Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 327 Li Feng is younger than me!

Chapter 327 Li Feng is younger than me!

For the development of Alipay, Li Feng does have follow-up development means, which is one of the reasons why Li Feng wants to hold this Openers Conference,

But what Li Feng didn't expect was that he still had to perform the follow-up procedures, so he turned the corner and met Liu Qiangdong who was walking towards him!

Yes, that's right, it's really a coincidence!As soon as Li Feng left Ma Yun, he turned around and met Liu Qiangdong who was coming towards him!

It is not Fengrui who is the most threatening to Ali and the one who can stand against Ali the most, but, which has just stepped into e-commerce!

Ma Yun made many mistakes in her previous life. For example, she made great achievements in the early stage of her business, but she failed to move the capital to Shanghai; Integrity crisis, Ma Yun "painfully beheads" Wei Zhe...

But these are not strategic mistakes. The biggest mistake Ma Yun made is undoubtedly her understanding of logistics. Ma Yun miscalculated the development potential of logistics.

And has risen by virtue of its strong logistics capabilities. Although Ma Yun has repeatedly said "to cultivate more", in the end Ma Yun re-established "Cainiao Logistics".

Li Feng was also very happy to see Liu Qiangdong. After all, when Li Feng first started his business, he also helped Li Feng when he opened the "Green Apple Internet Cafe" to get his first pot of gold.

Just now Li Feng was not too depressed when he was with Ma Yun. Seeing Liu Qiangdong again, Li Feng also shook hands with Liu Qiangdong, and said happily: "Old Liu, long time no see, welcome to join us Fengrui Summit, thank you for your support!"

Liu Qiangdong also smiled slightly, and then said: "It is my honor to be able to participate in Fengrui's summit and to enter the VIP room!"

Liu Qiangdong is right. If he and Li Feng are not old acquaintances, whether he can enter the VIP room is another matter. After all, it is the Internet bosses and seniors who can make Li Feng meet, and now Liu Qiangdong and Jingdong is just fledgling.

Li Feng then said to Liu Qiangdong: "Old Liu, you are so polite. Are you in good spirits? It seems that Jingdong is developing well. Congratulations!"

At this time, Liu Qiangdong also said: "Compared to Fengrui's development, how can's achievements go out. But Lao Li, you are wrong. You are also a shareholder of It should be the same happiness. !"

Because of Li Feng's guidance in the early stage, Liu Qiangdong stepped into e-commerce ahead of schedule, coupled with Li Feng's early investment, Jingdong's development is indeed good in this life, and it is not as good as it is.
However, it is still far behind Fengrui's great development, just like one is a car and the other is an airplane, no matter how much you run, you can't keep up with Fengrui's speed, especially Fengrui is so big.

Regardless of Liu Qiangdong, Li Feng even forgot that he still owns 30% of At that time, Li Feng personally invested 500 million to account for 30% of, and borrowed 500 million without interest.
This is the result of Li Feng's repeated concessions. At that time, Liu Qiangdong wanted to split evenly with Li Feng, but Li Feng reluctantly refused, "If you are willing, if you are willing, you will get what you want. !
Hearing what Liu Qiangdong said, Li Feng also laughed, and patted Liu Qiangdong's shoulder hard, "Yes, I was wrong, it should be the same happiness! By the way, as for Jingdong, I happen to have something to ask you talk."

As a result, as soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Liu Qiangdong said to Li Feng: "That's even more coincidental. Regarding the future development of, I just happened to ask you for advice. And brother Li, you are the second shareholder of anyway." , although Jingdong is not as big as Fengrui, but you should pay more attention to the development of Jingdong.”

Li Feng laughed again after hearing this, and said with a smile: "That would be even better, or we two brothers can have a good chat after the results of our sharp opener conference."

"That's even better. I know you'll be busy, so I won't bother you any more. We'll talk about it after the conference is over."

After finishing speaking, Liu Qiangdong greeted Li Feng again and left, but Li Feng was indeed a bit busy, just after sending Liu Qiangdong away, Cao Guowei from Sina came here again.

But on Liu Qiangdong's side, after separating from Li Feng, Liu Qiangdong didn't go to other places, and went directly to the VIP room newly prepared by Fengrui to rest, waiting for the opening of the Fengrui Openers Conference.

As soon as Liu Qiangdong entered the VIP room, he felt that someone was looking at him with unfriendly eyes. Liu Qiangdong also turned around and saw Ma Yun who looked like an alien looking at him.

Liu Qiangdong knows Ma Yun, after all, everyone belongs to e-commerce, and Ma Yun’s Ali is now the leader of the entire Chinese e-commerce, not only B2B Ali, but also C2C Taobao,
And Liu Qiangdong's belongs to B2C, but there are and, and is just a fledgling younger brother.

Although Liu Qiangdong didn't know why Ma Yun looked at him with that kind of eyes, but as a "little brother" and a "junior" in entrepreneurship, Liu Qiangdong also took the initiative to walk to Ma Yun to say hello. possibility of cooperation.

Therefore, Liu Qiangdong took the initiative to walk up to Ma Yun, and greeted Ma Yun enthusiastically, "Mr. Ma, hello, I am Liu Qiangdong from Jingdong!"

As a result, Ma Yun replied coldly, "Jingdong, haven't you heard of it?"

In fact, Ma Yun also knows Liu Qiangdong. After all, everyone is living in the same trench, and Ma Yun still pays attention to e-commerce startups like

But when she saw Liu Qiangdong chatting and laughing with Li Feng outside, Ma Yun couldn't help feeling disgusted with Liu Qiangdong, not only because of Li Feng, as if this feeling of disgust was innate ,
Some people are doomed to be "unsuitable by nature", just like Li Feng would never listen to TFBOYS, Rocket 101, Cai Xukun's songs in his previous life, even if it is good or not, he will directly delete his own playlist first.

Liu Qiangdong didn't know why Ma Yun had such a big opinion on him, but he still introduced again, "Mr. Ma, I am Liu Qiangdong from Yanjing Jingdong Multimedia. Our Jingdong is also specialized in e-commerce, and now we mainly We sell some 3C digital products online, but all our products are self-operated, so the quality can be guaranteed..."

Do you mean that our Taobao is selling fakes? !

Before Liu Qiangdong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ma Yun, who said directly: "Oh, you are Liu Qiangdong, so young!

As an old-timer who has been in business for many years, I can also tell you a truth. Young people should be steady and steady, and don't aim too high, otherwise they may be defeated in the end. "

Seeing Ma Yun's appearance of "relying on the old and selling the old", Liu Qiangdong couldn't bear it any longer, and just left a sentence and left, "Really! It seems that Li Feng is younger than me, so why don't you step aside quickly, senior!"

Liu Qiangdong really said "Which pot does not open and which pot to lift", it almost drove Ma Yun crazy.

 Thank you for the 600 coins from Gao Lengkula, the 001 coins from Yubomenye 200, and the melancholy dad for the rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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