Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 325 The first cooperation between Fengrui and Ali ends

Chapter 325 The first cooperation between Fengrui and Ali ends

As soon as Cheng Danian was sent away, Ali's Ma Yun came with Cai Chongxin. As soon as he met Ma Yun, he smiled and said to Li Feng enviously: "Mr. Li, your sharpness is getting better and better. With such a person Come to your openers meeting."

Although Ma Yun said it with a smile, Ma Yun's smile is really ugly, especially because he has an alien face, with no flesh on his face, and a small shriveled mouth. Uglier.

They all said, "Don't hit smiling people with your hands", but Li Feng still said in a strange way: "You're welcome, old horse, isn't your Alibaba Taobao developing very well? 'Tenpay' is all over the world!"

Li Feng's ambiguous words can be regarded as a "pun". Ali's third-party payment software "Tenpay" was also officially launched a few days before the Fengrui Openers Conference.
As a "gift" to Alibaba's "Tenpay", Ali immediately blocked Fengrui's "Alipay" for "technical reasons" and reconnected Fengrui's "Alipay" three days later.

However, it also made a hidden column for Fengrui's "Alipay" that "users can't find it", and from time to time, "Technical reasons" for Fengrui's "Alipay" directly "unusable",
Just like Fengrui used "Bat Network Management" to block Tencent QQ, Fengrui's "Alipay" is really ecstatic, and users have no choice but to switch to Ali's own "Tenpay". "software,
Although Li Feng already knew that Ali would launch its own third-party payment software, and knew that Ali would do something about it, but after Ali launched his own payment software, and Ali's series of coquettish operations, Li Feng was very upset , The tone of speech is also yin and yang.


Ma Yun didn't expect Li Feng to be so direct, and this made Ma Yun very embarrassed. The most important thing for a business is to have a thick skin, "Do you want to learn from thick black", and Ma Yun is also the best at talking, directly using Out of the big method of "removing flowers and trees", directly changing the topic,

Ma Yun still smiled and asked Li Feng: "Mr. Li, you Fengrui, the name of the 'I/O' opener conference is very good? Who came up with it?"

Ma Yun is indeed curious. Fengrui, the name of the "I/O" opener conference, does have a good meaning, unlike Ali's previous "West Lake On Sword", which directly copied Jin Yong's "Huashan On Sword".

Li Feng pretended to be a little bit, and said lightly: "No talent, I'm just here."

But when Li Feng said this, his old face blushed a little. After all, Fengrui, the name of the "I/O" Openers Conference, was actually Google that Li Feng plagiarized.
"I/O" means "Innovation in the Open" (Innovation in the Open), and also means "Input/Output", and I and O are similar to 1 and 0 in binary code, which is also the construction of this number The most basic element of the world.

Then Li Feng didn't forget to pay Ma Yun back, "Old Ma, isn't your Ali's 'West Lake Lunjian' pretty good? Why don't you open it if it's so good? Are you planning to open it again in the future? I'll pay it back once Have you ever participated?"

Different from Fengrui's "I/O Openers Conference", Ali's "Xihu Lunjian" is essentially a status symbol. Please come to the stage to talk about the great cause and point out the country,
But if you really want to say that, Fengrui's opener conference is similar, except that the center of the Fengrui opener conference is "Fengrui" itself.
It's just that when Ali opened "West Lake Lunjian", Fengrui hadn't risen yet. After Fengrui rose, Ali felt that he was awesome, so he didn't open it again.

Li Feng really said, "Which pot is not open, which pot should be lifted?" Ma Yun also replied in embarrassment: "Open, definitely open! In the future, we Ali will definitely restart 'West Lake Lunjian', and we must invite Mr. Li to participate when the time comes."

Li Feng also said with a smile: "Old Ma, you know that I rarely accept media interviews, and generally I am not very willing to participate in forums and ceremonies, but if you invite me personally, I will definitely attend.

I don't want some people to stab a knife in the back when they are sincerely cooperating with their partners. Even if I stab a knife, I will definitely say in advance, let's get together and break up! "

Li Feng brought back the topic just now, and finally did not forget to say disgusting Ma Yun.

Ma Yun saw that Li Feng was talking endlessly about "Alibaba's launch of Tenfutong", and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. She couldn't help but pulled her face and said to Li Feng: "Mr. Li, is it too much for you to say that, everyone?" They are all working on the Internet, and we don’t see each other when we look down, and we Ali also act according to the contract.”

Li Feng also said sternly: "I don't know whether you Ali have acted according to the contract, but we Fengrui are at least shareholders of Ali, and we trust you so much that we have given you all the voting rights, but what does Ali have now?" We Fengrui don't even know the movements.

We trust you so much, but what about you Ali?We should know the minimum right to know!Since we at Fengrui don’t know anything, in the end I would like to take back our Fengrui’s voting rights for 5% of Alibaba’s shares. "

Ma Yun thought about Fengrui's various reactions or responses after Ali launched its own third-party payment software. Ali also made relevant emergency plans, but this was the only thing that was missed!
You must know that Ali’s current shareholding structure is as follows: the largest shareholder Yahoo 40%, Ma Yun and the Ali team 28.4%, Softbank 26.6%, and Fengrui 5%.

According to the financing contract, the Ma Yun team has 38.4% of the voting rights, of which 28.4% belong to the Ma Yun team itself, the other 5% belong to Yahoo, and the remaining 5% belong to Fengrui. The time limit is 5 years. It also ensures that before 2009, Ma Yun's team's control over Ali will basically not be challenged.

But once Fengrui took back the 5% of the voting rights, it would be hard to say, so after Li Feng finished speaking, Ma Yun's face turned livid, it was simply "killing people"!

Ma Yun is not a good person, but Ma Yun still endured it, and said to Li Feng seriously: "Mr. Li, when we signed the contract, we made it clear that Fengrui's 5% of the voting rights belonged to us. The management team holds it on behalf of you, you can't violate the contract!"

Li Feng also responded forcefully: "Really! When we signed the contract between Alipay and your Taobao, didn't we also stipulate that within the next three years, Alipay will be the only third-party payment software for Taobao!

But now? !
It is you Ali who did not fulfill the contract, and launched your own third-party payment software without authorization in the second year, we endured it!
What kind of hidden column did you put up to hide our Alipay directly, so no one can find it, so we can bear it!
But you still come up with "technical reasons" at every turn, block our Alipay, and forcibly hold users hostage, this is a bit too much!

Could it be that 'only state officials are allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to light lamps'! "

Li Feng "bear it" several times in a row, which directly made Ma Yun speechless, and even Cai Chongxin, who was next to Ma Yun, took two steps back in fright.

After a while, Ma Yun came back to her senses, she didn't expect that Li Feng's reaction would be so violent, but Ma Yun didn't think about that just now,

What Ma Yun thinks more is that she must completely take back the controlling stake in Ali before 2009, and must drive Yahoo and Fengrui out of Ali's board of directors!
Yes, Yahoo and Fengrui must be kicked out of Ali's board of directors!must!I, Ma Yun, swore, "We must drive Yahoo and Fengrui out of Ali's board of directors." In the end, Ma Yun's hands became popular.

"There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests." Ma Yun also planned to be "slaughtered by Feng Rui", "It's nothing more than a matter of interests", and said to Li Feng: "Then what do you mean, Mr. Li? Or do you have any requests?"

It's just that Ma Yun didn't expect Li Feng's request to be so simple, "We at Fengrui have always been willing to do nothing and leave room for our partners to benefit from it! Our request is very simple, and we hope that you, Ali, can Continue to abide by the contract and stop playing tricks."

In fact, Li Feng does not expect to get back the 5% of the voting rights. Alipay, and no more gimmicks.

As for the development of Alipay in the future, Li Feng has already made arrangements, which is why Fengrui held the F1 Openers Conference.

Although Ma Yun was very surprised by Li Feng's conditions, he quickly gave an affirmative answer, "Okay, we, Ali, promise that such a situation will never happen again. I still have this reputation."

"Your Ma Yun's reputation has long been lost with me, and I hope to see actual actions." Finally, Li Feng also said seriously: "When we finish this cooperation, then the sharp ones will still be sharp. Ali’s is still Ali’s, we have nothing to do with each other. As for the 5% of Ali’s shares, I will cash out when Ali goes public.”

Ma Yun was grinned face to face by Li Feng this time, and she said with a livid face: "Okay, from now on we will not violate the river."

After the meeting between Li Feng and Ma Yun this time, it also officially announced the break between Fengrui and Ali. Speaking of which, the first cooperation between Fengrui and Ali began in June 2003 when Ali just launched Taobao.

At that time, Taobao had just launched, Fengrui also took the opportunity to not only connect Alipay to Taobao as a third-party payment software, but also successfully bought 5% of Ali’s shares. The promotion of was used for the first time,

At that time, although Fengrui and Ali both had their own ghosts, in general, the cooperation between the two was not bad, at least both sides achieved each other's goals, "each needs its own strengths", Ali's Taobao With the help of Fengrui's promotion, eBay was defeated, and Fengrui's Alipay also relied on the development of Taobao to lay a foundation.

After the two met this time, it also officially announced the end of the first cooperation between Fengrui and Ali.

 Finally, thanks to Guan Ju for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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