Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 367 Li Feng's Woman - Lu Lu

Chapter 367 Li Feng's Woman - Lu Lu

The weather in California is like spring all the year round, and the temperature in Silicon Valley in May is still very pleasant. The villas, seaside, beach, deck chairs, bright sunshine, cool sea breeze, and sexy beauties are simply the legendary paradise.
At this time, wearing a sexy swimsuit, Lu Lu walked over with two glasses of drinks, knowing that Li Feng prefers to drink Sprite at this time, she specially bought a glass of Sprite for Li Feng, "Feng, why don't we go play in the sea... "

Li Feng didn't even raise his head, he didn't mean to move at all, and asked Lu Lu to put the drink on the chair next to him, and facing such a charming Lu Lu, Li Feng also said expressionlessly: "Go, I I really can't move..."

"Shall we go, play in the sea?"

"I really can't go, I'm tired, do you understand!" Li Feng did not forget to drink two sips of Sprite, and then said with a facial expression.

Hearing what Li Feng said, Lu Lu blushed, "Feng, I'm not like this usually, you have to trust me, I'm wholeheartedly for you..."

"What are you thinking?" Seeing Lu Lu's uneasy expression, Li Feng was almost amused, but Li Feng also said with a straight face:

"Baby, why don't I believe you, of course I believe you! Don't I understand everything you have done for me! For me, you stay here alone, and for me, you have become an American citizen, What more could I ask for?"

U.S. high-tech listed companies have an unwritten rule that non-Americans are not allowed to support more than 5% of U.S. high-tech shares, so for Li Feng and for the future development of Yunfeng Fund, Lu Lu resolutely joined American citizenship,
By the way, with Lu Lu's active efforts and Li Feng's guidance, Yunfeng Fund's current book fund has exceeded 5 million US dollars. Of course, there is Li Feng as a guarantee to Fengrui's 2 million. U.S. dollar debt, this money is not in a hurry to change.

Lu Lu was also very happy to see Li Feng being so considerate of herself, and she was willing to do these things for Li Feng,

Beauty is present, but Li Feng is really dying, and he said with great regret: "It's enough to eat delicacies from mountains and seas once, and you can't eat them all day, or your body will really not be able to bear it!"

Seeing Li Feng looking weak, Lu Lu also rubbed Li Feng's shoulders, and then said with a bit of resentment: "Isn't it because you, a heartless thing, take so long to come and see him..."

Li Feng also squeezed Lu Lu's little hand, and said softly: "Honey, I'm here, and I won't be leaving for a while, we can always be together!"

"Well, just the two of us." Lu Lu also took advantage of Li Feng's head with her head, and then said: "By the way, Feng, do you like this villa? I bought it according to your preferences! There are mountains and waters. There are trees!"

Li Feng turned his head and looked at this European-style villa with a sea view. There is a mountain forest next to the sea. It is really "mountain, water, and tree". It is very good!
Li Feng took a general look, and then said: "Not bad, not bad, I haven't looked at it carefully, but such a good villa is worth a lot of money, right?"

Seeing that Li Feng was talking about what happened yesterday, Lu Lu directly punched Li Feng in the chest, and said with a smile: "You just think about that kind of thing all day long, but since you don't like it, then don't touch me from now on! "

"Don't, baby, I'm just kidding, I just rest for two days, just rest for two days!" Li Feng hurriedly grabbed Lu Lu's hand and said.

It's just that this time Lu Lu didn't give Li Feng face very much, so she turned her head away. Li Feng thought Lu Lu was really angry, but didn't see Lu Lu's sly expression.
However, Li Feng also had his own way, and resorted to the "transfer method", and directly talked to Lu Lu about the business, "By the way, baby, you are so eager to ask me to come, saying that it is Facebook's Xiaozha who is doing things. what's up?"

When it comes to serious matters, Lu Lu's whole temperament changes, and she becomes that Iceberg Queen again. At this time, Lu Lu also gritted her teeth and said: "It's not because of Zuckerberg's white-eyed wolf. Facebook was not popular before. At that time, he was still low-key;

On the contrary, now that Facebook has risen, it has started to pretend to be a tiger, trying to dilute our shares and drive us out of the board of directors. He has forgotten how he got up, and I should say that he should not have cooperated with him at that time. I didn’t expect to be an unfamiliar hungry wolf…”

When Li Feng chose Zuckerberg back then, Lu Lu still looked down on this brat, but it turned out that Li Feng’s eyes were right. This brat not only made Facebook booming, but even started to counterattack. , even Lu Lu couldn't hold him down anymore.

In fact, the reason why Li Feng went to the United States so early this time is not only because of his MBA, but also because of Facebook. Although he has a lot of personal assets in the United States, Facebook has the greatest potential for development.

Of course, Fengrui itself also has a research institute in Silicon Valley, which is the American project team of the Android system in charge of Andy Rubin, but these belong to Fengrui, not Li Feng himself.

After listening to Lu Lu's detailed introduction, Li Feng also thought for a while and asked, "How about Facebook's shares now? We still have 40% of the shares!"

When cooperating with Zuckerberg, Li Feng and Lu Lu’s Yunfeng Fund had 40% of the shares, and they also had priority equity increases. The shares cannot be diluted, and they must ensure that Yunfeng Fund is on the board of Facebook seats.

Because Lu Lu often deals with Zuckerberg and knows very well about the affairs of Facebook, and Lu Lu is also the CF0 of Facebook, so Lu Lu also just opened his mouth, "Currently, Facebook has conducted a financing, just to introduce Peter. Teal's VC,
Now the shareholding structure of Facebook: we still have 40%, this has not changed, Peter Thiel has 10%, Zuckerberg and other company management have 50%, of which Zuckerberg has 40% of the shares. "

Li Feng thought for a while, and said to Lu Lu: "You first help me to make an appointment with Peter Thiel. Since you dare to bully my woman, I will beat this Zuckerberg. Since I can make him succeed, there must be something for him." The way to make me fail, at least let him be honest for a while, knowing that there are some things that he can't touch if he wants to!"

Li Feng is the most protective, especially for his own woman, except himself, no one can bully his own woman!

(End of this chapter)

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