Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 317 Help me with 2 private matters

Chapter 317 Help Me With Two Private Matters (Second Change)
For the next few days, Li Feng just stayed with Tang Xin when he had nothing to do. When he thought that he would go to the United States for a while in the second half of the year, Li Feng was even more bored with Tang Xin when he was free. Said, "Don't delay your company's business because of me."

And just when Li Feng and Tang Xin were "tired", Fengrui also issued an invitation letter to the "F1 Conference (Fengrui's first opener conference)", inviting almost all Internet companies in China to come to Fengrui Building to share For big things, although Li Feng only prepared a thousand invitation letters, the entire Chinese Internet is full of plans and there are not a thousand companies.

This incident not only caused a sensation on the Internet in China, but also caused many media reports, even many traditional media rushed to report on this matter. With the strong rise of the Internet economy, especially after the "Internet bubble", a A large wave of Chinese Internet companies went public in the United States, making people have to look at Internet companies differently again.

The reason why Fengrui caused a sensation this time is that Fengrui is too topical. On the one hand, it is the first time that a Chinese Internet company holds such a summit; It's hard for a 21-year-old boy to start such a large Internet company without attracting people's attention!
So at this time, when Fengrui, as the top Internet company in China, is planning to hold such a top-level summit on April 4, it is not easy not to attract the attention of the media, and "Li Feng", the founder of Fengrui, also Inevitably pushed the media to the front again.

All the media are competing to report on Li Feng, and they also want to conduct an exclusive interview with Li Feng, but Li Feng is not so easy to interview, so many media can only use Liu Zhiping to do their best, and finally have a sharp publicity Opportunities also made Liu Zhiping miserable, and Liu Zhiping often complained to Li Feng about it.
There were even many media reporters who went to Li Feng’s hometown in Taicheng to interview Li’s father and Li’s mother. At first, Li’s father and Li’s mother were very happy. They really didn’t refuse anyone, especially Li’s father who liked it very much. "Blowing it up", that really sold out Li Feng completely. He even told about Li Feng peeing his pants when he was a child.
But as time goes by and the novelty wears off, Father Li and Mother Li will be annoyed. Even a person like Father Li who can answer the question can't stand this kind of "no question and no more" interview. Who can repeat it all day long? The same thing, "You are also good, yes, I am Li Feng's father", "Yes, I am Li Feng's father", "I am Li Feng's father"... Li's father is also miserable, so he directly brought With Li Ma and Xiao Li Ran running to my uncle's house.

In this regard, Father Li could not complain to the media, and could only vent his anger on his son. Without further ado, Father Li picked up the phone and called Li Feng. He was "very aggrieved" and said to Li Feng: "I said that Xiao Feng , because of you, your parents really have a home and can’t go back, what do you think should I do?”

Hearing Dad Li's tone, Li Feng knew that Dad Li had other ideas, so he couldn't help asking, "Dad, what do you think we should do?"

After Father Li coughed, he said slowly, "Well... there are no more cigarettes and alcohol at home, what do you think should I do?"

Li Feng understood everything as soon as he heard it, but he still "scratched" Dad Li, "Dad, didn't I just bring you a car back during the Chinese New Year, and I remember that when I came back two days ago, the house was still there. There are quite a few."

Father Li didn't expect that Li Feng could remember it so clearly, so he couldn't help but blushed and said, "The family is gone anyway, you can figure it out! And if it wasn't for you brat, I wouldn't be homeless either!"

Li Feng just wanted to tickle and miss Li's father, and he was just joking with Li's father, but in the end he pretended to be helpless and said to Li's father: "Well, I'll send you a car back, but you Promise me that you will not talk nonsense when interviewed by the media in the future."

Dad Li really didn't even want to think about it and said: "Don't worry about it. How can you betray your son? Don't worry, I still know your father. I will definitely not say things that shouldn't be said."

Unexpectedly, Father Li became more and more mischievous as he got older, and he felt like an "old urchin". Li Feng just put the phone in his hand helplessly, and murmured to himself: "This father, it's no wonder I believe you!"

At this time, Song Jia, who had been waiting for Li Feng to sign the documents at the door, suddenly saw that Li Feng said this after hanging up the phone, and asked in bewilderment: "What's the matter, Mr. Li, these last few documents are still missing."

Putting more effort into signing the rest of the documents, Li Feng looked at the thick stack of documents, put down the pen too, moved his fingers a few times, leaned back on the chair again, and said casually: " Finally, the signing is over, this is really not a human job, I even signed the next few documents without even reading them."

At this moment, Song Jia also stood casually behind Li Feng, massaged Li Feng's shoulders, and said, "President Li, forget it this time, but you should take a look at it in the future, the documents that you can sign must be very good." important."

At the beginning when Song Jia gave him a massage, Li Feng was a little embarrassed and felt that he let it go, but after he got used to everything, Li Feng took it for granted, and sometimes Li Feng would take the initiative to ask Song Jia to give him a massage.

Even later, without Li Feng's words, as long as Li Feng leaned his back, Song Jia would take the initiative to give Li Feng a massage, but don't tell me, Song Jia's massage skills are really good, gentle and firm, it seems Song Jia also learned it in private.

Of course, every time Song Jia massaged, it was in private, when there was no one else.

And now, while enjoying Song Jia's massage, Li Feng said to Song Jia: "By the way, Song Jia, I need you to take care of two personal matters."

Just when Song Jia put down her hand and was about to take a notebook to write down what Li Feng said, Li Feng said quickly: "Don't stop, just keep pressing. There are two very simple things, just write them down in your mind."

Song Jia was speechless, this Li Feng really used herself as a babysitter, and when Li Feng was not paying attention, Song Jia directly gave Li Feng a slap in the face, which hurt Li Feng and almost stood up.

Li Feng turned around and grinned and said, "Take it easy, you're hurting me!"

Song Jia suddenly felt that Li Feng's appearance was a little funny, "Don't care how awesome you are, it still hurts." After saying this, Song Jia continued to massage Li Feng.

When Song Jia's massage was all right, Li Feng said: "Two simple things, one is that after two days, you can find someone to deliver a carload of good wine and tea to my house, and you can just give it to my old man. Go to Wu Nan, he has been to my house, he knows everything about the place.

The second thing is more troublesome. I need you to come to me personally. I need you to help me buy a house in Sanya, a villa with a better sea view. Don’t worry about time. When I go to the United States, you There is plenty of time, as long as it is done for me before the Chinese New Year this year. "

Song Jia asked: "Do you have any requirements, are you planning to live with your family?"

Li Feng continued: "Well, if a family lives together, the environment must be good, the area must be large, and there must be many bedrooms. There must be at least two or three floors, and it must be near the sea. As for the price, as long as it does not exceed 3000 million It’s alright, uh...forget it, as long as the price is not too outrageous, [-] million will do.”

Song Jia continued to ask, "Any other requests?"

Why does Li Feng feel that Song Jia is like a real estate agent who buys and sells second-hand houses? Li Feng stood up with a smile and said to Song Jia: "You know all about my habits and hobbies. Price, location, layout and so on, you You can figure it out for yourself, anyway, I trust you, you bought it for me."

I trust you? !
Hearing what Li Feng said, Song Jia was moved for a while when she didn't come. Now even Song Jia didn't know what relationship she had with Li Feng. It was like a secretary or a nanny and there was a bit of ambiguity between men and women, but Song Jia also liked this state.

(End of this chapter)

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