Chapter 324
After Li Feng helped Li Yanhong solve the matter of "Google wants to acquire Baidu", it will be April 4 in a few days, and this day is the opening day of Fengrui's first I/O Global Openers Conference.

As the opening date approaches, the popularity of Fengrui's first open conference (F1 conference) has once again been sought after by the media to a new high. More importantly, many Internet entrepreneurs have begun to gather in Yanjing this time.
There are also many young people who are ready to start a business or want to start a business. The current "Li Feng" is definitely the entrepreneurial idol of all young people. Years" can create such a big miracle, it can even be regarded as a miracle in the whole world!
Moreover, this wave of heat wave also intensified as the opening time approached. A few days before the opening of the F1 General Assembly, some Internet celebrities with relatively high status and influence in the Internet world also appeared on the stage one by one.
First of all, there are guests from afar, such as Ma Yun from Ali in Hangzhou, Ding Lei from NetEase in Yangcheng, and Shengda Sheng Tianqiao in Shanghai who can’t come, but Cheng Dalai is still here..., of course, there are also "sneaky" hidden in the crowd "Ma Huateng,
Again, there are Yanjing locals. Yanjing itself is the center of Internet entrepreneurship. Even after the rise of Alibaba and Tengxun in the previous life, Yanjing can be regarded as the center of Internet entrepreneurship, because Yanjing has the most scarce talents among all Internet startups.

And this time Yanjing also came here, including Cao Guowei from Xinlang, Zhang Chaoyang from Sohu, and even some established start-up companies, such as Lei Jun from Jinshan, Wang Xin from Rising, and Wang Zhidong, the founder of the original Sina.
There is also Fang Xingdong from Blog China, and in order to be able to participate in Fengrui's open conference this time, Fang Xingdong came from other places on purpose. Although Fang Xingdong has the reputation of "the godfather of Chinese bloggers", this false name has no deterrent effect at all.

Faced with the siege and interception of the three major portals, especially after the strong rise of Sina Blog with its huge influence and ability to integrate celebrity resources, Fang Xingdong's final result was nothing more than "woke up early, caught up with the evening episode" ",
But Fang Xingdong was unwilling to be a "stepping stone" for others, but he had no choice but to face the three major sects, so he thought of bringing in a partner who could fight against the three major sects,

And the only one in China that can compete with the three major portals is undoubtedly Fengrui, especially Fengrui's portal website "" is almost launched by crushing the three major portals, forcibly turning the "three major portals" into became the "Four Great Gateways",
Fengrui's series of operations from wrestling with Shengda at the beginning, to destroying Tengxun, and confronting the three major portals head-on, has made Fengrui and finally Li Feng's reputation. Fang Zhidong himself is just a " The "Godfather of China's Blog" is just a false name, and Li Feng can be said to be worthy of the name "Godfather of China's Internet".

Therefore, Fang Zhidong is still looking forward to Fengrui's opener conference, and it would be great if he can reach some strategic cooperation with Fengrui.

There are quite a few people who have the same idea as Fang Zhidong, and not only Internet companies and individuals from all over the country flocked here, but also many media reporters came together after hearing the news, and even many good-natured people also came to see , as a tourist,
It is not an exaggeration to describe Fengrui's opener conference as a "grand event". If this trend continues, with Fengrui's future development, maybe a few years later, the Fengrui opener conference will also become an event. Yenching's "summit economy".

And the time will soon be April 4. On the opening day, Li Feng, as the "host" of the summit, also received some visiting guests in advance.

Of course, those who can get Li Feng to come forward are generally well-known figures in Internet companies, or old friends that Li Feng is familiar with.

Li Feng's first reception was Cheng Danian from Shanghai Shengda, who was the first colleague to visit Fengrui back then.

Even when they wanted to acquire Fengrui back then, Fengrui was just a grassroots company just started, and Li Feng was just a child!
Only a few years have passed, Fengrui has become the most unattainable top enterprise in the domestic Internet, and people have ignored Li Feng's age, even if Li Feng is only twenty-one years old now,

Moreover, Fengrui held this kind of opener conference, and almost all Internet companies came. What does this mean? This represents the recognition of Fengrui from the peers, and also represents Fengrui's influence in the industry!
For a while, Cheng Danian was also full of emotions. It can be said that Shengda started at the same time as Fengrui, and even Shengda's fortune was far earlier than Fengrui.
The founders of the two, Sheng Tianqiao and Li Feng, are both talented and strategically advanced. They both started online games. One is "Legend", and the other is "Miracle MU".
It was only later that when faced with the transformation of the company, Sheng Tianqiao chose to enter the "content" industry and wanted to build China's Disney; while Li Feng chose to enter the "social" field, killing Tencent, and a single thought made today's pattern!

But I have to say that Li Feng's rhythm is more accurate, which also created the difference between Fengrui and Shengda today. Strictly speaking, in terms of strategic layout, Li Feng is still better, at least all of Li Feng's strategic layout All successful, never failed, not at all!

No wonder the eldest brother admires Li Feng so much, this is probably the so-called "heroic sympathy", just like when Ma Huateng visited last time, the two also cherished each other,

It's just a pity that Sheng Tianqiao and Li Feng haven't met for various reasons. This is also a pity.

Although Sheng Tianqiao asked Cheng Danian to just take a look, "just look but don't talk about it", but when Cheng Danian saw Li Feng, after a simple congratulations, he still couldn't help but said to Li Feng: "President Li, I hope your The Openers Conference went smoothly, and you are welcome to come to Shanghai if you have time to play, my elder brother Sheng Tianqiao has always admired you very much."

But Li Feng just thought Cheng Danian's kind words, didn't think too much, and just said politely, "I will. The style of the devil city."

Looking at Li Feng's expression, Cheng Danian knew that Li Feng didn't understand, but Cheng Danian didn't say anything, just nodded, and entered the venue silently.

Looking at Cheng Danian, whose background was somewhat depressed, Li Feng thought it was because Shengda's "box plan" was blocked. Li Feng also lamented a lot about what happened to Shengda, but he was also helpless.
Not to mention Shengda, Lian Fengrui is helpless at the government level now, at least before the advent of the mobile Internet, Internet companies were not so strong.

 Recently, I will speed up the progress of the plot, maybe I just took some things
(End of this chapter)

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