, on the way Li Feng sent Tang Xin back, Tang Xin was still listless. of.

Li Feng thought Tang Xin was still thinking about what happened just now, so he asked Tang Xin: "Xin'er, what's the matter, do you still think about what happened just now? Didn't I take care of everything for you?
As long as it's that Director Zhang and that little boy Long Yuan, if you dare to harass you, you can go directly to Director Zhang. If you are embarrassed, you can tell me, and I will call you Director Zhang directly. Telephone! "

But Tang Xin didn't speak, just shook her head, and then walked forward silently.

Seeing this, Li Feng felt even more distressed. He didn't know why Tang Xin was suddenly so depressed. Li Feng quickly chased after her, grabbed Tang Xin and asked, "Xin'er, what's the matter? Did I go too far?"

At this time, Tang Xin looked at Li Feng, and said in a low voice: "It's not that, the main reason is that I am too stupid, and I need your help for everything. In fact, I also know that if I bring you up, what happened today will definitely not happen. ,
But I don't want people to know the relationship between you and me, I still want to prove my ability through my own efforts, and now everyone knows that I have a boyfriend behind me who can make the director give me three points, and Not my own abilities..."

I didn't expect Tang Xin to have a competitive heart, it seems that this life is more exciting than her!

Knowing the reason for Tang Xin's depression, Li Feng was relieved, and Li Feng also comforted Tang Xin: "Xin'er, you are wrong, relationship is still a kind of ability, just like background, family, education, even Looks, this is a kind of ability, you don't need to belittle yourself, as long as you perform well in the future, everyone will recognize you sooner or later."

After hearing Li Feng's words, Tang Xin finally thought about it. Anyway, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't catch up with Li Feng. As long as Li Feng loved her, she would "marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog"!

Thinking of this, Tang Xin suddenly became enlightened, and gave Li Feng a kiss directly.

 There should be nothing to do in the future. I will try to update 6000 characters twice a day. I will also challenge myself, otherwise the code speed will not increase, and I will speed up the pace. It is really too watery recently!Finally, thank you for asking me for the reward of Brother Lang and Feng Lan Zhishang-1!
(End of this chapter)

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